Sorry for the ugly copypasta -- Al asked me to post it, and it'd probably be nice to reference the comments I made. [3/1/2017 7:59:48 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I'll just go down the list, starting with the villain fodder [3/1/2017 8:00:58 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Helebon's cronies: might be worth particular fodder use because Helebon has been a reoccurring villain since the start of NeSquared (more from early on than later on but he's certainly been leading the villain forces towards the end too) [3/1/2017 8:03:04 PM] Al Ciao: power outage sucks :O [3/1/2017 8:03:06 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: since both Maintenance Dudes and Kirbys have been described as "backstage hands" of sorts, the Kirbies might be "summoned" by Los to battle it out with them (perhaps the maintenance dudes are "summoned" by the villains) [3/1/2017 8:03:25 PM] Al Ciao: oooh, never thought of the correlation between Kirbies and Maintenance dudes, i like that :D [3/1/2017 8:05:15 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: zombies might the sort to be found among the Remembered, since zombies had been rounded up by the Damned Corp, who also used the Forgotten. undead Geb and maybe John Von Xombie could be particular "zombie/Forgotten" to cameo, though there's no specifics I could think for them character-wise [3/1/2017 8:06:49 PM] Al Ciao: oh nice, i had considered zombies as being among the Remembered Forces, but they do seem more villainous sorts. Particularly since they were villains at their first appearance XD but as allied Remembered would be a twist. On the other hand, if Kern/Twin Suns turns on everyone, some Remembeered would still followed him, i bet, either from confusion or loyalty, and this would likely include the zombie hordes [3/1/2017 8:07:11 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: toastinators: I know we've talked about "resolving" the concept of putting an end to the toaster future, and they could tie in with Ahnuld (who I thought had died but apparently didn't), Thrawnbot, Galv/Cylonus....the toastinators seemed to have targeted Geb at least with Ahnuld... I don't really have any thoughts on I they could get a particular resolution though [3/1/2017 8:07:42 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: and for sure on the note you just mad [3/1/2017 8:07:43 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: *made [3/1/2017 8:08:37 PM] Al Ciao: i wrote an origin for Ahnuld on page 30something... it was the villain of Astraliansmitish that built him to get revenge on Geb for inflicting nightmares on them int eh dreamstate [3/1/2017 8:08:45 PM] Al Ciao: er, the village* of Astraliansmitish [3/1/2017 8:09:17 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: ah, right [3/1/2017 8:09:46 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: the possessed oven I feel has already gotten a nice nod if nothing else [3/1/2017 8:09:54 PM] Al Ciao: right, i thought so too [3/1/2017 8:10:13 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Helebon's nephew - again, could make for a nice name to add to random demon general or whatnot [3/1/2017 8:11:17 PM] Al Ciao: indeed [3/1/2017 8:11:51 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: The Censor - got nothing of note (yeah, I feel the need to just go through every bit) [3/1/2017 8:12:12 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Arnie - same deal. maybe Al can have a skirmish once more with him? [3/1/2017 8:12:49 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Gen Qhobeg/Doctor Gebiyl - apart from whatever the Qhobeg clones could do having some sort of relation to these guys, I don't got anything of note [3/1/2017 8:13:44 PM] Al Ciao: i just wan ted to give a nod to the Qhobeg clones in general, yeah :) [3/1/2017 8:13:54 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Vlad/Dart Wader - nothing of note. Hitler and Mark/Knear - already dead [3/1/2017 8:14:29 PM] Al Ciao: oooh, Al skirmishing with Arnie would be cool. They. never actually fought. Mia and Arnie fought outside the CSotD, after Mia shot Al. Although I'd like to at least touch on what the mech base "grid" might be. (Mentioned in Unresolved Plot Points). That can tie. in with Arnie methinks [3/1/2017 8:15:15 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: GUNTHER - If he's mentioned, I generally see him doing something wacky, and then in his "death"/whatever, saying something cryptic to imply it was his plan all along or something [3/1/2017 8:15:44 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: GUNTHER would make a good wild card if needed [3/1/2017 8:15:47 PM] Al Ciao: ha, that sounds nice. It was revealed btw that Vukothrax (who appeears in NeS1888 and is killed by CM int eh first NeS2 arc) is his father, bbut that. GUNTHER isn't at all torn up by his death [3/1/2017 8:16:06 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: lol, go figure [3/1/2017 8:18:16 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: JM - I still have to figure out what the Negotiator could have contracted him for. Given that the Negotiator seemed to have this vague "make the Earth a better place through questionable means" thing going on with him, perhaps JM and the others could be a "team" that counters some particular threat among this chaos. I don't know if there's a group that doesn't have a "check" yet... maybe Chronos when she enters the picture to do something possibly "disasterous"? [3/1/2017 8:18:31 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: in any case, I imagine JM will be very lazy about it [3/1/2017 8:19:54 PM] Al Ciao: maybe....btw the Negotiator implied heavily that he wants the good of the NeS, in BtL. He was all about creating successful foundation for the NeS, which is what he gave Britt immortality for. And he wanted Geb and Los from Ohqeanos for some unspecified reason to shore up or protect the NeS or some such [3/1/2017 8:20:48 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: TLTE clones - with the exception of The Very Last True Evil, they may serve as a possible distraction for Los (and whomever) looking to find TLTE. Perhaps the clones break Vice out of jail to cause mayham with the Trans-Terra-Terrorists/Taxman/whomever? TVLTE I imagine would be in said "contract" group instead [3/1/2017 8:21:53 PM] Al Ciao: ah, right [3/1/2017 8:22:14 PM] Al Ciao: especially since TVLTE already knowws about whatever distastrous thing Chronos is going to do, and is keen to stop her [3/1/2017 8:22:26 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: right, so maybe the contracted guys are a sort of Protectors of the Plotfractal but not. that is, maybe they try to stop the EeP (and maybe even succeed in some limited fashion), or maybe Chronos threatens to undo NeS by