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ForumsShowcase → Playing with my new toy...
Playing with my new toy...
2008-04-22, 8:32 PM #1

Click for full size.

dunno. saw awesome clouds, took a bunch of pictures to make a pano. photomerge is cool. unfortunately, i cant figure out how to get rid of those cracks that are there. the standard healing brush/clone tool method doesnt work, so i dont know what to do. i suppose i could flatten the image and do it that way...*shrug*
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2008-04-23, 12:51 AM #2
I love you.
2008-04-23, 4:00 AM #3
photomerge is pretty cool, but yea you have to manually fix it up to make it perfect
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-04-23, 5:45 AM #4
Thats a great landscape pic you got there!
2008-04-23, 7:22 AM #5
Ford, I don't know exactly what you are using to make this, but on my first panorama in Photoshop 7 I had images that overlapped on layers. Instead of cutting them to fit I blended them from one image to the next by erasing the edge of one into the other with a very soft, low opacity brush. I think newer versions of Photoshop have a thing where you can align pictures automatically by content so I'm not sure if that would help you but you might want to look into that, and I would also suggest that if you are lining them up by hand to temporarily change the opacity of the layers so you can see how they fit on top of each other. Thats all I got.
2008-04-23, 9:53 AM #6
i just used the automatic photomerge by content in CS3. only other editing i did to it was crop it down and boost the midtones a little. i'll prolly make a more serious attempt at a later date, but this was just a fun little experiment.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM

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