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ForumsShowcase → here we go, radiohead music video in the showcase forum
here we go, radiohead music video in the showcase forum
2008-04-24, 2:54 AM #1
ahem :P

You might have heard of Radiohead's animated music video contest. Well, my friend Arik and I have just completed our animatic/storyboard submission for the contest... many sleepless nights of hard work went into this, and we're pretty happy with the result. Care to take a look?

Now, the deal is they (Aniboom, Adult Swim and the record label) choose 10 semi finalists who will get funding to create a one minute higher-quality animation. The judging panel takes into account the number of views and votes, though I'm not sure to what extent (obviously earlier submissions will have higher counts). In any case though, the deadline is April 27 (just 4 days from now), and in order to get noticed we feel we should have a good few hundred views. If you're in the mood for it, you could take a minute to register and vote, maybe even leave a comment (it boosts the ranking).

In any case, hope you find it interesting, I'd love to have some feedback and constructive criticism.

Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.
2008-04-24, 3:06 AM #2
It really fits the music perfectly and looks really snappy (reminds me of GPF's artstyle a bit) but those parts that look more like sketches stand out kind of sillyish to me.

Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2008-04-26, 3:17 AM #3
in case anyone is interested (doesn't seem like it), my submission is doing pretty well, judging panel is making its decisions tomorrow.
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.
2008-04-26, 9:57 AM #4
I watched it, it was quite nice... Seemed a little awkwardly paced in parts, but I'm going to assume that a full animation would probably tidy that up. Great work!
2008-04-26, 9:58 AM #5
P.S. One really interesting thing you've done is create a sense of desperation. When I just listen to the song, I don't get that, but once you start repeating his journey at greater speed and confusion, it seems to fit the music quite well, and adds a new layer to it... that's very good :)
2008-04-26, 9:59 AM #6
That was fantastic. Even in it's storyboard form I could watch it more than once.
Think while it's still legal.
2008-04-26, 10:33 AM #7
I really enojyed the storyboards. I like the style you guys are using. Good luck :D
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2008-04-26, 2:47 PM #8
Thanks guys. The sense of desperation is what we going for above anything else. The idea comes in great part from all the JK tests I used to do, like flinging Kyle off a 200 JKU-tall building and having him teleport back to the top when he reaches the bottom :D
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.

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