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ForumsShowcase → A little hlep?
A little hlep?
2006-04-09, 11:27 AM #1
I'm trying to put together a photography porfolio for a job interview on Tuesday. I really only do photography as a hobby, so I have no idea what pictures to bring along with me. Could you guys look through these and tell me what you would include if you were me?

2006-04-09, 11:52 AM #2
You're certainly developing a good eye for the lens. I've looked through your collection and pulled out a few suggestions.

The first shot of the seagul makes the bird seem very stately at the end of the dissonant path. The blurred foreground can be forgiven.

The perspective comparison of traffic meters is unusual and interesting.

The b&w full-frame portrait in that same series is very good as well. You have a good angle on the face, interesting expression, good focus on the person and out of focus background.

The descending trio of friends and the green pasture wideframe are nice, as is the sunset over the lake panorama.

The orange boat detail is an excellent still piece.

The ivy-grown tower is a decent architectural piece, and if you use the leaf-silhouette over the reflected sunset in the lake, I'd take out the previous lake panorama. You want to convey a versatility and breadth of work.

The b&w perspective pathway with all the square arches is very well composed. The portait of the primate in the right side of the frame is *excellent*.

The fallen lamb is pretty good. The side view of the little girl is also pretty good, but I'd consider who you're shwoing this portfolio to first. The odd-angle view of the dorm room or whatever is a nice study in lighting.

Rail tracks have always fascinated me, and the first shot, where it almost seems like there's a tiny bit of color leaking in looks good.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2006-04-09, 1:51 PM #3
I avoid looking at people's photography portfolios because it makes me hate my own. You've got some really amazing shots, and then some other shots where I'm just like "Wait, these are portfolio worthy?" Not that some of them are bad, they just don't look like an artistic photograph. They look like vacation photos, or hangout-pictures.

I <3 the green-tinted ones.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-04-09, 1:56 PM #4
the site design is great, and the photo's i saw were truly brilliant.

Need i say more? no.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-04-09, 4:33 PM #5
as far as portfolio pieces go, heres my list.

1. the first bird pic, with the depth of field and everything, but as i said before its too magenta.(and this time i've got a calibrated monitor to confirm that.) take out just a little in photoshop (if your showing this on a computer)

2. the feet. just an amazing print.

3. the first B&W head shot. just brilliant. might crop it to just a little inside that dark shape behind him, to make it a little mor dynamic.

4. i've always loved that votzwagen. great political commentary.

5. two people walking down the trail. great colours and saturation

6. like gris said, the sunset lake with the sillouetted leaves. brilliant.[edit - the second one. the lighting is a little more interesting in the first one, but the foreground detail in the second really sells it]

7. the ivy tower is an okay archetectural study, next time though, try to keep your camera lens parrallel(i can never spell that) with one of the faces of the building. this keeps the building from looking like its tapered.

8. i like the ape portrait.

9. the portrait of the girl in the car.

10. either one of the dead bird, but i feel both need to be darker, with perhaps less contrast.

the daisy would be great if your hand wasnt in the shot. :P

usually they only want about 10 pieces, so here's my picks. i've been doing this a while now, and i've seen some of the **** some people get accepted with, and you've got a good eye, with great variety, all that really needs work is printing skills.

great job dude.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2006-04-09, 4:47 PM #6
Guitar, roadway/river whatever, peace volkswagon, the preeetty shot of the field, and the garbagebin raven

any of these are AWESOME
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-04-09, 10:16 PM #7
Well Murc, it depends on what sort of job you're shooting for and what sort of people are interviewing you. But I'm sure you've already taken that into consideration. That said, I'd personally reccomend going more with the artistic shots, the black and whites especially. Maybe it's just me, but I always thought black and white was much more expressive, both visually and emotionally. The dead bird shots stick out particularly well in my memory. (The first especially- I can't explain it as well as I'd like, but it just looks a little less like a corpse and more like a bizzare work of art.) Regrettably, I'd stay away from the Madison landmarks and SOME of the group photos. (However, I am very fond of that convex mirror shot.) Other favourites are the B&W leaning powerlines, the frosty needles, the close-up of the Harvestman, and the dumpsters. (Blame me for being a freaky guy who likes to shoot the nastiest and most dismal holes I can find in this city.)

Hope that helps. Good luck with the interview, mate.

Madisassian solidarity.
2006-04-09, 10:39 PM #8
Some of those were taken off of Jones bottles.

-not really
2006-04-10, 2:02 PM #9
<schwarzenegger> Some of YOU was taken off of Jones bottles! </schwarzenegger> Grrr.

Just kiddin', couldn't resist.
2006-04-10, 2:35 PM #10
I really like this and this. The aforementioned seagull is really great too. :)
2006-04-10, 7:40 PM #11
You should see it, man. That's a normal car in Madison.

Edit: Well, either that or an equal plastering of American flags and "support our troops" magnets.
2006-04-11, 6:41 AM #12
Thanks for all the help and comments everybody! Today's the interview...wish me luck...
2006-04-11, 6:50 AM #13
Good luck! You don't much need it, though.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-04-12, 2:47 PM #14
So howd it go?

share with us. tell us the choices you made. what did they tell you?
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM

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