whatever she seeks out to do? [3/1/2017 8:22:33 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: right [3/1/2017 8:23:27 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: The Illusionist - if nothing else, it might be amusing to think we're dealing with one character in the chaos only to discover it's the Illusionist. beyond that, I got nothing [3/1/2017 8:23:30 PM] Al Ciao: it's worth discussing among ourselves what it is Chronos might do, and why (is it inadvertent?). Britt may have some ideas, perhaps, as it was his post that originally established that Chronos would do something on page 50 [3/1/2017 8:24:04 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: yeah, might be a particular point to ask him when he's around for sure [3/1/2017 8:27:29 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Qhobeg clones - -I have no recollection of the NSP mentioned lol. I know Jim Seven had the project in place "in case Geb died" or something like that, so maybe the Qhobeg clones fill in collectively as a Hand (and "main character" if Los leaves), which largely probably means against the EeP (though apart from the "named" Qhobegs, and possibly to tie in with the idea of the NSP? they might only be useful in a kamikaze-style fashion (I think the end of NeS1 had the TLTE clones "blowing up the planet" or some such) [3/1/2017 8:27:54 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: "pantheon of evil deities" - got nothing besides what you already noted [3/1/2017 8:28:12 PM] Al Ciao: yeah, there's little need to mention that pantheon, it's only added for completion [3/1/2017 8:28:30 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I think the demonic psycho-surgeons were also tied with The Next True Evil, who should be in the villain fodder too, and loosely tied with the TLTE clones/Hell Forces/et. [3/1/2017 8:29:18 PM] Al Ciao: were they? at the time i jotted them down, they were dealing with putting Geb's soul into William Shatner's body xD [3/1/2017 8:29:28 PM] Al Ciao: oh shit, did i not mention TNTE? how did i omit that? D: [3/1/2017 8:29:56 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: NeSferatu - I know they're last mentioned to be in the "round up" stages, but I think Nyneve also is mentioned to possibly be using the villains as new NeSferatu canidates? in any case, the two you mentioned could still be survivors (for now) to do random whatever in theory [3/1/2017 8:30:10 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: and I admittedly forgot about TNTE until I just read that lol [3/1/2017 8:30:40 PM] Al Ciao:Č&p=1027640&viewfull=1#post1027640 <--- bottom of that post, #1068 on page 27 [3/1/2017 8:30:53 PM] Al Ciao: yeah i remmeber you mentioned that in your workshop post [3/1/2017 8:30:56 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Jupetroopers - a general good source of fighting any Earthlings, to mix things up for sure [3/1/2017 8:31:43 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: the rest of the villain fodder - nothing of note [3/1/2017 8:31:49 PM] Al Ciao: k :) [3/1/2017 8:32:22 PM] Al Ciao: the specific NeSferatu i pointed out don't need to be mentioned necessarily, but i know Britt especially likes making interesting characters out of brief mentions/references sometimes [3/1/2017 8:33:23 PM] Al Ciao: trying to remember where Next True Evil was last seen... in Hell maybe? can't recall [3/1/2017 8:34:02 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Thand's prediction about the NeS Heroes' role and how to save the NeS - probably good to echo in some fashion as the world is crashing around them, and how Thand's "solution" really does seem the only solution (which as far as I'm concerned is true in reality at this point at least as well) [3/1/2017 8:34:11 PM] Al Ciao: yeah, last seen page 47 in Hell with Devil's Advocate [3/1/2017 8:34:18 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: and yeah, TNTE was last in hell [3/1/2017 8:34:48 PM] Al Ciao: but HOW exactly do the NeS heroes endanger everything? Maybe by resisting various efforts (such as by HFO) to arrest TLTE? [3/1/2017 8:35:35 PM] Al Ciao: added TNTE [3/1/2017 8:37:36 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Dr Deep's ultimatum to Los could likely be called out at this point for sure. I envision TLTE broadcasting himself on a news channel he hijacked, and Deep and the other HFO people are the ones who figure out his location. I also figure The Patriot might be around when that happens, and given the information, "goes in to take TLTE out as his duty both to HFO and God" or some such, so that TLTE/Patriot have a brief encounter with TLTE killing the Patriot after years of running away and underhanded tactics. it'd also be a window for Los (and whomever) to make their way to TLTE (who would be in London) to then go to NeShattered. again, that's just the idea I see in my head, not one I'm married to [3/1/2017 8:37:58 PM] Al Ciao: ah cool [3/1/2017 8:38:01 PM] Al Ciao: and dang, killing the Patriot :O [3/1/2017 8:38:16 PM] Al Ciao: is TLTE even capable of that? well, i guess with his evilness (and tentacles therefrom) [3/1/2017 8:39:14 PM] Al Ciao:'ve talked about Geb "avoiding the problem" with EeP at the end of NeSo or something, like not really dealing with it as he should have or something? Maybe that's the "chain of events" that Thand mentions having been set in motion by the heroes [3/1/2017 8:39:52 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: but HOW exactly do the NeS heroes endanger everything? Maybe by resisting various efforts (such as by HFO) to arrest TLTE?that could be part of it -- really, just emphasizing how the NeS Heroes's actions and inactions have, as noted, "set things into motion" is enough -- anything I put in the "ignoring/running away" theme could be applicable. certainly other things like what you said could be noted too [3/1/2017 8:40:28 PM] Al Ciao: right okay [3/1/2017 8:43:26 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: is TLTE even capable of that? well, i guess with his evilness (and tentacles therefrom)yeah, I actually figure the tentacles may be a sort of "leftover" from the end of NeS1, where TLTE and EeP left a bit of each other in themselves. once TLTE's in NeShattered, I presume TLTE will "embrace" the EeP (which will ultimately allow the EeP to be destroyed [again] at the end). the kicker, this time (at least as we're positing it and what I hope to enforce in practice) is that Los will explicitly kill TLTE/not bring him back... at least that's the idea formulating in my head right now) [3/1/2017 8:43:54 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski:'ve talked about Geb "avoiding the problem" with EeP at the end of NeSo or something, like not really dealing with it as he should have or something? Maybe that's the "chain of