Ignoring the fact that it's pretty silly to compare 8-bit textures from 10 years ago to the larger, 16/32-bit current variety, you of all people, Emon, should realize that all I said was "they need work". I shouldn't have to spell it out all of the time. Some people motivate with "That's great, keep at it!" I motivate with "It sucks." Like it or not, having nay-sayers more often than not helps drive an individual. It is an obstacle to overcome. I shouldn't have to point out every flaw. Knowing that something is (or that someone thinks it is) flawed is supposed to make people stop and think "What is wrong with this?" Maybe the answer is nothing. If so, carry on and dismiss the person's opinion. Chances are, if you let it sit for a day or two, or even only a few hours, you'll come back to it and find things that you feel are wrong. Not everything is handed to you. Shred, being a respected figure in the community for his models and skins, already has experience in this field. I understand the giddiness that accompanies coming to a finishing point on a new project, however I would expect someone that has a proven track record in releasing quality materials to hold back and look at his own work objectively. This is not meant to offend, but if it does I really don't care.
Really, other than a couple of those that are really nothing more than base textures, the rest aren't all that great. They lack color depth. The lighting is inconsistent. You can see obvious overlays where details bridge gaps between tiles. You can see obvious filter use. Details that have a distinct bevel don't create a deep enough shadow, or create shadows that are too deep.
Just like you don't have to make movies to be a decent film critic, you don't need to be a designer to notice flaws like these. You play a lot of video games, and you've played a lot over the years. You see these items in real life. Any person that posted in this thread could have made these same observations. No one did. I provided counterpoint. I am just as harsh on myself, if not more so. I think everything I've done is **** and was a terrible waste of time. So be it.