"Stop!" the woman cried, "Let go of my purse!"
The thief dashed away, her expensive purse laden with expensive jewelry clasped tightly under one arm.
"Someone! Help!" the woman shouted, pointing to the fleeing man.
"Don't worry, ma'am," a nasal voice behind her said. She turned and looked up at the tall man. He wore a tan trenchcoat and a hat, and had a crooked nose from too many gutter brawls. His hair was dark, shaggy, and greasy. He had an air of overconfidence about him, and he smirked and eyeballed the escaping burglar as he said, "I'm always on duty."
Name: John Brown AKA "Inspector Gadget"
Sex: M
Race: Human
Align: LG
Age: 31
Wt. : 98 (Total Cyborg Weight of 370)
Ht. : 6'3
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Birth: Eldest child, 1 Sister
Class: Fighter
Homeland: Riverton District, Metro City (California, USA)
Kits: N/A
Relig: The Law
Levels: 14
STR: 22 (Hit Prob +4; Dmg Adj +10; Wt. Allow 785; Max Press 970; Open Doors 18(14); BB/LG: 80%)
DEX: 11 (Surp Adj 0; Miss Adj 0; Def Adj 0)
CON: 23 (HP Adj +6; Sys Shk 99%; Res Sur 100%; Pois Save +3; Regen 1/3)
INT: 8 (# of Lang 1; Spell level nil; Learn Spell nil; Spell/Level nil; Spell Immunity nil)
WIS: 8 (Magic Def Adj 0; Spell failure 25%; Spell Immunity nil)
CHA: 22 (Max # hench 35, Loyalty base +16, React adj +11)
XP: 1,500,000/1,750,000
HP: 59
AC: 6
THAC0: 3
Weapon Proficiencies
Nightstick/club (Spec)
Hammer/Mallet (Spec)
Boxing Glove on a Spring
Boxing Glove on a Spring (spec)
Gadgets (1)
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Gadgets (7)
Spoken Languages
Saving Throws
RSW: 7
PP: 6
BW: 5
S: 8
Armor & Weapons
Grey Trenchcoat (inflatable)
Grey Hat (see "Gadgets")
Survival Equipment
GP: 10,000
Gadgets (32 free)
Helicopter (1d6+7 rounds) (casts "Fly" as a caster half the level of the character rounded down; both hands are in use for the duration)
Ears (increases wisdom by 1d4 for the purpose of listening unless a loud noise is heard, at which point the maker of the noise rolls to attack. Ears have an armor class of 10. If the attack succeeds, the Ears deactivate)
Hat Band (displays messages and simple LED patterns)
Umbrella/Parasol (hat item) (grants featherfall for 1d4 rounds before inverting, can only be used once per day)
Lightbulb (hat item)
Parachute (hat item)
Loudspeaker (hat item)
Magnifying glass (hat item) (can increase level of magnification three times, between x1 and x1000)
Mallet (hat item) (an attack roll that fails is automatically treated as a critical fumble and strikes either the attacker or a nearby character)
Spring (hat item) (50% chance of removing all damage from falling as long as character lands head first)
Hat Hand (this Gadget does not use a Gadget Slot)
Phone (hat item)
Camera (hat item)
Motorized fan (hat item)
Spotlight (hat item)
Can opener (hat item)
Grappling Hook (hat item)
Necktie Lasso
Oil Slick (fires 5 gallons of oil at a time, 50% chance of toothpaste)
Legs/Arms/Neck (30 feet) (appropriate appendage mechanically extends by a length specified by character mentally, 50% chance of penalty/bonus 1d4 feet, up to character's maximum; character's melee range is treated appropriately; character receives -1 penalty to attack for every foot beyond 5 that his attacking limb is extended) (this Gadget does not use a Gadget Slot)
Magnets (shoes stick to any metallic object with a magnetic attraction)
Translator (Spanish, Chinese, Swahili, Cockney Accents, Russian) (translates only known languages, translator can learn 5 languages)
Skates (character's speed increases by 30 feet/round)
Rocket Skates: (skates, character leaves a "wall of fire" behind him for 1d6 rounds)
Skis (character can walk on water or snow as long as he moves above 6 feet per round)
Teeth (teeth leap from the character's mouth and can bite or talk)
Flashlight (hand item)
Phone (hand item)
Lighter (hand item)
Key (hand item)
Laser (hand item)
Pen (hand item) (50% chance of Pez)
Pez (hand item)
Screwdriver (hand item)
Toothpaste (hand item) (50% chance of oil)
Toothbrush (hand item)
Drillbit (hand item)
Snow gun (hand item)
Corkscrew (hand item)
Whistle (hand item)
Scissors (hand item)
Special Stuff:
A Cyborg is treated as a living being for the nefarious purposes of the DM. If a Cyborg is reduced to 0 hit points, its mechanical systems shut off (unless specified otherwise) and it is left with only its natural abilities. Resuming mechanical function requires the flip of a coin. If the coin comes up heads, all mechanical functions resume. If the coin comes up tales, the mechanical functions remain inactive to the remainder of the day.