events" that Thand mentions having been set in motion by the heroesyeah, certainly part of it [3/1/2017 8:48:01 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: but yeah, the idea might be like TLTE: "Thand was right - you have to kill me to start the new thread, and do it again when we're brought back, forever" Los: "Unless you aren't brought back." [cue character-emotional struggle here - differences between Geb and Los, with Geb speaking of love for the enemy and the will of the story and Los, with a very personal love, also loathes TLTE at the same time and how she doesn't give a danm about the will of a WriterGod or some such, calling in a final moment of self-doubt in her confidence and finally finding it to put a permanent end to TLTE or whatnot) [3/1/2017 8:48:23 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: anyway, moving on [3/1/2017 8:48:55 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: note about the NeSummoner and Kirbies - already noted before [3/1/2017 8:50:05 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: -Frank and his revelation about the Potentials for not just Highemporess (which only one Potential seemed needed for) but for the EeP -- certainly "fodder" to emphasis the threat of the EeP at the end [3/1/2017 8:53:30 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: --note about where EeP is growing is actually something I've seeded for a long time in a variety of places (1337, random place TLTE was in Italy when consuming Qho Anima, etc.). the idea is that the EeP, while "trapped" in NeShattered, found enough of a "leak" (where Evil G came through and where TLTE/Los/Evil G/whomever will go back through) that's allowed it to "prep" for when it's finally freed. so, like, when the EeP is revealed as an actual threat in NeS proper, it's super-quick/surprising/a lot of folks still don't even notice it as it shoots up in monstrous forms because they're "infected" by the EeP to carry out their conclusions sort of deal [3/1/2017 8:56:30 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: bit on Chronos - already talked about, probably something to talk to Britt about. while it should maybe be noted that Highemp is no longer "able to help" or whatever, it may also be OK to give some vague notion that the Highemp Pan battle is playing out in the night sky or something.... don't have to, just a thought /shrug/. like Thand, having Highemp's early actions/words echo (such as Highemp's claim that nobody can kill TLTE without killing the NeS, for instance) [3/1/2017 9:01:29 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: as Britt has said before, TLTE as a character overshadows a lot of people, and I think the end of NeSquared/NeShattered is an optimal way to have that literally played up into the climax. character-wise (at least when they're present/relevant), TLTE and Los carry a lot of narrative focus for the end as I see it, though the EeP will of course also look to play out a fight for "main character" and "hero to take TLTE down". this is actually also where I see TLTE's part playing, where he purposely/surreptitiously keeps Los "out of the picture" (initially anyway in NeShattered) as the others play out, because TLTE still has feelings for her, and because he feels/knows EeP's plot. I actually want to suggest heavy doubt throughout the whole ending as to whether TLTE "just went evil" or if this was his "last act" at attempting to do good (or "both"). again, ideas tossing in my head, nothing set in stone for me [3/1/2017 9:04:30 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: stars will weep ink/soil blacken with sharred paper -- an easy enough visual for the EeP's sudden rise in NeS proper to cause. the EeP turned NeShattered into a bleak wasteland, and it's the sort of visuals I can imagine that place having too to some extent. perhaps it's not directlyt the EeP to do it in NeS though, and maybe a side effect of Chronos or the other Potentials or maybe we just make a joke with Justin Beiber's mascara running and someone burning their W-2s or something too. no reason not to have comedic moments still [3/1/2017 9:07:20 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: the notes about the EeP's plans to make a "good ending", just wanted to note that I think this is a large contender for how Britt will be more than a "wild card" in the NeShattered portion. Britt's literally EeP's own contender, and Britt will likely face off with TLTE. in the current cast I envision being in NeShattered (Los, TLTE, Geb, Evil G, Britt, Ante), I see Ante and Evil G going before the other 4, and TLTE/Los being the survivors (with Los being the ultimate one). [3/1/2017 9:08:36 PM] Al Ciao: all snifty stuff :) [3/1/2017 9:09:02 PM] Al Ciao: yeah, i know you've mentioned stuff about the EeP growing before, just thought Buckingham Palace might be a particular place to mention seeing as Maeve and Couchman are there [3/1/2017 9:10:20 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Bhac/Mayaal/Mr Stafford all dead -- with the former Hands dead and most of the announced Protectors/Hands either dead (like Stafford) or indisposed (Geb/Evil G, arguably Rachel being pregnant, I forget if anyone else was declared as such except Thand who argued he may have been), it may be of note to suggest that such players were purposely knocked out as one less thing to stop the EeP [3/1/2017 9:11:19 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: ah yeah. and I always forget if some other others (like Rachel) are there or at the HoH. I think Rachel was last written at the HoH.... then again, the two aren't far apart [3/1/2017 9:12:15 PM] Al Ciao: true [3/1/2017 9:12:35 PM] Al Ciao: also i think Rachel and Pi went to Buckingham Palace [3/1/2017 9:12:50 PM] Al Ciao: Lady Lightside and Young are still at Big Ben with MZZT though i bbelieve [3/1/2017 9:13:04 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Ante's belief in Young and Chance might be something of note for others to feel the need to protect Young and Chance, with Young calling upon her "mother" (NeS) to hide themselves and whomever as long as they can... a subset of cast who aren't actively fighting but looking to "weather the storm" perhaps /shrug/ [3/1/2017 9:14:17 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Emperor Pi's warning to Rachel is probably something that can be ignored. I'm fairly certain I wrote that with a particular idea in mind that is now made void, but I can't recall what that idea may have been [3/1/2017 9:20:52 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I'm glad you broke out the Potentials bit. I can see the remaining living Potentials "fulfilling their bargain" by standing up against the EeP (something someone can note Thand having aimed to do with his own plans that ultimately involved Judge). If