That was quite funny, but it could have been oh so much better. What made it funny? A clever script idea and a couple of fairly well placed lines. Otherwise, it was mediocre. I'll just outline a few things that bothered me (and some good things as well, cuz I like balance, and it was quite funny):
1) Sound - I could barely hear you, I had to crank up the volume on my speakers quite a bit, and the sound was grainy. You guys really need to speak up when you say your lines, project a bit more, and maybe choose a better quality tape for recording.
2) Acting - quite good in places (I'll touch on that more later) but overall not outstanding. Admittedly, it's comedy and so acting is of less priority than serious drama, but it still needs some substance. Again, you need to project more. Secondly, you need much more expression in your voice. When you were "interrogating" your friend, it was almost completely lifeless. I really didn't believe for a second that anyone was in danger. The key to comedic gold with this scene is making it look dreadfully serious and scary right up until you push the button on the boom box. It will make the scene so much funnier if you can do this.
3) Cinematography - not bad at all, again, not much opportunity for outstanding stuff in a scene like this, but it still could have been better. More variation in camera angles, perhaps more shots. Again, not bad, just could be better.
1) The slap was really good. Awesome in fact. But you need more serious stuff like that to bring out the hilarity of the comedy when it appears.
2) The music was mixed in very well. I loved how the guard was jamming to it as he walked off.
3) The Cazor "hump-dance" was VERY funny and the delivery of the line "yeah you will" plus the smirk on your face is priceless. Just bring the rest of the movie up to that standard.