I made a level like a year ago for Outcast called "Pyramids of the Sith", no one has played it cause I didn't pk zip it properly.
You can however play it if you load if you unzip and unpak it, put the file "st4.bsp" in the "maps" folder and the levelshot in the "levelshots" folder (optional) and then load Outcast SP then type shift+` together and then type "map st4.bsp" because that is what the level is called. This was my first level and I didn't pk3 it properly, sorry. -try to beat this level in less then 25 min without cheats. that is my record. P.S. I dont know how to script properly so you have won when desann is dead. enjoy!
I will try and make a proper vesion when I get a chance.
You can however play it if you load if you unzip and unpak it, put the file "st4.bsp" in the "maps" folder and the levelshot in the "levelshots" folder (optional) and then load Outcast SP then type shift+` together and then type "map st4.bsp" because that is what the level is called. This was my first level and I didn't pk3 it properly, sorry. -try to beat this level in less then 25 min without cheats. that is my record. P.S. I dont know how to script properly so you have won when desann is dead. enjoy!
I will try and make a proper vesion when I get a chance.