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ForumsShowcase → Life of Grismath Co-op Public Beta
Life of Grismath Co-op Public Beta
2009-09-16, 8:38 PM #1
BETA 1.1 released at [url][/url].


To run the mod, extract the ZIP into your JK directory and click the included BAT file.
Create a new multiplayer character to play the game.
You can only play in Multiplayer, so pick your character and gather a party. One person can play in MP as well.

Comment here or on the JKHub.

Enjoy! :D
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-17, 7:08 AM #2
Pretty good. Ignoring the misflagged surfaces, odd HOMs and some weird adjoins, it seemed like a snappy beta even if I didn't get far with the Spaceport Mom quest... must test again later.

Even now it's better than what TODOA will be like. Cheers!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2009-09-17, 9:39 AM #3
What force rank are we supposed to play as? You seem to have a couple force powers in there (jump/speed).

- You can't bind shorten/lengthen grapple hook. Too many keys bound, it says.
- Jump into the center window in the lobby. You can't get out!


2009-09-18, 5:30 PM #4
I'd try it if I could get some guys to play it with.
2009-09-18, 6:44 PM #5
One night next week, I'd be down for a game.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-21, 8:46 PM #6
Downloading now, lemme know when you wanna get that game going
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2009-09-22, 1:20 AM #7
Okay pork rumps: how about WEDNESDAY 10:30 PM EST
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-22, 8:34 AM #8
I'll play, if I can join. Haven't tried joining a game of JK in ages.

2009-09-22, 10:10 AM #9
sounds good
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2009-09-22, 10:35 AM #10
I can't believe this is still around, I'm impressed by your persistence Gris.
2009-09-22, 12:00 PM #11
Whoa, the ship actually took me to the TFoJ2 level! I guess I haven't checked through all of this release yet...
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2009-09-22, 2:33 PM #12
<_< yes, it's full of surprises.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-22, 3:06 PM #13
Wednesday at 10:30 I will be puking up Japanese food in my fiancee's toilet, after having been on a date with said fiancee at a local Japanese restaurant. How about another game another day?
2009-09-22, 3:06 PM #14
Oh I forgot each character has it's own skills, no wonder I was sucking so bad I was playing as Grismath. :awesome:

2009-09-22, 4:27 PM #15
I'd be down for another game on MONDAY SEPT 28TH at 6:30 PM EST.

And you can always organize games among yourselves. :)

So for WEDNESDAY's game:
We should pick who we're going to be pre-game.

Lord_Grismath as Grismath
The Mega-ZZTer as ?
zanardi as ?

ABOUT THE CHARACTERS: (see below for a more up-to-date post)
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-22, 5:06 PM #16
If it's big co-op, we should get something that helps us communicate through mics.
2009-09-22, 5:53 PM #17
Like Ventrilo?
2009-09-22, 6:29 PM #18
I vote Skype. My Skype name is Grismath.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-22, 7:31 PM #19
For some strange reason on my computer, most of the level looks fullbright, no shadows at all. :(
2009-09-22, 8:47 PM #20
That is in fact how the beta shipped. It took me 5-10 minutes every time I tried to calculate lighting. I didn't have time to light many areas to my satisfaction, especially outdoors, so I left many places fullbright or used some degree of sector lighting.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-22, 9:01 PM #21
BTW if I'm not active at the time of the game, I probably forgot and am doing something else, you can get my attention by /noticing me a bunch on IRC or trying to start a voice chat on Steam.

I pick Ivan Boomfingers!

2009-09-22, 9:20 PM #22

MAZZT as Ivan Boomfingers
Lord_Grismath as Grismath
zanardi as ?

Originally posted by ECHOMAN:
If it's big co-op, we should get something that helps us communicate through mics.

I think it would also be neat if anyone who could run FRAPS did and I could splice the best footage/banter into another, new and improved LoG video clip. :)

Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-23, 4:14 AM #23
I've updated the character perks, made some visual improvements, and fixed some bugs. I'll upload the new Beta 1.1 in time for our game.

More on the characters in Beta 1.1:

Ex-dictator of a small Balkan country, now a narcissistic, self-styled celebrity. At fortysomething, Grismath is showing his age, but behind a CPKM plasma pistol he definitely still has the magic.
Unique projectiles for the plasma pistol
Can charge up the plasma pistol to do more damage for more energy

There are fewer pros than the other characters. This is closer to a vanilla JK experience at the moment.

The wisecracking Russian cyborg is at it again! Ivan doesn't just pack a lot of weapons, he IS a weapon. Just keep him well fed or you'll end up like a certain Orc...
Cyborg punch
Thunderbolt punch
Boomstick w/ explosive ammo
Starts with extra armor

Health slowly drains over time due to Ivan's voracious appetite... if Ivan eats food he gets 3x the benefit anyone else would

Bubba is a vampire biker. No one knows where he's com from or where he's going, but he's after the Argemitis Galacticus and has literally gone to Hell and back in search of it.
If Bubba's health drops below 30, he gradually regains health over time, like many modern FPSs

Health vials provide no benefit to Bubba (he can't pick them up)

Years after the events of LoG 2, Bernard is alive and well and still in the employ of Lawless Legal Solutions. He's been through a lot, although you certainly couldn't tell by listening to him. He may shy from combat, but when push comes to shove, his henchman training serves him well.
When very low on health, has a slight chance to boost up by 30 health

None at the moment
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-23, 7:38 AM #24
Yeah! Who needs health when you've got EXPLOSIVE HANDS!

