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Updated again!
[Second Revision]
Added a blue light flare thing coming from the star. I also toned down (faded) the light rays which are to the upper left of the star, they now match the others better. I can't really think of how else I could improve this piece before I finalize it. If you have anything to say about it, now's the time to say it!
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[First Revision]
I added several layers to the nebula to expand the color variation as well as a cloudy texture layer. I refined the light rays, they are now less blurry. I realigned one ray so it aligned better with the position of the sun. This started as a skybox panel for Space Noxx II. It still is, but I really like how it has evolved into a separate piece. Comments still welcome, as always.
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Click for full size. When I decide it's finished, I'll expand it to a 4:3 ratio for desktop use and 8:3 for dual-display configurations. The stars tile so no problem there.
Updated again!
[Second Revision]
Added a blue light flare thing coming from the star. I also toned down (faded) the light rays which are to the upper left of the star, they now match the others better. I can't really think of how else I could improve this piece before I finalize it. If you have anything to say about it, now's the time to say it!
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[First Revision]
I added several layers to the nebula to expand the color variation as well as a cloudy texture layer. I refined the light rays, they are now less blurry. I realigned one ray so it aligned better with the position of the sun. This started as a skybox panel for Space Noxx II. It still is, but I really like how it has evolved into a separate piece. Comments still welcome, as always.
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Click for full size. When I decide it's finished, I'll expand it to a 4:3 ratio for desktop use and 8:3 for dual-display configurations. The stars tile so no problem there.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.