Daft - I'm glad you asked! Well to start, I'd like to mention that this is a recreation of a map I was working on in early 2001, before Neurotic. The idea was a small construct with a portal in the center that linked 2 points in time. I grew to hate the map, and I beleted it outta disgust. I sucked back then. If I find the screens I took of it, I'll show you. This version's concept has changed just slightly.... instead of bending time, I now intend to bend space.... I'd explain, but I don't wanna ruin the surprise.
"Mobius" is from the astronomer and mathematician August Ferdinand Möbius, and his
Mobius Strip concept that inspired this map (for reasons that will become clear when you play it). The word
Mobius has grown synnonymous to
"Grith" is an old english word for
sanctuary or
protection, from the norse "
gridh", meaning
....and yes, those circles are lined up. It's a perspective thing.
Kirby - Funny thing is, the first time I ever spoke to you was when I expressed my digust for your critiques of my work. Now, to be honest, your opinions are amoung most important to me.

I know what you mean about the lighting. Actually, I haven't really done the lighting yet (I just threw some dynamic lights in and switched on the goggles for the sreenshots). First I need to decide what I'm gunna do for the light's sources. I actually all ready have surface lighting in there. If I fail at lighting properly, it'll be a shame. All the detail that I made will just go unnoticed. I do realize it's importance.
Fardreamer - Heh, sorry about the obnoxious watermarks. These screens actually double for me as personal wallpapers... so they're there for my own enjoyment. In hindsight, I shudda posted the original version before I made these.... but I didn't. So tough nuggets.