here's another video demonstrating the newest additions to the lunar project.
level files exported from the editor can now be loaded into the game engine. the tile orientation code is not complete, so all of the wall tiles are currently drawn as a rightward-facing edge. if you saw the other exploration demo video, you will be pleased to see it is at least not solid blue and yellow (although the yellow is still there to denote forcefields).
the exploration mask demonstrated in the other video (what i'm now calling the 'free exploration' mask) is now augmented by a second exploration mask, specifically for visibility based on environmental factors (whereas the other mask reveals totally indescriminently based upon an exploration region).
the new mask (what i'm calling the 'tile exploration' mask) reveals regions based on a flood-fill algorithm; the same algorithm that is applied when you use the paint bucket tool in any imaging program. tiles that can effectively 'block the view' act as the non-target color in the flood-filling; causing the algorithm to stop. this is what allows the black regions inside the walls to stay darkened.
the previous mask is still used to smooth out the newly-explored regions.
note that wall collisions are non-existant currently.
1min 35sec (8.82mb)
level files exported from the editor can now be loaded into the game engine. the tile orientation code is not complete, so all of the wall tiles are currently drawn as a rightward-facing edge. if you saw the other exploration demo video, you will be pleased to see it is at least not solid blue and yellow (although the yellow is still there to denote forcefields).
the exploration mask demonstrated in the other video (what i'm now calling the 'free exploration' mask) is now augmented by a second exploration mask, specifically for visibility based on environmental factors (whereas the other mask reveals totally indescriminently based upon an exploration region).
the new mask (what i'm calling the 'tile exploration' mask) reveals regions based on a flood-fill algorithm; the same algorithm that is applied when you use the paint bucket tool in any imaging program. tiles that can effectively 'block the view' act as the non-target color in the flood-filling; causing the algorithm to stop. this is what allows the black regions inside the walls to stay darkened.
the previous mask is still used to smooth out the newly-explored regions.
note that wall collisions are non-existant currently.
1min 35sec (8.82mb)
[ B A H ]
Bad *** by nature,
Hackers by choice
Bad *** by nature,
Hackers by choice