I searched the internet, and could only come up with two: JK 1.0, and the LEC patched JK. :p
Sige is right about WheelThingy. It has worked flawlessly for me for the past few years. I'll include it with JK Patcher, and rewire the setup program a bit.
WheelThingy: Allows you to bind a custom keystroke to wheel up and wheel down, so you can bind it to any function in JK. For example:
Mousewheel Setup:
Wheel Up: I
Wheel Down: J
You'd go into JK, Setup, Keyboard, and goto the function you want to bind, roll the wheel up/down, and JK will think you're pressing a key on the keyboard. End result: You can use the wheel mouse for scrolling through weapons, or force powers, or a multitude of things.
Extended Cog Functions: CogExt.dll, which JK.exe has been hacked to use, contains NEW cog verbs for use in JK. With the source, and some kind of compiler, you can create MORE NEW cog verbs.
Currently new cog verbs are:
GetPlayerLVec(); Returns the LVec of the local player torso
GetPlayerPitch(); Returns the pitch (in degrees) of the local player torso
HeapSave("Path\Filename.ext"); Saves the calling cogs heap to a file of your choice
HeapLoad("Path\Filename.ext"); Creates a heap and loads the file into the calling cogs heap.
HeapSize(); Size of the calling cogs heap, I think...
[edit]Oh yea! The patch also comes with the cog verbs sige wired in by hand into JK.exe: sin(), cos(), sqrt(), AIGet/SetAlignment(Thing [, Int Alignment])[/edit]
Anyway, prepare for your b0x0rz to be r0x0rd!