[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]The pelvis is fine, the legs are fine. You are wrong. C3P0 and R2D2 were both drawn from the actual cartoon clonw wars version of themselves. Any mistake you see, isn't a mistake. They are actually drawn like that.[/quote]
Then improve it. I could tell it was off the minute I saw it. Not only that, but I've tried copying things before and it hasn't come out quite right. I can tell that's EXACTLY how this was done. I was wondering why the artwork was so good.
this != your version of C3PO, and anyone who takes two looks at both will agree.
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]Your right, I should have made C3PO have a nice big floppy wang so I could have spent a few days animating that, and I think I should have made R2D2 skip with a basket of roses..Yeah. There isn't any need for 'fluid movement' with a 60 second flash about robots and spaceships. R2D2 just glides....C3PO walks all wobbly, and I figured for the less than 2 seconds you see him walk..it wasn't work making him walk.[/quote]
You're*. I'm not saying that, I'm saying animate the man, not make him a bunch of pieces you move. Look at Bitey--probably the best example I can pull for animation. The artist never uses the lame excues for animation flash uses, he animates it all by hand. That would have been impressive and made the overall quality of it better. The only thing I'm seeing here is "I was too lazy to make this a quality animation," and if so, that's fine. Just don't expect me to like it, and expect me to be critical of it if you're not going to put time and effort into it. I don't care if it's a 60 second animation, or a 60 minute animation, I'd rather see 60 seconds of quality animating and art and EFFORT than 60 seconds of just drawings that move around woodenly.
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]The doors opening and the final 'protrusion' were the two most complicated, polished, and un-shoddy parts of the animation. Nothing was shoddily done in those two scenes. Those two scenes are what took me so long to make this. People that have actually worked with flash before have complimented me on the door scene, because they know how complex it was. Each puff of smoke, each door, each lightning bolt, and every other object has to have it's own layer, and each layer needs to get animated seperatley. Same thing with the end scene. That scene had two layers for the planets because I needed the ship to erupt from the planet I needed a layer for the stars and a layer for the planet, and a layer for the ship...and for c3po...and for the lasers (two for the lasers). Also when the entire camera shakes, that involved taking all of the layers and making them shake seperatley to get the cool effect of the ship erupting out of the planet. So before you go and tell me that I didn't put any effort into this and that I am lazy, why don't you try to make a flash animation of your own. Until you do, stfu, because you don't know jack about flash. I can take it when people say it isn't funny, beacuse my sense of humor is rather weird, and I know a lot of people don't have that same sense of humor, but calling my animation shoddy and me lazy?[/QUOTE]
Saying that it's the most complicated, polished, etc etc piece of the animation isn't saying much, to be hoenst with you. It may have taken tons of time, but that doesn't matter. What matters is the end-product. I've spent hours, probably days worth of times on drawings that ended up like absolute crap, and 30 seconds on others that turned out beautifully. It's about how much effort you put it into it, but at the same time you gotta make sure that effort's going somewhere productive, and not straight into a steamping pile of worthless crap.