The thing that looks a little "off" to me is the fact that his head is a combination of two different perspectives. If you look at only his face (from his right eye onwards to our right), it looks like he's looking directly at the camera, based on the position and symmetry of his eyes, cheeks, mouth, goatee, etc. However, his neck, ear, and the back of his head appear as if you were looking at his head from about a 45 degree angle.
Look at my crappy MSpaint doodle..the back of his head, his ear, and his jaw appear almost exactly as they do in your picture, but keeping with that perspective, his eyes, nose, and mouth are shifted farther to our right, with his left eye and eyebrow beginning to diappear around the curvature of his face.
Even the edge of the left side of your guy's face looks like it should from the 45 degree perspective - it's just his facial features that need to curve around.
The example may be a bit extreme (cause I suck at paint drawing), but I think it conveys my idea.
that being said...I think it looks very did a nice job on the coloring and shading.
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