Gwen doesn't fuse with Los or some such, I imagine she'd be the "leader" of that fight against the EeP. If not her, I could see Chronos attempting (which again might be why the Negotiator contract team tries to stop her from her attempt to stop the EeP which somehow is detrimental to the NeS) or Emperor Pi could lead too, with Orochi and Midas (and maybe Orator) stepping up. Venedite will already be helping by taking care of the Dreamstate front. The Nega I think is the only one who wouldn't "help" -- if he does, it's very sideways and involving The Otter, but more likely, the Nega just wants to screw things over. Speaking of, I'm uncertain if Morthrandur should show up once again in either the climaxtic moment for Otter/Nega (as he did before) and/or with Los and Co. in NeShattered (where Morthrandur first showed up). both seem appropriate, but I also don't really want Morthrandur to do much other than observe (which is largely what he's done anyway) so it's tricky not to make him out to be extra unnecessary baggage [3/1/2017 9:21:46 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: gonna take a break now at "Unresolved Plot Points" to have my lasagna dinner [3/1/2017 9:21:54 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: (still be around just not chatting up a storm) [3/1/2017 9:40:55 PM] Al Ciao: okay, cool :) sorry, i'm playiing Castlevania, haha [3/1/2017 9:41:08 PM] Al Ciao: no reason Morthy couldn't be in both plot points, observing? [3/1/2017 9:45:50 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I suppose that's a possibility, and that would certainly add something we didn't know about Morthrandur before (that he can be in 2 places at once) [3/1/2017 9:46:12 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: not for or opposed to the idea either way [3/1/2017 9:46:22 PM] Al Ciao: well, his primary ability seems that he can get to anywhere he needs/wants to be. Simulpresence might fall under that [3/1/2017 9:46:50 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: true [3/1/2017 9:47:15 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: he's a tricky dicky for sure lol [3/1/2017 9:48:06 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: it does also occur to me that if Morthrandur is in NeShattered, he'll see Geb using the quill that was meant for him [3/1/2017 9:49:45 PM] Al Ciao: oooooh yes, good point [3/1/2017 9:49:59 PM] Al Ciao: also i think the revelation needs to happen of Morth = Erro and the HHoH being Simon Manor [3/1/2017 9:54:02 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: who all knows about the HHoH burning down? [3/1/2017 9:54:05 PM] Al Ciao: i mean i suppose it's not terribly important, plot-wise, but i would still like it to happen ^_^ [3/1/2017 9:54:09 PM] Al Ciao: of them [3/1/2017 9:54:10 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: aside from Nyneve Young and Chance? [3/1/2017 9:54:20 PM] Al Ciao: geb and polly and some were there, and brought miss fire's tank through the portal to Big Ben [3/1/2017 9:54:29 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: ah, ok [3/1/2017 9:55:02 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: well, it's possible then that Geb and Morty can have a short heart-to-heart at some point [3/1/2017 9:57:13 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: it'd at least add some extra relevance to Morthrandur being at NeShattered apart from "he was there at the start" -- his connection is certainly most tied with Geb/Evil G..../maybe/ TLTE and /maybe/ Britt. I imagine Los and Ante wouldn't have much to add... I mean, Los would to the same extent that she's part of the family, but given past events, I imagine Morthrandur wouldn't pay as much attention to her. "Women are for saving" might still be driving his perception [3/1/2017 9:57:38 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: anyway, I'm done with dinner now so back to the notes! [3/1/2017 9:58:13 PM] Al Ciao: heh, that's possible, his perception about women being for saving xD [3/1/2017 9:58:42 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Ford being related to Geb and Los -- sadly, I don't know if there's much that can be added at this point here. maybe if Ford bumps into Los, he could make a brief family connection [3/1/2017 9:58:55 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: as for Geb knowing the family connection, we just talked about how that could come into play [3/1/2017 9:59:02 PM] Al Ciao: nah, i just figure it'll come out when Desmond's ghost pops up [3/1/2017 9:59:15 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: ah, well that could be a thing too [3/1/2017 9:59:33 PM] Al Ciao: as far as i know, desmond doesn't even know he had a son [3/1/2017 10:00:09 PM] Al Ciao: and i would assume that normally it wouldn't have been possible, both with his villainy and his undead status. Only the strength of the narrative locus with the Dust and whatnot in 1888 made it happen, i'd suggest [3/1/2017 10:00:17 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Geb and Los not knowing HHoH was their family manor. again, we chatted about that. I could see Morthrandur being all "Did you like our family home?" and Geb's all ???? and Morthrandur describes it and Geb's all "ooooooh. Uh....I got bad news" [3/1/2017 10:00:26 PM] Al Ciao: rofl [3/1/2017 10:00:56 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: and hey, sounds like a fine thing to examine for you as you've already noted :) [3/1/2017 10:02:19 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Twin Suns/Kern -- just wanted to note that I shot RL Sarn a message on facebook. we'll see if he gets back to me [3/1/2017 10:02:57 PM] Al Ciao: oh snifty [3/1/2017 10:03:00 PM] Al Ciao: fingers crossed [3/1/2017 10:03:12 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Dust -- I presume any mention of it would be tied with the Forgotten peeps, Twin Suns included [3/1/2017 10:04:21 PM] Al Ciao: righto [3/1/2017 10:04:39 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: the toastinators stuff -- all this really just leads me to believe it shouldn't be "wrapped up" necessarily, and could be a thing to use in future HFO posts (since we're not looking to carry that stuff into NeS3). I think given the one tie to DelphAI, it'd make a good HFO plot [3/1/2017 10:04:43 PM] Al Ciao: the three Dusted people we know of - Twin Suns, Maybe, and Sugarless - are all part of the Remembered Forces after all [3/1/2017 10:04:53 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: yup [3/1/2017 10:04:55 PM] Al Ciao: hmmm, that's a good point i guess [3/1/2017 10:05:55 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: yeah, and while I want to "retire" Geb from NeS, he could still make cameos in particular for HFO (only mentioning that because of the destiny of their kid