I entirely disagree. I don't believe in talent in the genetic sense, either. Everything is experience and practice. Early childhood experience can often manifest itself later as 'talent'. Don't construe this as something negative for the people who have 'talent', on the contrary, it's a positive for those who don't. How many people could be great artists, but think they have no 'talent', and never try? Or those that do try, and are discouraged, because they don't think they have any 'talent'? No, this makes it very clear that the only failing is something under their control, and thus, that they can correct it by practicing more, by seeking proper instruction. Or it means that they don't enjoy it, that they put no heart in it, and that they shouldn't be doing it anyway.
So, no, I don't believe in talent. And there's not really a point to the argument, because I can't prove there's no genetic component anymore than you can prove there is. Maybe, when we understand how the brain works, we can make a more definite determination. But as it is right now, with how I understand the brain to work, I don't believe in talent. A child who has musical 'talent' is nothing but a child who was exposed to music, and liked it for some reason or the other, and latched onto it in the same way that another child might spend all their time lying on the sidewalk with chalk in their hand, and become an artist, or bury themselves in books, or movies, or math, and have 'talent' in those areas.
I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I'm just telling you what I think about it, and I certainly apply the same considerations to myself. I don't have any artistic talent. You might say I do, but I won't, and I'm the artist.
Also, don't construe for a moment that I mean no one is smarter than anyone else (Though, I've never met a truly stupid child. Stupidity seems to develop later in life), because there certainly are smarter people. I don't pretend to know how much is genetic and how much is environmental, and I certainly lean towards the idea that smarter people have a different way of thinking, and they are smarter because of this, and not necessarily because their brains function better or differently. No, this applies entirely and only to talent. I just find it quite hard to believe that a brain that evolved to swing through trees and later to dash through grass, and hunt, and survive, could have any sort of genetic component geared towards talents in art or language or mathematics.