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ForumsShowcase → Share Your Daily/Weekly/Monthly Drawings, Doodles, or Other Art Pieces
Share Your Daily/Weekly/Monthly Drawings, Doodles, or Other Art Pieces
2009-07-04, 3:43 AM #1
So I've just now started to really dive into using Flash for drawing with my tablet, and have been able to produce some really thoroughly enjoyable results. I'm hoping to make this a finished product, and then start on some basic animation in it, and hope to make a movie with a friend who knows more about the technical side of flash, then maybe even some kind of game. As for the drawing, here it is, about 3 or 4 hours in now;


The rest of you, feel free to post your drawings/doodles. In fact, I'd love to see what some of you might have to share.

Here's hoping we can get a bit more action in the showcase forum...
2009-07-05, 8:07 PM #2
That's pretty neat. I've never animated anything in Flash, what exactly do you have in mind for this drawing? will each part of it (I'm assuming it's the legs of some kinda robot) be cut up and animated around pivots, or something?

Which reminds me, how's that game that you and your friends were making coming along?

Thirdly, this is a nice idea for a thread, I'll try and put up a couple sketches I did in Italy in the next few days.
2009-07-11, 12:47 AM #3
Because I don't know how to draw...
Attachment: 22270/mars_wip1.GIF (5,086 bytes)
2009-07-11, 2:29 AM #4
MS Painted from a draft excerpt at work during a weekend night shift, so please forgive the terrible spelling and grammar.
2009-07-12, 1:13 PM #5

A demo I threw together a couple weeks ago for my portfolio just to have some evidence that I can develop in BREW, one of the API's for cell phones. Like Koobie I don't draw, but this is sort of a programmer's equivalent of a doodle.
2009-07-12, 1:32 PM #6
needs more blood I think. :suicide:
Think while it's still legal.
2009-07-12, 1:41 PM #7
Hahaha. Yeah, it was intentionally over the top. I had read that one of the companies I was applying to was really into gore, so I put in a couple of cheap effects.
2009-07-12, 7:51 PM #8
That's actually rather rad. I'm trying to get my comp stabilized (windows install keeps getting corrupted when I restart) and then I'm going to try and work on my pictures a bit more.
2009-07-13, 5:18 PM #9
The early beginnings of an Artoo model. Plus fun and useless trivia fact: Artoo's legs change around between movies and scenes. What's odd is that it's not a right-left swap as the front of each leg has cables coming out of it. I only noticed it when setting up my reference images and thought I was modelling him back to front.
2009-07-13, 5:23 PM #10
R2's head swivels.
2009-07-13, 6:08 PM #11
Yes I know. But the photos show the head and body orientated the same way. i.e. He's not facing backwards which you can since he's not symmetrical. Plus the shots are seconds apart where Artoo hasn't moved.
2009-07-13, 6:23 PM #12
Originally posted by Shayol:
Yes I know. But the photos show the head and body orientated the same way. i.e. He's not facing backwards which you can since he's not symmetrical. Plus the shots are seconds apart where Artoo hasn't moved.

One of the shots was flipped in post-production.

2009-07-13, 6:27 PM #13
Sweet jesus, who cares? :carl:
2009-07-13, 7:11 PM #14
A modeler who wants to be accurate?

2009-07-13, 7:30 PM #15
They were filmed on different days, someone ****ed up and put 3po on the wrong side. So they flipped the shot to fix it. I'd say probably the one where he's lying down, since it's much harder to see the asymmetrical spots on 3po's chest.
2009-07-13, 8:11 PM #16
i havent worked on this in over a month
Attachment: 22285/alien4 copy.jpg (348,623 bytes)
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2009-07-13, 9:06 PM #17
Originally posted by The Mega-ZZTer:
A modeler who wants to be accurate?

Correct. There's no point in doing something if you're not going to do it right. I've been trying to figure out the right side. The wookieepedia page has two images of Artoo from almost the same angle on the same side and the gadgets on his legs are different which was just annoying.

I didn't think this it was a flipping issue at first since this just turns his left side into his right side and the little gadget circled stays on the same side relative to the cables when flipped which doesn't explain the differences.

However, the flipping thing works if his left and right legs are physically different (checked via tests with the model itself). The top two are from different sides, the bottom two are the flipped ones. Hooray. That was bugging me. Thanks The Mega-ZZTer and JM for the idea. :)
2009-07-14, 10:46 AM #18
If I remember correctly, in the commentary they also talk about having several artoo models that could physically move different ways. It's possible they were slightly different, in ways that very few people would actually notice.
2009-07-14, 11:52 AM #19
Originally posted by The Mega-ZZTer:
One of the shots was flipped in post-production.

That's what I thought at first two because they did a lot of this in the original trilogy (especially in the Cloud City scenes).

However, wouldn't C-3PO be on the other side of R2 if that was the case here?

I think SithGhost is right here. This is a case of two different models. One physical and one CGI? There are some inconsistencies in the dirt patters as well as the panel sizes look slightly off from the other in some places.

Just my opinion on the matter.
2009-07-14, 4:02 PM #20
For some reason I thought Artoo was all CG in the prequels. But after a little bit more research I found out that there were ~ 15 physical Artoos on Ep II. No wonder they're different. :( Good catch Sith Ghost and Alco.
2009-07-15, 10:45 PM #21
My catch was pure luck--for some reason I thought we were talking about the original trilogy. lol It was only after a second look that I noticed the pillar in the background of the photos you showed.
2009-07-15, 11:07 PM #22
And you failed to notice that C-3PO wasn't gold? :P
2009-07-16, 6:15 PM #23
Nope, lol, missed that too. Looks like my Star Wars nerd badge has been officially revoked. :smith:
2009-07-20, 12:35 PM #24
haha. i dont know where people get the idea that big budget films just screw up on continuity of shots all the time and can just "flip" the footage later to fix it. you can flip a shot to give the idea that someone is on the other side of a room, or standing on the other side relative to another person, but i can assure you they did not shoot this from the wrong angle and need to "flip" it in post. even if the two shots were filmed over a week's time span, there are people who are paid ONLY to make sure that doesn't happen. plus there are storyboards and scene layouts drawn out months beforehand, every shot is already planned out long before anyone is on set.

you kids thinking you know how movies are made!! *shakes fist*
2009-07-20, 1:45 PM #25
Fine, then someone else ****ed up by not noticing the leg was backwards.
2009-07-24, 1:30 PM #26
a little something I have been working on
Attachment: 22371/Image1.jpg (487,328 bytes)
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2009-07-24, 1:41 PM #27
I can see my house from here!

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