apparently) [3/1/2017 10:06:28 PM] Al Ciao: right [3/1/2017 10:06:39 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: or to be more clear - while I don't really have any desire for Geb to continue being active/appearing much if at all in NeS, I have no quallms with however he's used in something like HFO and Pan [3/1/2017 10:07:51 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: granted, I personally would probably still use him as cameo sort of deals in those threads, but in NeS, for insance, if he were written in by someone, I'd probably look for an excuse to have Geb leave in the next post, whereas in HFO and Pan, he could do whatever [3/1/2017 10:07:55 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: aaaaaanyway [3/1/2017 10:07:56 PM] Al Ciao: okey dokey :) [3/1/2017 10:08:42 PM] *** Al Ciao makes it his objective to insert Geb into every NeS3D scene possible >D *** [3/1/2017 10:09:18 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Jupiter stuff -- all good things to keep in mind for Polly as I imagine she tries to chat with Los one last time. funny enough, I actually see Polly "succeeding" in her current plot to have Los as acting Queen on Earth., even if Los doesn't actively embrace it. I have a difficult time thinking of another resolution in any case [3/1/2017 10:09:20 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: and haahaha [3/1/2017 10:09:51 PM] Al Ciao: lol [3/1/2017 10:09:57 PM] Al Ciao: but the Jupiterians also want to take over Earth [3/1/2017 10:11:02 PM] Al Ciao: and i mean, technically, Apple/Chronos is the next youngest female descendant xD [3/1/2017 10:11:26 PM] Al Ciao: also, remember that Jupiter is now a republic...Polly's scheme to get royalty reinstated may not work [3/1/2017 10:11:37 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: right, I know.... which is also a tricky bit. maybe as "acting Queen" Los accepts it in so far as to order them to not take over "for now" and/or orders them to do stuff that, in NeS3, ultimately makes them no longer a threat? [3/1/2017 10:11:56 PM] Al Ciao: yeah could be [3/1/2017 10:12:09 PM] Al Ciao: acting queen says "Earth is a sovereign commonwealth" or some such [3/1/2017 10:12:30 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: and i mean, technically, Apple/Chronos is the next youngest female descendant xDtrue but I seem to recall that being handwaved for some reason or another. then again, maybe that's the solution -- that Chronos takes them instead? that's something to ask Britt maybe [3/1/2017 10:12:54 PM] Al Ciao: i mean, there's also the thing with the Imps wanting to take Earth as well, and possibly the Alliance. And the Void Rangers trying to defend Earth from all of them. [3/1/2017 10:13:00 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: also, remember that Jupiter is now a republic...Polly's scheme to get royalty reinstated may not workright, the invading forces are only the ones loyal to her/Icer [3/1/2017 10:13:14 PM] Al Ciao: well...remember Chronos winds up becoming the last surviving god of Jupiter in the distant future [3/1/2017 10:13:31 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: acting queen says "Earth is a sovereign commonwealth" or some suchEarth: Jupiter's Canada. or Australia [3/1/2017 10:13:38 PM] Al Ciao: maybe she takes up the royal reins, declares it a republic and then is worshipped as a goddess in their pantheon [3/1/2017 10:13:39 PM] Al Ciao: rofl [3/1/2017 10:14:23 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: i mean, there's also the thing with the Imps wanting to take Earth as well, and possibly the Alliance. And the Void Rangers trying to defend Earth from all of them.yes, all factors. I know Britt wrote the Imps/Alliance in specificallyt o give the Jupetroopers an immediate check, so I can't forget that either lol [3/1/2017 10:14:44 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: well...remember Chronos winds up becoming the last surviving god of Jupiter in the distant futureshe does? interesting [3/1/2017 10:14:57 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: oh wait, I think I wrote that, didn't I? I don't recall [3/1/2017 10:15:01 PM] Al Ciao: yes, you wrote that in your Soriel, First/Last Boy of Jupiter post, right after he died merging with Thand [3/1/2017 10:15:02 PM] Al Ciao: yep lol [3/1/2017 10:15:19 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: maybe she takes up the royal reins, declares it a republic and then is worshipped as a goddess in their pantheon rofllol maybe. again, something to go over with Britt [3/1/2017 10:15:43 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: yes, you wrote that in your Soriel, First/Last Boy of Jupiter post, right after he died merging with Thandright, I remember now [3/1/2017 10:16:21 PM] Al Ciao: i mean, at some point in jupiter's future, the monarchy is reinstated, even if only as figureheads over a republic, since Soriel was born to the last princess [3/1/2017 10:16:39 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: so the Negotiator stuff we already talked about before. not sure I have much to add here [3/1/2017 10:16:45 PM] Al Ciao: speaking of Soriel, i'm half-tempted to bring him back temporarily for the end XD but britt would hate me [3/1/2017 10:16:57 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: and ah yes [3/1/2017 10:17:00 PM] Al Ciao: did you have anything in mind for what those contracts coudl be? or the consequences in Galv's case? [3/1/2017 10:17:16 PM] Al Ciao: oh derp, nvm, you said [3/1/2017 10:17:22 PM] Al Ciao: possibly a team [3/1/2017 10:17:27 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: speaking of Soriel, i'm half-tempted to bring him back temporarily for the end XD but britt would hate mehe probably would lol [3/1/2017 10:17:38 PM] Al Ciao: all the more reason to do it! >D [3/1/2017 10:18:06 PM] Al Ciao: who would hate me more....Britt if I brought Soriel back, or you if I brought Highemp back? ;) [3/1/2017 10:19:24 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: did you have anything in mind for what those contracts coudl be? or the consequences in Galv's case? oh derp, nvm, you said possibly a teamyeah, admittedly I don't have much of an idea beyond that. the guys he's contracted are all relatively big hitters in terms of influence or power or whatnot (or have some connection to such in the case of Ohqeanos), hence why I thought "team to protect the NeS in some fashion" [3/1/2017 10:19:56 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: who would hate me more....Britt if I brought Soriel back, or you if I brought Highemp back? ;)the latter. and Britt would join me [3/1/2017 10:19:56 PM] Al Ciao: or we could leave it to britt to come up with brilliatn separate contracts for each of them XD [3/1/2017 10:20:04 PM] Al Ciao: rofl! [3/1/2017 