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ForumsShowcase → The OPT-machine hath returned
The OPT-machine hath returned
2009-08-30, 4:44 PM #1
Hmm, short-time working does have its upsides. After half a year of virtual inactivity now the second release within two weeks, I think I'm in an OPTing frenzy!

Meet the Praetorian:

At some point I figured I was at a lack of flag-worthy non Dhilani capital ships. Even if the boundaries between good and evil may shift through the game, I yet wanted to have certain sides show of their own distinctive ships. Since I didn't want players to keep fightin the same ships they have on their own side, I came up with the design of the Praetorian as a sort-of baddie flagship.

The bulky Praetorian is an old but yet powerful Dreadnaught. While timy compared to contemporary battleships, this ship was a persistent and reliable combat vessel in the old times, although through the first two decades of the 25th century UPT it made place to more advanced cruisers like the Inferno or the A-25 Phoenix. Yet still today a few Pretorians are in sevice, mainly in less populated sectors, most of them belonging to private owners who often keep them as flagships to their personal fleets.

The Praetorian's spacious hangar can hold a squadron of starfighters for additional defense, since the majority of its weaponry is desgned for heavy combat against other capital ships rather than anti-fighter combat.

Length: 844 m
Shield Rating: 2800 SBD
Hull Rating: 2600 RU
- 14 heavy Quad DIP Turrets
- 26 heavy point defense DIP Batteries
- 4 EMP Cannons

The Praetorian comes with a set of flghtgroup colors, which, apart form the blank version include the Torlacian and Chedalonian insignia as well as the Red Star of the Corlini syndicte.

As usual you can get this one at your local X-Wing HQ or at The Blue Phantom Project.

And Now for some more eye-candy:

Oh, in case anybody wonders: The planet backdrops are from Google Earth :)
ESS Supreme Commander Vince Trageton
Vince T's X-Wing HQ
The Blue Phantom Project
2009-08-30, 7:52 PM #2
That explains why the ships look so much more real than the planets.
2009-08-30, 9:21 PM #3
Sooo many engines. >_<

2009-09-06, 8:52 AM #4
'dunno if it means anything to you... but Ysaneya, over at the forums, is creating a pretty frickin' awesome game, you can find information at this website...

I think they can use somebody with your skill, because your ships always look pretty awesome.

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