It stays blue.
Anyway. Well, for now I planned it to come as a single shipset. That means this mission pluss the ships, all as a standalone installer.
However, there are numerous other sub-projects in the works, related to the Clone Wars in general. DTM, the guy who made the Jedi Interceptor and several other craft, is mainly working on those. But he also stated he originally intended to have each campaign independant.
That's still in theory though. There might as well be a full release, when all parts are completed.
As for the Coruscant stuff, I plan to have it all done by christmas at the worst. Here's the current status
- Jedi Interceptor: Done by DTM
- Tri-Droid: Done by Berruga
- Vulture Droid: EP1 version Done by Darksaber
- Venator Star Destroyer: Done by me
- Invisible Hand: WIP 80% by me
- Banking Clan Frigate: WIP 60% by me
- Trade Federation Battleship: WIP 95% by me
- ARC-170: WIP 90% by Master Qui-Gon & me
The Mission itself is pretty much done, safe for some fine-tuning every now and then. What remains to be done is the briefing.