A. You are using PHPNuke, which is even MORE insecure than PHPBB, which it is based off of. Not to mention you get all the security vulnerabilities from it.
B. Fix the logo. If you use PNG, only use an alpha channel if you have the IE hack installed for your webserver.
C. You are using frames for no discernable reason.
D. The main site does not validate at all.
Fix everything listed there (it's all to do with the frames page)
E. In addition, the ACTUAL main page has MASSIVE issues with validation (many probably to do with the fact you hardly use CSS, and rely on PHPNuke too much)
F. The forums are borked.
G. The RSS feed is borked due to your crazy use of frames. It only appears for me in Firefox when I browse the actual page instead of the frames page.
H. It is not EXXXTREME enough.
But yeah, got a lot to do.