10:20:11 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: hah, hey, if he's got ideas, for sure [3/1/2017 10:21:17 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: you list a bunch of post numbers from page 23 and 24.... can you give me a high level idea what those were? and what the "boy who gains understanding of the meaning of the universe" bit was? [3/1/2017 10:21:25 PM] Al Ciao: uh [3/1/2017 10:21:28 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I can look them up if need be, just wondering if you recalled [3/1/2017 10:21:31 PM] Al Ciao: they were either extrmeely short posts [3/1/2017 10:21:40 PM] Al Ciao: or extremely short bits at the end or beginning of other posts [3/1/2017 10:22:00 PM] Al Ciao: dealing with stuff like "man stubs his toe and yells loudly", followed by "that wakes up pregnant woman floor up, who realizes she's giving birth" and so on [3/1/2017 10:22:19 PM] Al Ciao: i'm thinking i might've missed a post, cuz the last post on23 doesn't seem to tie in to the first post on 24 [3/1/2017 10:22:27 PM] Al Ciao: last and first posts listed i mean [3/1/2017 10:22:30 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: hrm [3/1/2017 10:22:40 PM] Al Ciao: just read 'em, they're very short [3/1/2017 10:23:18 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: ok [3/1/2017 10:23:29 PM] Al Ciao: it's just that it kinda fell by the wayside nad was forgotten, and was often heralded as "the subplot that might be important!" [3/1/2017 10:27:36 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: ooooooooh! [3/1/2017 10:27:39 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I read them all to be sure [3/1/2017 10:27:58 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: but seeing the very first one I'm fairly confident it was meant to tie to Bokken's "bad luck follows him around" [3/1/2017 10:28:11 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I'm sad I never followed on that idea [3/1/2017 10:28:16 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: like as it was going I mean [3/1/2017 10:29:10 PM] Al Ciao: oooohh i gotcha [3/1/2017 10:29:18 PM] Al Ciao: that hadn't occurred to me [3/1/2017 10:30:19 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: but yeah -- that should probably end with "Bokken among the Forgotten, and the culmination of bad luck finally catches up as boy with Highemp-like power does....something." -- probably an ideal candidate for something comedic after a buildup of what might be perceived as ultimate-epic disasterous. [3/1/2017 10:31:03 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: heck, if we're in the midst of this still on April 1st, maybe Rachel gets in on a prank with said wonderboy /shrug/ [3/1/2017 10:31:43 PM] Al Ciao: heh true [3/1/2017 10:31:44 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: in any case, might want to jot down Bokken with that bit if you want [3/1/2017 10:31:48 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: moving on [3/1/2017 10:32:42 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: the thing with the two different Thrawnbots -- I admittedly have been confused on that particular plothole myself. not sure if anything should be made of it, though I suppose Thrawnbot's contract with the Negotiator could have that come into play somehow [3/1/2017 10:33:08 PM] Al Ciao: yeah, i dunno if anything shoudl come of it either [3/1/2017 10:33:19 PM] Al Ciao: but it bothered me enough at the time that i wnated to note it as something possible to address [3/1/2017 10:33:44 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: the apparent plothole with Otter being in two places at once could be something to note for Otter's climactic moment with the Nega (especially if it becomes known somehow that Otter was considered responsible for Jupiter's destruction -- maybe the Illusionist can be tied in :o ) [3/1/2017 10:34:14 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: though that seems like it would then make it very demanding of giving the Illusionist some sort of identity/motivation if that was the case [3/1/2017 10:34:45 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: yeah, i dunno if anything shoudl come of it either but it bothered me enough at the time that i wnated to note it as something possible to addressfair enough [3/1/2017 10:36:38 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Phantom-Seraph giving the Patriot a "key" -- might be worth the Patriot using the "key" to unlock something then, either before going off to fight TLTE (though then we'd have to think of what needs unlocking and why the Patriot's doing that) or maybe it's just a key to use a bad-ass weapon, which sadly doesn't work (or maybe it does, and the rest of the time TLTE goes on with a hole in his chest or something) [3/1/2017 10:36:49 PM] Al Ciao: lmfao yeah [3/1/2017 10:36:55 PM] Al Ciao: it could also just be used in HFO in the future too [3/1/2017 10:37:00 PM] Al Ciao: oh wait, not if the Patriot is gonna die here XD [3/1/2017 10:37:16 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: true -- the Patriot could hand the key off to Deep or whatever and then have it play a part in a future HFO thing like you said [3/1/2017 10:37:30 PM] Al Ciao: also, it is known that Otter destroyed Jupiter. Polly and Soriel and i think someone else were around when that was mentioned and they began looking very hostilely at him [3/1/2017 10:37:49 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: and I? [3/1/2017 10:37:59 PM] Al Ciao: huh? [3/1/2017 10:38:11 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: "Polly and Soriel and I think someone...." [3/1/2017 10:38:16 PM] Al Ciao: oh no no no [3/1/2017 10:38:26 PM] Al Ciao: Polly and Soriel and I-think-someone-else were around when... [3/1/2017 10:38:30 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: aaaaaah [3/1/2017 10:38:31 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: ok [3/1/2017 10:38:48 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: alright, well then all the more reason for Otter to be hunted down in his climactic moment [3/1/2017 10:38:57 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: or something [3/1/2017 10:38:59 PM] Al Ciao: he'll be ousted out of his new pad :O [3/1/2017 10:39:07 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: not the paaaaaaad! [3/1/2017 10:39:26 PM] Al Ciao: well at least they didn't take the GameCube! [3/1/2017 10:39:32 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: indeed [3/1/2017 10:39:43 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: "***Thand tells Young that she needs elements from heroes who WEREN'T involved in her creation (i.e. those heroes from whom Antestarr/Zania didn't take something to make her with) " do you know what he said she'd need these for? [3/1/2017 10:40:28 