With some Celestrial textures from both RS Rigel Kentaurus A & B addons. I had some fun.
For those of you who are familiar with orbiter, the textures are Level 8. There highly detailed from both orbit, and on the surface. The main ringed planet is a dead earth sized world named Dionysus. It has been Said to have buried ancient alien civilsations. Violent duststorms blow acrossed the surface.
Note: planets atmosphere is so thick when nightfalls it is impossible to see the stars, even on clear nights. At night it is completly pitch black.
An Uninhabitable Volcanic moon called Orgelmir orbits this deserted world.
For those of you who are familiar with orbiter, the textures are Level 8. There highly detailed from both orbit, and on the surface. The main ringed planet is a dead earth sized world named Dionysus. It has been Said to have buried ancient alien civilsations. Violent duststorms blow acrossed the surface.
Note: planets atmosphere is so thick when nightfalls it is impossible to see the stars, even on clear nights. At night it is completly pitch black.
An Uninhabitable Volcanic moon called Orgelmir orbits this deserted world.