A few years ago I started doing 30 day art challenges. Last year I started my own called June Journey to work on my big weakness in doing landscapes and environments and color composition. This year I got my wife to accompany me by writing short sentences create an overarching narrative for the pictures.
"SC 3078-2. D 927 CT 13.11
Contact successful at 927-6.89, though encountered challenges when subdeflector shield panel A4 failed at 50,000 tems. Am off course by at least 3,000 mors on top of a plateau of solid rock. Will use module creature to aid in making up for lost time. Other notes: atmosphere reads a mixture of NT and GN slightly stronger than probe drone readings anticipated. Planet appears to be habitable, though not desirable from current location. Will depart at sunrise tomorrow, after assessment. That panel will need to be repaired…
-B (E43)"