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ForumsShowcase → [WIP] Untitled Forest (Crysis Map - WARNING - Lots of Pics!)
[WIP] Untitled Forest (Crysis Map - WARNING - Lots of Pics!)
2008-10-09, 1:11 AM #1
- Posted directly from -

Hey! So, my caves level was completely bugged (darn). So, I decided to make a new one (aside from me remodeling my house in SB2 lol). Here it is, 1280x720, all Very High, EdgeAA 2x (can't use real AA in SB2 lol) I can't think of a name now, so why don't you help me name it! :D

You might see by the shots, that the level is (obviously) still WIP. Half of the area hasn't even been done yet. I've mostly been playing with the ToD, adding fog, etc. Thanks to the Exodus Mod Team for the pine trees! :D (I love them to death.)

PS: It's still undecided of gamemode. I'm assuming it'll become Power Struggle. But I'm not sure yet.







2008-10-09, 1:11 AM #2







Phew, that's a lot of pics.
2008-10-09, 7:54 AM #3
The hills look kind of cool, but the tree placement seems odd. Also, I can't tell what you're responsible for making look good and what just looks good thanks to the Crysis engine and prefabs. Are we supposed to evaluate you on your landscaping and placement of foliage? BEcause that's all I'm seeing besides use of the engine's good-looking fire.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2008-10-09, 11:24 AM #4
Pretty much. It's the choice of how I made the terrain, where I placed the paths, how I made the river (god knows making rivers is difficult as hell lol) and the addition of ambient sounds, animals. (which you can't notice since these are static pictures. You can see the birds though. But not the butterflies, the frogs and turtles, etc.) It's also a case of using the games gorgeous effects to make the level come to life.

It's only like, 3 hours into work, I made it overnight lol, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I plan on pushing this level much further.

Also. It's Technically my first map. I made a small cave map using voxels, and made my own house in the game with Solids, but I never actually made an outdoor map.
2008-10-09, 12:36 PM #5
The night one looks weird, cause the lake is all bright and shiny and I don't see anything in the sky for it to be reflecting
2008-10-09, 1:38 PM #6
Originally posted by 'Thrawn[numbarz:
;951739']The night one looks weird, cause the lake is all bright and shiny and I don't see anything in the sky for it to be reflecting

I fixed that about an hour ago :)

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