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ForumsShowcase → I made a site for $88.38
I made a site for $88.38
2012-07-31, 9:21 AM #1

Can't say this is the best site that I could have possibly made, but for $88 (and $22 a month for "support") it's OK I think. What do you think? I did not write the text, so all spelling and grammar mistakes are courtesy of the guy I made it for. :)
2012-07-31, 10:20 AM #2
Better than I could do in the amount of my time that $88 would buy. :P
2012-07-31, 1:47 PM #3
Looks pretty neat to me.

Needs more animated GIFs and MIDI files in the background, though.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2012-07-31, 2:52 PM #4
Yeah, I'd certainly charge quite a bit more than 80 bucks for a site of that quality.

As far as the design goes, I like the whole thing except for the spacing/color/design of the header menu, and the slightly too-big H1 text that could use a little kerning or something that I can't quite put my finger on. I think that the color transition from top to bottom is interesting, but I'd be curious to see if you can simplify the colors a bit in order to address the header seeming off.

Your code looks slick save a few seemingly necessary span-hacks that I would've avoided, myself. I am trying to understand why your About Us link needed to come first in the html, though. Edit: If you're trying to avoid the failure of IE rendering floats correctly, there are much more complaint and readable ways to do it.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2012-07-31, 3:14 PM #5
I'm confused as to how this could cost $80. Was this a personal favor or something?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2012-07-31, 6:15 PM #6
I'm just cheap. :P I know the guy personally, though, yeah. We used to be colleagues a few years ago. TBH I'm pretty much the webdesigner's version of a script kiddie -- what you see here is a modified css template. I prefer writing copy. Eg., I've recently written copy for this site:!/page_Company for $196.00 (was 3 pages of text total, so not too bad).

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