Threadless t-shirts along with Kill Hannah is hosting a T-shirt design contest.
So I mean, how can I resist?
You're allowed three submissions, and I'm about half done with my first one. However, I wanted a little feedback and maybe soem advice before I go along with finalizing the composition and then the final 2% tweaking.
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Simple concept. Crazy Angel is the name of a song from the new album. From the first time I heard the song title I thought about WWII fighter planes, "Crazy Angel" just seemed like something someone might paint on the side of one. That and the colored tips of a propellor tend to make a neat little halo.
If you haven't guessed, I traced two seperate things with Inkscape, a free vector art program. Do I consider this cheating? No. Should you? I don't care. I've gone as far as to use projectors in my paintings. I just want to point out that I don't care about what you think is cheating.
Besides, I changed alot of things for design purposes, and because I felt like it.
As for finishing, you're only allowed four colors. White is one of them, black doesn't count. The black is whatever color the shirt is. I think it would look best on black, but I've tested it on other colors and it looked alright as long as it was a darker color.
I was thinking about putting Gold on the tips of the propellors of the plane on the right, the P-51. So that when I drew in the after-image halo it'd have a gold ring around the edge, like an angel's halo. That in itself is a problem, because I just can't seem to come up with a good way of drawing the after-image halo. I think maybe I'll just do a series of circles with transparency I don't know yet.
I'll also be pushing the plane on the left further backwards, and probably bring the plane on the right further forwards.
The theme is "Until There's Nothing Left Of Us." So I thought war went good. The plane on the left is being shot down, and I thought instead of being on fire maybe I'll draw blood flying off of it. I mean, why waste two colors on fire?
Other than that I can't think of what else I might do. So if you had any useful suggestions I'd appreciate it.
So I mean, how can I resist?
You're allowed three submissions, and I'm about half done with my first one. However, I wanted a little feedback and maybe soem advice before I go along with finalizing the composition and then the final 2% tweaking.
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Simple concept. Crazy Angel is the name of a song from the new album. From the first time I heard the song title I thought about WWII fighter planes, "Crazy Angel" just seemed like something someone might paint on the side of one. That and the colored tips of a propellor tend to make a neat little halo.
If you haven't guessed, I traced two seperate things with Inkscape, a free vector art program. Do I consider this cheating? No. Should you? I don't care. I've gone as far as to use projectors in my paintings. I just want to point out that I don't care about what you think is cheating.
Besides, I changed alot of things for design purposes, and because I felt like it.
As for finishing, you're only allowed four colors. White is one of them, black doesn't count. The black is whatever color the shirt is. I think it would look best on black, but I've tested it on other colors and it looked alright as long as it was a darker color.
I was thinking about putting Gold on the tips of the propellors of the plane on the right, the P-51. So that when I drew in the after-image halo it'd have a gold ring around the edge, like an angel's halo. That in itself is a problem, because I just can't seem to come up with a good way of drawing the after-image halo. I think maybe I'll just do a series of circles with transparency I don't know yet.
I'll also be pushing the plane on the left further backwards, and probably bring the plane on the right further forwards.
The theme is "Until There's Nothing Left Of Us." So I thought war went good. The plane on the left is being shot down, and I thought instead of being on fire maybe I'll draw blood flying off of it. I mean, why waste two colors on fire?
Other than that I can't think of what else I might do. So if you had any useful suggestions I'd appreciate it.