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ForumsShowcase → Star Destroyer Avenger
Star Destroyer Avenger
2008-07-10, 5:16 PM #1
Well i know i seem to be a busy busy beaver, with my wing zero and all. But thats a side project, heres a shot of my SP/MP level, the Star Destroyer Avenger. Its going to be MASSIVE. Spanning the main hanger (with hanger intakes being to scale) engine area, and maybe the bridge. Its gonna be awesome. Need some help though, if anyone knows where to get a destroyer hanger floor MAT?



2008-07-10, 5:28 PM #2
I like your enthusiasm.
2008-07-10, 5:32 PM #3
well thank you
2008-07-10, 5:51 PM #4
As last thread, it's really way too early in development to give any sort criticism.
2008-07-10, 10:45 PM #5
Well im working on it LOL. I mean come on, making a star destroyer isnt easy! Specially when its my first level design lol. Atleast the design is original. Lol. Cut me some slack Echo?
2008-07-11, 9:16 AM #6
Cut you some slack? What do you want me to say.

I am criticizing your decision to post work in such an early stage. There isn't anything to really analyze because you are showing screenshots of JED preview with half of the work still covered with

Put some real direction and time into your work and then we might have something to comment on. (i.e. show progress maybe week or two later)
2008-07-11, 10:01 AM #7
While i do appreciate the criticizm, this wasnt a "hey look at my crappy SCs and tell me they suck" thread. I was hoping to see community interest and perhaps get some ideas and advice. I appreciate the critique Echo, but please, do cut some slack. If you have have some ideas for rooms and architecture, please let me know, otherwise, save the critiques for when i actually get an ingame SC up or i release a demo. Thanks. BTW, that goes for the Zero too. . .
2008-07-11, 8:18 PM #8
Originally posted by Zero_Raven:
...I was hoping to see community interest and perhaps get some ideas and advice. I appreciate the critique Echo, but please, do cut some slack. If you have have some ideas for rooms and architecture, please let me know, otherwise, save the critiques for when i actually get an ingame SC up or i release a demo...

That's your job. Otherwise, this is not a "hey look at the ISD I'm making" thread, it's a "hey, let's all make an ISD thread as a community project that I guide" one.

As for gaging community interest, I'll save you the time: there will be little to none at this stage. Until you *CREATE* something for us to be excited about, we won't care. Look at threads by BSR or Ruthven; everyone goes goo-goo gaa-gaa whenever they speak, basically, because they've built us up with consistently excellent displays of progress. Now I'm not saying you have to do the type of work they do in order to merit our praise, but you do have to have SOMETHING to show. Get it?
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2008-07-11, 9:50 PM #9
Well heres a small update, and im aware its probly too early for a good comment, but i figured id post this. This is a full screen of my ISD Avenger level thus far. From left to right (up to down)

The Secondary Hanger with your ship and the corresponding control room.
Across from that is the main shuttle hanger.
Followed by 2 subsidary hangers for launching ground crews, and finally the main fighte hanger. Also there is a good sized corridor behind the FH, which will connect to the engine area and eventually the bridge. Please enjoy thus far.

2008-07-11, 11:05 PM #10
Currently it's lacking architecture - it's just boxes adjoined. you'll want to cut some details out, like beams and supports along the walls, slope where appropriate, etc. Find some reference pics for the inside of a SD hangar to get ideas for this.
Clarinetists, unite!

-writer of Bloodwing
(a work in progress)
2008-07-11, 11:27 PM #11
im planning on having catwalks and perhaps those nifty little hanger floor elevators. But thanks for the idea G.Ramos. I always appreciate advice, especially from someone of your caliber.
2008-07-12, 9:45 AM #12
Use your imagination a bit with regards to the floor plan. Add some doors to some smaller side rooms with stairs up to other rooms that over-look the hanger. Hallways between these rooms. Vent system or something. A switch that "deactivates" the energy field and applies a sector thrust that sucks everybody out into space ^_^
2008-07-12, 10:47 AM #13
Dash, i love your thinking. Can anyone say JEDI OUTCAST?! That was may favorite part of that game. Sitting in the nice safe control room, hitting switch and by by stormies! HEHE. Also i love the control room ideas. They do offer a beautiful little multi level twist and it really brings out the scale. Which is another reason i have the catwalks and stuff.
2008-07-17, 6:51 PM #14
Oh BTW, update on the ISD. I recently obtained some Death Starish Imperial Textures and have been incorporating them into my level. Im also using ideas from you kind folks. Thanks for all the ideas. Just, can anyone tell me how to do a reactor thrust similar to the MP Bespin level?
2008-07-17, 6:59 PM #15
small pic update. I apologize for the Pinkish texture skew? it happens despite what CMP i make the textures.

The first picture is the starting hanger, its main control room and security room, as well as the hallway branching off.

SC 2 shows the Primary fighter hanger as well as the storage hanger and ground launch hanger. The smaller blue window between the two is the mid ship control room. Gonna be working on the bridge here soon.
2008-07-17, 9:10 PM #16
The textures going like that is because they are 16 bit textures. I cant remember if you can run jed in 16 bit but you can run jk in it.

As for the level so far, the archi does look pretty hideous at this stage. All i can say is get some refernce pictures.

this is all i could dig up but im sure you'll be able to find shots from the movie somewhere.
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2008-07-17, 9:22 PM #17
actually if you take a close look to the first hanger, there is the curvature to the deck. the reflective floor idea is something i wanted to do but its more difficult then is worth this point. This is going to only be a alpha test for my idea anyway. I know it seems like a waste to only have this large of a project be an alpha but its trial and error you know. i appreciate the reference pic, and ill be releasing the shot of my DS-2 hanger in a few days. thanks again. au revoir for now.
2008-07-17, 9:35 PM #18
Yea i wouldn't waste you time trying to put in a reflective floor. Just get a nice shiny floor texture
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2008-07-17, 10:05 PM #19
actually shiny floors are hard to come by. The texture Ruthven made does a decent job. (look in my hanger floor thread). If you have alead on a better texture let me know?
2008-07-17, 10:58 PM #20
Mirror floors is easy if you don't mind the lag. Flip the sector, copy the 3DOs, give the in between opacity, make it unpassable. Tada, instant reflections. The only problem is that it won't reflect the player.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2008-07-17, 11:11 PM #21
yeah in a SP game a mirror floor is a beautiful touch, but when converting to MP, lag is an issue. I unno, its all a matter of what looks good versus whats feasable.
2008-07-18, 4:00 PM #22
someone should make a cog the mirrors the player, and all the ai.
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Offer expires on 6/6/06. Valid one per customer, per day.

2008-07-18, 5:37 PM #23
Originally posted by a_person:
someone should make a cog the mirrors the player, and all the ai.

There's a plugin for JED/ZED called Mirror Magic. Select the surface you want to be the mirror, then switch to sector mode and select all of the sectors you want mirrored. Finally, run Mirror Magic.

It won't copy 3do's and such though.

This issue was posted recently in the Editing forum, so head over there and check it out for more details.
2008-07-22, 6:06 PM #24
Hey, just to maybe give you some ideas here's a star destroyer level I've been working on myself

Don't go stealing too many of my ideas though ;)
"What is and what should never be"
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