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ForumsShowcase → A short story.
A short story.
2009-12-03, 8:46 AM #1

Agony. If there's one thing in this world that conveys itself in all tongues, it's the deafening and twisted cries of agony.
His blood curdling screams pierced my ears and sank into my stomach- and as I watched his flesh slowly melt in the fire beneath me, I understood. For the first time ever, I felt connected to something demonic. The sadistic pleasure that I attained from watching the last of his twisted bones turn to ash was amongst the most satisfying experiences of my life.
At last, she was mine again- or so I thought.


It all started eight long years ago. There we were, as happy as this world would let us be. All of our worries went topsy-turvy, and as each sun would set, I couldn't help but stare at her gorgeous diamond studded eyes.
Never before had I seen such beauty glisten during the daylights peak- and then there was the moon, improving on what I had already deemed perfection. Day after day, and night after night, my heart grew content, finally being filled with the substance required to make it whole.
I should have known that dreams never last- and as they all do, this one came to a crashing end.


As the doors caved in, the beast marked his path. His movement was clear and precise. This moment had clearly been played over and over within his mind. Such impeccability was no mere coincidence, but rather the turning cogs of a mad man, a beast- a demon.
Before I had a chance to react, I was knocked unconscious by one of his ghoulish minions- and as I faded into the darkness, my eyes locked with his.
Burning with the intensity of an eternity in hell I could feel my soul evaporating into the void- and as I forced myself to look away I discovered the even more tormenting qualities he had possessed. Razor sharp formations of bone tore through his body, and although his skin seemed thicker than most structured walls, his horns still managed to burst through it with as much ease as a finger could puncture an overly ripened peach.
My mind went blank, and as I took what I thought would be my last breath of life, I heard sounds of agony emanating from my sun, my moon- my reason.


When I awoke, I quickly came to the harsh realization that the world I once loved was no more.
Time had stopped, and with it all the destruction and torment of this burning paradise was frozen into eternity. People were now nothing more than mere statues to gaze upon while the ghouls and demons of this world roamed free. Stray pieces of destruction and debris hovered calmly in the air, unaffected by all of my attempts to move them.
But even the most peculiar things in this world seemed more normal to me than a life without my shining star- and without a second thought, I ran.


As the years went on, my resolve grew firm. Nothing could distract me from what I had lost. From scorching desert to frozen wasteland, I marched on- crushing the skulls and roasting the corpses of those vile enough to still walk the land.
Hundreds of creatures had been slain by my wrath alone, and soon enough word spread across the land of the one who would stand up to chaos.
My feelings for my own well being eventually diminished- and soon enough I became an unstoppable force. I was coming for him, and he knew it.


After all my years of searching, I was finally within the realm of reason.
I could feel my heart beating through my chest, and all of my certainties were shaken by the overbearing sense of malice and chaos that had been ingrained within these walls. Both fire and blood shared equal stretch in garnishing the hellish walls of this keep.
Each and every step I took felt as if a lifetime had passed, and as I grew closer to my ultimate destination, I felt my knees weakening, my stomach churning, and my throat collapsing upon itself. Soon I started to hear rumblings deeper and darker than anything I had ever known- and as the rumblings grew closer I knew the end was near.


Eventually only one door remained. By now the rumblings were so intense that I could feel my inner organs rearranging themselves each and every time I shook. I reached for the door, it was crafted from metal and bones that I could only assume were from others that dared enter this keep before me. With both hands firmly gripping a pair of extruding ribs, I pushed open the door with all of my might.
There he was, staring at me with those burning eyes, standing taller than I'd ever seen anything stand before. The room he chose to stand his ground was surrounded by flames, and all that I could smell was the rank odor of sulfur and molten earth.
Without having a chance to think- I ran. He knew I was coming, and he didn't seem to care. The smile on his face was twisted and certain, but I ignored it. With one solid leap, he managed to jump across the entire room, landing on the center of a solid wooden bridge. The bridge swooped from side to side, each pass coming closer and closer to the burning abyss below.
Once again he leaped. As my eyes followed his massive figure across the room, my body ran across the bridge. Just as I landed my last step onto solid ground, the bridge beneath me became engulfed in flames. I watched as the eyes of the menacing demon in front of me opened far beyond the realm of confident, and as his body slowly burned- I understood.


Suddenly I became overwhelmed with emotion and strength. A renewal of life started flowing through my veins. All of the torment, all of the broken bones and bleeding wounds on my body meant nothing to me- and as I forced my way past the fire and flames- I saw...nothing.
I had ran as far as I could run, I had done all that I could do, and as I approached what I had thought for eight long years to be my final puzzle piece, I had come to a dead end.
My mind started to fail me, my limbs refused to function, and as my fractured being began to once again fail me, I saw scribed upon the wall:
"Thank you Mario, but your princess is in another castle."
Think while it's still legal.
2009-12-03, 12:42 PM #2
I giggled. I'm not that good at puzzling English sentences together in a coherent story, but you don't give the purpose of your story away until the last sentence. pretty good.
2009-12-03, 1:26 PM #3
Thanks for posting!

I have a very bad habit of reading last sentences first when reading short stories online, but I think most normal people read from top to bottom, so I spoiled the effect for myself a bit. Some sentence structure can be simplified, and I would've preferred more description of the stand-off room (eg., that there's a bridge across the room - that made me stumble as a reader).

BTW, this story reminds of a painting. See link:

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