If a Cyborg is reduced to -10 or less hit points, the living being dies and the mehcanicals are all that's left. If a cyborg is reduced to -15 hit points or less, the mechanical systems are destroyed. If a Cyborg is resurrected, the mechanical systems may be gone, depending on the state/functionality of the corpse. Mechanical systems may be repaired by a mechanic or engineer with understanding in such systems.
If multiple organs/systems of a living being are replaced by mechanical materials, then the replacement materials weigh twice as much as the materials they replace. A 150 pound man who loses 50 pounds of living organic material and has it replaced by mechanical materials now weighs a total of 200 pounds. This does not count towards Weight Allowance.
Scrap Pile
A Cyborg or android may, on occaision, due to it's programming, shut down or deactivate in such a way as to be semi-permanently out of action. If the character in question is a Cyborg, then the living being is put into a state of stasis that is indistinguishable from death except via "detect living" or other such what-have-you. An engineer or mechanic with understanding in androids and Cyborgs will recognize the character as merely being in stasis.
A Scrap Pile is treated as helpless and, for most intents and purposes, dead. However, a living being is merely resting, and therefore regains lost hit points and may prepare spells when restored. A Scrap Pile has as many hit points as remained when it was deactivated.
A Gadget Cyborg, due to it's innate understanding of the complexities of Cyborg software ad hardware, may attempt to reboot a Scrap Pile, restoring it to full functionality. Both parties flip a coin. If the coin lands on the same face for both, then the attempt is successful. If not, the Reboot fails and cannot be attempted by that Cyborg for the period of a week.
Always On Duty
No matter what a Gadget Cyborg is doing, he or she is at all times ready for action. A Gadget Cyborg who is ordered by a trusted person to do something automatically feels an intense urge to do it, and gains +1/level of difference between the Gadget Cyborg and that person towards any rolls necessary to fulfill that order, and a penalty of the same magnitude to any rolls that contradict, interfere with, or delay fulfillment of said order. This bonus/penalty can never be below one, and can only be used once a week by any one person. The bonus/penalty is removed once the task is completed. Bonuses/penalties from multiple orders from the same person do not stack.
Made In America, From Parts Created In Japan
Inspector Gadget was a lowly security guard working at a high tech lab before an act of industrial terrorism left him in pieces. Quick acting and the highest of high tech rescued him from the brink of death, but left him a battered individual.
A character who becomes a Gadget Cyborg has metal limbs, hydraulic muscles, and a cybernetically enhanced brain and heart, and gains an additional 1d6 to their strength and constitutional scores.
The Three Laws of Robotics
Due to the hardwired nature of the Positronic Brain, a Gadget Cyborg is always Lawful Good. A Gadget Cyborg may not knowingly or willingly kill a living creature, or through inaction cause the death of a living creature. A Gadget Cyborg is free to cause non-lethal damage. If a creature would be reduced to -10 hitpoints or fewer by a Gadget Cyborg, the Cyborg must roll to attack the creature (as though the creature was active and still fighting). If the "attack" is successful, the creature is instead reduced to -9 hitpoints. A roll of 20 heals the creature to 0 hit points. A roll of 1 deals 1 damage to the creature. If the creature is reduced to -10 hitpoints or less, the Gadget Cyborg immediately deactivates (becomes a Scrap Pile).
A Gadget Cyborg can collect and integrate many useful objects into his person. These objects must be purchased or obtained legally. A Gadget can not have been designed as a weapon. An object that can be used as a Gadget usually costs very little and can be found in any store. They range from lockpicks to rocket skates, from helicopters to signs that say "Bang".
A Gadget is placed in a Gadget Slot, of which the Cyborg has 1d10 per level (since their transformation to a Gadget Cyborg). A Gadget Cyborg may sacrifice a Proficiency (Weapon or Non-Weapon) for 1d6 Gadget Slots.
