Hrm, where to begin... :em321:
1. The room is much darker, again, I had the field light on for the screenshot. Architectually, I made it larger, rounder, and made the ceiling domed. If that's not enough for you, then I'm sorry. Again, the room is rather dark so adding rediculous, time consuming details, just isn't on my high priority list...right now. I'm still in the process of making my initial pass through the level.

2. Chairs are thing at a time. This'll prabably be the first and last custom 3do I do for this level until I finish the architecture for it. I hadn't even planned on doing any custom 3do's at all yet, I was just experimenting (read my thread at jkHUB for more info).
3. The shadows on the curtains are created by the creases
in the curtain (most recent shot). Maybe I can get another angle for you in a little bit. Again, this is a WIP. Thanks for the comments, I'll try to exagerate it a little more.
4. The textures for the room, as through much of the level so far, have been redone. They are a higher resolution and are 16-bit (among other enhancements such as bump mapping, lighting effects, etc.).
5. I'm sorry the curtains don't appeal to some of you and it doesn't feel very "Narish." While I would agree that beads would look good in some areas of Nar, I do not think they really fit in here. Call it personal taste if you want. This section of the bar is obviously a VIP type area. Also know that Nar isn't all "Metal and Concrete." Nar is home to some of the most wealthies scum and corporate executives in the galaxy and they indulge themselves very well with their money. The curtains, therefor, not only coinciding with the cutscene, they are an attempt to reinforce the point that there is a "softer" side to Nar (not SEARS). I hope you can forgive me this time.
6. Yes, it was a gran. The Tusken 3do was what was used in the game and is standing in for the gran in the meanwhile. On a side note, he fits the new revamped table model perfectly (unlike the old one where his "proped up" leg's foot was off the table). I also rotated him ~180 degrees to how Kyle actually flipped the gran onto the table.
Thanks to everyone for the comments, keep them comming!