Kirby: Unfortunately not, I must be doing something wrong.
Ruthven: judge for yourself (and no bowel problems)

I've never drawn anything for money, frankly nobody ever offered me anything if they asked me to draw something (and thus I usually declined).
DJ Yoshi: I made this entire drawing with a HB 0.5mm mechanical pencil and a ~7mm click-eraser.
Thrawn: Very long, but it was worth it

The entire picture has taken a couple hours, lost track of time. But it was spread out over 3 days.
Sarn: Personally I'm not 100% content about the hair either. I might sill make some minor adjustments.
Monoxide: I'm selftaught. I had 2 years of art in early highschool (nearly 6 years ago), where I didn't learn all that much. And I had 7 drawing classes last block, at my current study, game design & development, but that mostly covered charcoal and ink. I did draw one lifesize drawing of my sister in Graphite. But we didn't really learn any technique whatsoever in that class.
Everybody: Thanks for all the positive comments!