When a Gadget Cyborg wants to integrate an object into his or her system, the Cyborg must flip a coin. If the coin lands heads, the object integrates and a Gadget Slot is removed from the Gadget System. If the object fails to integrate, that particular object is unable to integrate ever again, and cannot be used directly by the Cyborg (wouldn't be able to look through a telescope, use a pencil, swing a sword, etc). The object, once integrated, is added to the list of Gadgets a Gadget Cyborg has. The object cannot be used for a week, while it properly integrates with the Gadget system. The type of object dictates the area it is located on the Cyborg's body. The exact, final location of a Gadget is at the discretion of the DM.
A Gadget Cyborg can use any object in its Gadget system as a standard action. The object is revealed from some secret hiding place and activates, usually instantly. A Gadget Cyborg controls the object as though it were a part of his or her body, as it arguably is.
If a Gadget is located in the Gadget Cyborg's head, helmet, or hat, then it is probably a "Hat Item". Note: Not all items in the head/helmet/hat are Hat Items, but all Hat items are in the head/helmet/hat. When a Gadget Cyborg decides to use a Hat Item, the Cyborg must roll 20% (of the player's chosing) or receive a different, often humorously homonymic word, such as receiving a Mullet (Fish or Hairdo, DM's discretion) rather than a Mallet. Most Hat Items are manipulated via the "Hat Hand", a large gloved hand (this Hat Item is available at first level since the character's transformation into a Gadget Cyborg, uses no Gadget slots, and does not require a "Hat Item Roll") with the same dexterity the Cyborg would have in their off-hand.
Some items may be placed in the hands and fingers of a Gadget Cyborg. Two items may be placed in each finger. Palms are treated like the rest of the body, in that there is no limit to the number of Gadgets that can be placed there. Items in the fingers are, for mechanical purposes, referred to as "hand items" If a Gadget Cyborg wishes to use a Hand Item, they must flip a coin, or receive the other item on that particular finger (The DM should keep track, for consistency purposes).
Retracting a Gadget requires a standard action.
If a Gadget is destroyed, it repairs itself within a week, using materials that the Gadget Cyborg ingests. If the Cyborg goes on a diet, or is starved, or other such circumstances occur, then only 1d4 Gadgets may repair that week.
Due to the compact nature of Gadgets, they only weigh half what they would otherwise. This does not count towards weight allowance.
-I considered making him a Paladin, but I didn't want him to have a very high wisdom score.
The thief dashed away, her expensive purse laden with expensive jewelry clasped tightly under one arm.
"Someone! Help!" the woman shouted, pointing to the fleeing man.
"Don't worry, ma'am," a nasal voice behind her said. She turned and looked up at the tall man. He wore a tan trenchcoat and a hat, and had a crooked nose from too many gutter brawls. His hair was dark, shaggy, and greasy. He had an air of overconfidence about him, and he smirked and eyeballed the escaping burglar as he said, "I'm always on duty."
Name: John Brown AKA "Inspector Gadget"
Sex: M
Race: Human
Align: LG
Age: 31
Wt. : 98 (Total Cyborg Weight of 370)
Ht. : 6'3
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Birth: Eldest child, 1 Sister
Class: Fighter
Homeland: Riverton District, Metro City (California, USA)
Kits: N/A
Relig: The Law
Levels: 14
STR: 22 (Hit Prob +4; Dmg Adj +10; Wt. Allow 785; Max Press 970; Open Doors 18(14); BB/LG: 80%)
DEX: 11 (Surp Adj 0; Miss Adj 0; Def Adj 0)
CON: 23 (HP Adj +6; Sys Shk 99%; Res Sur 100%; Pois Save +3; Regen 1/3)
INT: 8 (# of Lang 1; Spell level nil; Learn Spell nil; Spell/Level nil; Spell Immunity nil)
WIS: 8 (Magic Def Adj 0; Spell failure 25%; Spell Immunity nil)
CHA: 22 (Max # hench 35, Loyalty base +16, React adj +11)
XP: 1,500,000/1,750,000
HP: 59
AC: 6
THAC0: 3
Weapon Proficiencies
Nightstick/club (Spec)
Hammer/Mallet (Spec)
Boxing Glove on a Spring
Boxing Glove on a Spring (spec)
Gadgets (1)
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Gadgets (7)
Spoken Languages
Saving Throws
RSW: 7
PP: 6
BW: 5
S: 8
Armor & Weapons
Grey Trenchcoat (inflatable)
Grey Hat (see "Gadgets")
Survival Equipment
GP: 10,000
Gadgets (32 free)
Helicopter (1d6+7 rounds) (casts "Fly" as a caster half the level of the character rounded down; both hands are in use for the duration)