2009-09-23, 5:17 PM #25
So we are doing this tonight?
2009-09-23, 6:52 PM #26
We are! Are you on Skype? What are your usernames?
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-23, 6:54 PM #27
I still do not have skype. :( I'll look into it now but it might not be set up in time. Oh well.

[Edit: Installing]

[Edit: Grr why did the installer say "Plugin" instead of "Toolbar" then I would have known it was something I should uncheck.]

[Edit: I already have an account but I forgot the password I used. Yay have to reset it.]

[Edit: I am the_mazzter]

2009-09-23, 7:11 PM #28
Ok, I uploaded beta 1.1. Please see the first post to download. :)
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-23, 8:13 PM #29
sorry I am a bit late, I don't have skype either
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2009-09-23, 8:56 PM #30
Oh no! Zanardi, we missed you! You would have completed our party. :(

Luckily we did get :gbk: to join.

Here's MAZZT looking off into space. Shortly before his spacewalk.
Attachment: 22714/space.jpg (95,616 bytes)
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-23, 9:53 PM #31
Yes I found out the hard way that Gris forgot to make that adjoin not passable, and I fell through earth into space. I also saw buildings in space! I'm not sure why they were there, and I forgot to take pics. :(

Gris asked me to take pics at one point but I'm not sure why since it's not anything he hasn't shown before but oh well. Click for not-thumbnails.

Here I am with my fists that shoot lightning, in the sewers with Grismath. GBK went off and got conc blasted by a tank and died somewhere so we're waiting for him to respawn and find us.


GBK was going really fast through the sewers in this next one but thanks to Fraps pushing my JK framerate down to like 5 I just missed him apparently.


When I decided to turn Fraps off it became quite more enjoyable since my framerate jumped back up to a more reasonable several hundred. I'll sort through the Fraps but I'm not sure if there's much good in there, might clip out a few things with VirtualDub and post 'em.

[Edit: Aww, apparently when we started our Skype voice chat that totally didn't work anyway that stopped audio from recording in Fraps, so there really isn't much usable other than the lobby. Phooey! Probably why Skype wasn't working too.]

[Edit: Also the audio that is there is out of sync, though it syncs back up if I seek! That seems like it would be fun to fix! Yeah I think I won't try getting anything from this. :(]

2009-09-23, 10:19 PM #32
Hahaha... when I said "hold still, screenshot" I meant I was taking a screenshot of you! :D
I may post some more pics later, but I think I'm done working on this level for good. I hope others will have fun playing what's there.

I'm going to take the best parts of the mod (separate from the level) and, knowking what I know now, try to make a smaller, better-performing experience for the level contest.
Many issues in this level were due to the fact that I was amalgamating several huge levels, each with their own special bugs, into one, massive level.

The level contest entry will feature more, smaller areas (I've decided on four, one having to do in some way with each character) that are more diverse.
Since this won't revolve only around Grismath and since I'm not using any more LoG archi besides the spaceship interior, this will be a branch off from the LoG series and the humble first in a broader universe.

Galactopticon Chronicles
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-23, 10:23 PM #33
Played it with a friend, we had absolutely no idea what to do and the level seemed broke, but it's a beta and was fun anyway.
The dialogue is great.
2009-09-23, 10:33 PM #34
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Played it with a friend, we had absolutely no idea what to do and the level seemed broke, but it's a beta and was fun anyway.
The dialogue is great.

Thank you for playing. Can you elaborate on the "we had absolutely no idea what to do?" What did you end up doing? How "far" did you get?

I attempted writing a cog for multiplayer cutscenes that would be different depending on which characters were represented (e.g. Ivan might be there or he might not be) and having client-side dynamic cameras that would focus in on whichever character was talking but even the opening cutscene turned into a humongous (and I mean humongous) cog that was very difficult to test. I agree that players might benefit from more "direction" or at least a premise that's exposed in the level, so I'm thinking of how I might code an optional Max Payne-type graphic novel cutscene players can activate at various points throughout my next level.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-23, 10:41 PM #35
I can't get the stupid thing to work. I'm using Vista, and yes I am running as administrator. I can make it work by removing -z from the command line, but it crashes when I try to host a multiplayer game..

Any suggestions?
2009-09-23, 10:53 PM #36
I had similar problems with Win7. I think my fix involved going to the properties of JK.exe and going to customizability. I set it to Win XP SP2 mode and to run as admin. I also went to Control Panel and turned the security notification level to the lowest setting temporarily. It seemed to help.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2009-09-23, 11:05 PM #37
What is the -z for in the command line? Do I need to have it there?
2009-09-24, 5:54 AM #38
Originally posted by The Mega-ZZTer:
GBK went off and got conc blasted by a tank and died somewhere so we're waiting for him to respawn and find us.

Yeah, just to clarify, this happened several times. :ninja:
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2009-09-24, 8:38 AM #39
The -z turns on the JK Unofficial Patch features, which are required for it to function!

Make sure you have the latest version of the JKUP (check the jkhub).

Also Gris I found out why Skype wasn't working for me... my mic just fell out, I think it got unplugged somehow... >_>

Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:
I had similar problems with Win7. I think my fix involved going to the properties of JK.exe and going to customizability. I set it to Win XP SP2 mode and to run as admin. I also went to Control Panel and turned the security notification level to the lowest setting temporarily. It seemed to help.

Other than running as admin, the rest of the stuff sounds like placebo stuff. 1) Though setting the compatibility to various Windows version is supposed to change the way some APIs work, I find in practice all it does is fix apps that check for a specific older Windows version and refuse to function when it's not found. 2) The UAC settings don't affect apps run as admin.

2009-09-24, 11:44 AM #40
Oh haha, I'm using the engine that came with JK :ninja:. Guess it's about time to update, eh?

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