Ears (increases wisdom by 1d4 for the purpose of listening unless a loud noise is heard, at which point the maker of the noise rolls to attack. Ears have an armor class of 10. If the attack succeeds, the Ears deactivate)
Hat Band (displays messages and simple LED patterns)
Umbrella/Parasol (hat item) (grants featherfall for 1d4 rounds before inverting, can only be used once per day)
Lightbulb (hat item)
Parachute (hat item)
Loudspeaker (hat item)
Magnifying glass (hat item) (can increase level of magnification three times, between x1 and x1000)
Mallet (hat item) (an attack roll that fails is automatically treated as a critical fumble and strikes either the attacker or a nearby character)
Spring (hat item) (50% chance of removing all damage from falling as long as character lands head first)
Hat Hand (this Gadget does not use a Gadget Slot)
Phone (hat item)
Camera (hat item)
Motorized fan (hat item)
Spotlight (hat item)
Can opener (hat item)
Grappling Hook (hat item)
Necktie Lasso
Oil Slick (fires 5 gallons of oil at a time, 50% chance of toothpaste)
Legs/Arms/Neck (30 feet) (appropriate appendage mechanically extends by a length specified by character mentally, 50% chance of penalty/bonus 1d4 feet, up to character's maximum; character's melee range is treated appropriately; character receives -1 penalty to attack for every foot beyond 5 that his attacking limb is extended) (this Gadget does not use a Gadget Slot)
Magnets (shoes stick to any metallic object with a magnetic attraction)
Translator (Spanish, Chinese, Swahili, Cockney Accents, Russian) (translates only known languages, translator can learn 5 languages)
Skates (character's speed increases by 30 feet/round)
Rocket Skates: (skates, character leaves a "wall of fire" behind him for 1d6 rounds)
Skis (character can walk on water or snow as long as he moves above 6 feet per round)
Teeth (teeth leap from the character's mouth and can bite or talk)
Flashlight (hand item)
Phone (hand item)
Lighter (hand item)
Key (hand item)
Laser (hand item)
Pen (hand item) (50% chance of Pez)
Pez (hand item)
Screwdriver (hand item)
Toothpaste (hand item) (50% chance of oil)
Toothbrush (hand item)
Drillbit (hand item)
Snow gun (hand item)
Corkscrew (hand item)
Whistle (hand item)
Scissors (hand item)
Special Stuff:
A Cyborg is treated as a living being for the nefarious purposes of the DM. If a Cyborg is reduced to 0 hit points, its mechanical systems shut off (unless specified otherwise) and it is left with only its natural abilities. Resuming mechanical function requires the flip of a coin. If the coin comes up heads, all mechanical functions resume. If the coin comes up tales, the mechanical functions remain inactive to the remainder of the day.
If a Cyborg is reduced to -10 or less hit points, the living being dies and the mehcanicals are all that's left. If a cyborg is reduced to -15 hit points or less, the mechanical systems are destroyed. If a Cyborg is resurrected, the mechanical systems may be gone, depending on the state/functionality of the corpse. Mechanical systems may be repaired by a mechanic or engineer with understanding in such systems.
If multiple organs/systems of a living being are replaced by mechanical materials, then the replacement materials weigh twice as much as the materials they replace. A 150 pound man who loses 50 pounds of living organic material and has it replaced by mechanical materials now weighs a total of 200 pounds. This does not count towards Weight Allowance.
Scrap Pile
A Cyborg or android may, on occaision, due to it's programming, shut down or deactivate in such a way as to be semi-permanently out of action. If the character in question is a Cyborg, then the living being is put into a state of stasis that is indistinguishable from death except via "detect living" or other such what-have-you. An engineer or mechanic with understanding in androids and Cyborgs will recognize the character as merely being in stasis.
A Scrap Pile is treated as helpless and, for most intents and purposes, dead. However, a living being is merely resting, and therefore regains lost hit points and may prepare spells when restored. A Scrap Pile has as many hit points as remained when it was deactivated.
A Gadget Cyborg, due to it's innate understanding of the complexities of Cyborg software ad hardware, may attempt to reboot a Scrap Pile, restoring it to full functionality. Both parties flip a coin. If the coin lands on the same face for both, then the attempt is successful. If not, the Reboot fails and cannot be attempted by that Cyborg for the period of a week.
Always On Duty
No matter what a Gadget Cyborg is doing, he or she is at all times ready for action. A Gadget Cyborg who is ordered by a trusted person to do something automatically feels an intense urge to do it, and gains +1/level of difference between the Gadget Cyborg and that person towards any rolls necessary to fulfill that order, and a penalty of the same magnitude to any rolls that contradict, interfere with, or delay fulfillment of said order. This bonus/penalty can never be below one, and can only be used once a week by any one person. The bonus/penalty is removed once the task is completed. Bonuses/penalties from multiple orders from the same person do not stack.
Made In America, From Parts Created In Japan
Inspector Gadget was a lowly security guard working at a high tech lab before an act of industrial terrorism left him in pieces. Quick acting and the highest of high tech rescued him from the brink of death, but left him a battered individual.
A character who becomes a Gadget Cyborg has metal limbs, hydraulic muscles, and a cybernetically enhanced brain and heart, and gains an additional 1d6 to their strength and constitutional scores.
The Three Laws of Robotics
Due to the hardwired nature of the Positronic Brain, a Gadget Cyborg is always Lawful Good. A Gadget Cyborg may not knowingly or willingly kill a living creature, or through inaction cause the death of a living creature. A Gadget Cyborg is free to cause non-lethal damage. If a creature would be reduced to -10 hitpoints or fewer by a Gadget Cyborg, the Cyborg must roll to attack the creature (as though the creature was active and still fighting). If the "attack" is successful, the creature is instead reduced to -9 hitpoints. A roll of 20 heals the creature to 0 hit points. A roll of 1 deals 1 damage to the creature. If the creature is reduced to -10 hitpoints or less, the Gadget Cyborg immediately deactivates (becomes a Scrap Pile).
A Gadget Cyborg can collect and integrate many useful objects into his person. These objects must be purchased or obtained legally. A Gadget can not have been designed as a weapon. An object that can be used as a Gadget usually costs very little and can be found in any store. They range from lockpicks to rocket skates, from helicopters to signs that say "Bang".
A Gadget is placed in a Gadget Slot, of which the Cyborg has 1d10 per level (since their transformation to a Gadget Cyborg). A Gadget Cyborg may sacrifice a Proficiency (Weapon or Non-Weapon) for 1d6 Gadget Slots.
When a Gadget Cyborg wants to integrate an object into his or her system, the Cyborg must flip a coin. If the coin lands heads, the object integrates and a Gadget Slot is removed from the Gadget System. If the object fails to integrate, that particular object is unable to integrate ever again, and cannot be used directly by the Cyborg (wouldn't be able to look through a telescope, use a pencil, swing a sword, etc). The object, once integrated, is added to the list of Gadgets a Gadget Cyborg has. The object cannot be used for a week, while it properly integrates with the Gadget system. The type of object dictates the area it is located on the Cyborg's body. The exact, final location of a Gadget is at the discretion of the DM.
A Gadget Cyborg can use any object in its Gadget system as a standard action. The object is revealed from some secret hiding place and activates, usually instantly. A Gadget Cyborg controls the object as though it were a part of his or her body, as it arguably is.
If a Gadget is located in the Gadget Cyborg's head, helmet, or hat, then it is probably a "Hat Item". Note: Not all items in the head/helmet/hat are Hat Items, but all Hat items are in the head/helmet/hat. When a Gadget Cyborg decides to use a Hat Item, the Cyborg must roll 20% (of the player's chosing) or receive a different, often humorously homonymic word, such as receiving a Mullet (Fish or Hairdo, DM's discretion) rather than a Mallet. Most Hat Items are manipulated via the "Hat Hand", a large gloved hand (this Hat Item is available at first level since the character's transformation into a Gadget Cyborg, uses no Gadget slots, and does not require a "Hat Item Roll") with the same dexterity the Cyborg would have in their off-hand.
Some items may be placed in the hands and fingers of a Gadget Cyborg. Two items may be placed in each finger. Palms are treated like the rest of the body, in that there is no limit to the number of Gadgets that can be placed there. Items in the fingers are, for mechanical purposes, referred to as "hand items" If a Gadget Cyborg wishes to use a Hand Item, they must flip a coin, or receive the other item on that particular finger (The DM should keep track, for consistency purposes).
Retracting a Gadget requires a standard action.
If a Gadget is destroyed, it repairs itself within a week, using materials that the Gadget Cyborg ingests. If the Cyborg goes on a diet, or is starved, or other such circumstances occur, then only 1d4 Gadgets may repair that week.
Due to the compact nature of Gadgets, they only weigh half what they would otherwise. This does not count towards weight allowance.
-I considered making him a Paladin, but I didn't want him to have a very high wisdom score.