PM] Al Ciao: nope [3/1/2017 10:40:41 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: do you recall the context at least of when that was said? [3/1/2017 10:40:48 PM] Al Ciao: it was an abandoned plotline i tried to start up. At the time I thought Al was the only one she was missing something from and so i had thand point her to Al [3/1/2017 10:40:57 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: aaaaah [3/1/2017 10:41:06 PM] Al Ciao: around the time I first introduced ancient Atlantis, with Thand telling Young about it [3/1/2017 10:45:56 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: well, I don't really have anything for this, but I suppose she could be noted to take a lock of hair from Al or something as a nod to that? but for what reason I don't really know. I suppose if we want to give Young a more active role in the NeSquared climax, she might somehow help out, which may require her to collect from those she hasn't collected yet, like Al. again, not sure what she could do, but she's a princess of NeS, so probably some sort of 'magic' thing. she's been known to have a "paradox" form just by someone trying to harm her, so maybe when the EeP threatens the NeS, she's able to be a gunslinger sort and shoot at the EeP with enhanced paradox power as she protects those around her with enhanced paradox power shielding? (I suggest the gun/shield thing because she's introduced/"developed" as skilled in a pistol and shield) [3/1/2017 10:47:21 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: you already noted the bit about Lib with the Forgotten/Remembered. I know Lib the Writer was written as the sort to enjoy being in the story world because he enjoyed the thrill, so I imagine whatever he does will be in some blaze of glory (like Tracer wants for his character funny enough) [3/1/2017 10:48:08 PM] Al Ciao: righto :) the Young's missing elements thing doesn't have to be addressed, I simply noted it as something that was thrown out and never picked up [3/1/2017 10:48:19 PM] Al Ciao: doesn't have to be picked up now either [3/1/2017 10:48:20 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: as for Angela, I think that character-plot should be left as-is. we can always work her into HFO or indirectly into NeS3 down the road even if we want [3/1/2017 10:48:46 PM] Al Ciao: fair enough [3/1/2017 10:48:56 PM] Al Ciao: oh shit [3/1/2017 10:49:05 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: you already talked about wanting to do something with the power grid for the mech base. I got nothing on that, but if you got stuff, go for it [3/1/2017 10:49:07 PM] Al Ciao: now i'm wondering if I shuld have asked you to put these thoughts into thte workshop, haha [3/1/2017 10:49:10 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: oh sh-what? [3/1/2017 10:49:14 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: ah, lol [3/1/2017 10:49:33 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: well I'm far too lazy to do anything other than copy/paste the skype channel [3/1/2017 10:49:34 PM] Al Ciao: well, just whoever is behind the mech bases and all...just strikes me as curious that that was never brought up [3/1/2017 10:49:56 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: well, lazy, and by the time I get through these, will probably look to sleep [3/1/2017 10:49:58 PM] Al Ciao: ha, well, once you finish giving me your thoughts, perhaps you can do that, please? and i can sort through it later if i feel like it? [3/1/2017 10:50:03 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: hmm, ok [3/1/2017 10:50:32 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Agent Benedict -- it'd be funny for him to cameo lol [3/1/2017 10:50:57 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: CaptAI -- if addressed, should probably tie in with Sarn [3/1/2017 10:51:54 PM] Al Ciao: well, from what i can tell, the original Sran Cadpill personality was stillin Voodoo's head when she became her own Potential Magick [3/1/2017 10:52:01 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Mecha Lou -- helping Nyneve out? dang. she might need to be tied with whatever the robots/Nyneve/NeSferatu/etc. do then? [3/1/2017 10:52:06 PM] Al Ciao: if it was taken out of her head at some point beforehand, i missed it [3/1/2017 10:52:19 PM] Al Ciao: well, it's just a job for Mecha Lou [3/1/2017 10:52:47 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: also, since you mentioned Magick, it may be aptly tragic to mention the lost love between Sarn and Voodoo-now-Magick once more [3/1/2017 10:53:24 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Los: "You aided in helping the world go to shit!" Mecha Lou: "Hey, a girl's gotta eat." [3/1/2017 10:53:51 PM] Al Ciao: bahahaha [3/1/2017 10:53:54 PM] Al Ciao: and yeah :O [3/1/2017 10:54:03 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: the palace in London -- might be funny for it to just come crashing into the chaos [3/1/2017 10:54:43 PM] Al Ciao: yeah lol. I honestly can't remember if it ever did lose the. chicken legs or not though...i think the raider tanks might've shot them off? [3/1/2017 10:54:53 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Couchman's suggestion to free Canada from Hell might be a moot point, or maybe it'll motivate some Hell/Remembered alliance? [3/1/2017 10:54:59 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: ah, point taken [3/1/2017 10:55:42 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: NeS heroes being sued by Athena -- just one more thing to get piled on them, maybe carried out by the Taxman and the lawyers lol [3/1/2017 10:55:49 PM] Al Ciao: indeed [3/1/2017 10:55:53 PM] Al Ciao: or led by Lawyer #2 [3/1/2017 10:56:02 PM] Al Ciao: and Krig leads the 'defense' ;) [3/1/2017 10:56:13 PM] Al Ciao: with his new legal brief: his forged axe! [3/1/2017 10:56:44 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Tracer might make for a good "blaze of glory" moment in using his portal power to give Los, Evil G and whoever a trip to London while protecting them from something else? [3/1/2017 10:56:49 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: hah, indeed [3/1/2017 10:57:34 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: we've talked about Ante's bloodvial thing before. I got nothing for it at this point [3/1/2017 10:57:39 PM] Al Ciao: ooh, interesting. Still be fun for them to figure out just where all that furnnitue and food went XD [3/1/2017 10:58:14 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Newb -- hopefully she can be the main dream warrior to help Venedite take down EeP in the Dreamstate [3/1/2017 10:58:28 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: lol true [3/1/2017 10:59:11 PM] Al Ciao: dreaaaaaaaaam warrior! [3/1/2017 10:59:19 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: E-man's taco ship and Ante's space forces -- might be good to use for any space battle depictions [3/1/2017 10:59:23 PM] Al Ciao: i'm not too clear on what Britt has in mind for that place he had Venedite go to btw [3/1/2017 10:59:53 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: and yeah -- the last posts he made regarding them confused me too - something to ask Britt (should really be keeping a list of questions specifically for Britt) [3/1/2017 11:00:23 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Helebon's Citadel/HoH - noted [3/1/2017 11:00:41 PM] Al Ciao: ikr lol [3/1/2017 11:00:50 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: hero watches def. need to be upgraded to mobile phone apps in NeS3 [3/1/2017 11:01:09 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: unless they're all about being retro or something [3/1/2017 11:01:39 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: time to see what West Wind's 545 was about [3/1/2017 11:02:31 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: uhoh [3/1/2017 11:02:37 PM] Al Ciao: i don't remember, but i'm pretty it coulda been easily rectified [3/1/2017 11:02:40 PM] Al Ciao: just never was [3/1/2017 11:02:41 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: massassi seems to be down :/ [3/1/2017 11:02:46 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: at least for me [3/1/2017 11:03:08 PM] Al Ciao: oh dear :o [3/1/2017 11:03:12 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: fortunatelyt he workshop post stays up [3/1/2017 11:03:23 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: (I'm really gonna need to remember to do my saving again) [3/1/2017 11:03:36 PM] Al Ciao: working for me [3/1/2017 11:03:49 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: hmm, weird. guess something's just wacky on my end then [3/1/2017 11:03:53 PM] Al Ciao: you may have to reload. I've encountered an issue before where Massassi will seem to be down, i try again, and it works [3/1/2017 11:04:02 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I'll try later [3/1/2017 11:04:28 PM] Al Ciao: why. not just reload now? o.o [3/1/2017 11:04:34 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: sarn sneezing - pretty sure that was just a temporary thing but it may be amusing to reference again [3/1/2017 11:04:42 PM] Al Ciao: seriously, i just reload 5 secs later and it usually works [3/1/2017 11:04:57 PM] Al Ciao: the spelunking rule was temporary, nnto Sarn's sneezing :p [3/1/2017 11:05:08 PM] Al Ciao: he sneized again a story arc or two later as i recall [3/1/2017 11:05:18 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: seems to still be giving me issues [3/1/2017 11:05:29 PM] Al Ciao: :'( [3/1/2017 11:06:02 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I'm not too concerned right now since you said you can reach it [3/1/2017 11:06:22 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: poor Mimiru :'( [3/1/2017 11:06:22 PM] Al Ciao: be very concerned ;) [3/1/2017 11:06:52 PM] Al Ciao: ik :O [3/1/2017 11:06:57 PM] Al Ciao: pretty prophetic [3/1/2017 11:07:26 PM] Al Ciao: i actualy can't remember if Midvok died or not...if he didn't, be cool if he made an appearance. It was in the rescue Losien from Jupiter arc that he appeared [3/1/2017 11:08:31 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I believe the note about Wai knowing some item only 4 people know, including Jim, to bring down Hell was meant to be the Tree of Life/apple from it, and those 4 people I think were meant to be Wai, Jim, Thand, aaaaaand....I forget who. pretty sure it was meant to be 4 living people (so not Eve), and I don't think I would have counted the WriterGod in the mix [3/1/2017 11:08:55 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: it was something I had meant to suggest was giving Thand such long life - that he had access to said tree [3/1/2017 11:09:10 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: and that was for one reason or another the bane of the devil [3/1/2017 11:09:18 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: buuuuuuut I could be wrong on remembering that [3/1/2017 11:09:21 PM] Al Ciao: whoa, really? interesting :O [3/1/2017 11:09:56 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: in any case, probably not relevant for the end of NeS2 [3/1/2017 11:10:26 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: aaaah Some Pseudo-Story -- a thing I tried out that never took off, lol [3/1/2017 11:10:54 PM] Al Ciao: would still be cool to tie it back in for the end ;) [3/1/2017 11:12:40 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I had partially meant it as a "tell ultra-goofy, ultra-abstracted/simplified take on NeS" and partially considered the idea that it would be sort of a metaphor for what was going on in NeS -- a story within a story. I suppose if I wanted to tie it back in, I'd have some tie-in with a Geb/TLTE duel and "the librarian" reading the end of said story [3/1/2017 11:12:51 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: but I don't know if I really want to do that [3/1/2017 11:13:06 PM] Al Ciao: awww :'( [3/1/2017 11:13:23 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I just think it'd be too distracting [3/1/2017 11:13:42 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: and as we've noticed, there's a million other things that could use some time in the spotlight instead ;) [3/1/2017 11:14:12 PM] Al Ciao: yeah ik :P [3/1/2017 11:14:20 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Vin Disels appearing from rips in the fabric of NeS? clearly, Vin Disels need to appear in the crazy mob of craziness! [3/1/2017 11:14:33 PM] Al Ciao: ikr [3/1/2017 11:14:44 PM] Al Ciao: at the time, Ante kept getting mistaken for Vin Diesel despite his protestations that he wasn't [3/1/2017 11:14:54 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: man, Otter's a planet killer :o [3/1/2017 11:14:56 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: lol [3/1/2017 11:14:59 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: nice [3/1/2017 11:15:11 PM] Al Ciao: ha, ikr [3/1/2017 11:16:09 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Johnny fiddler -- could have a quick joke once more with Jim and that I suppose [3/1/2017 11:16:45 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: apparently Cris B's storywielding didn't save him from dying :o [3/1/2017 11:17:13 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: we could do a Monty Python ripoff with people trying to go after a bunny rabbit with storywielding powers perhaps [3/1/2017 11:17:38 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: if Krig shows up, his Viking bros could too [3/1/2017 11:18:25 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: the brew for Emperor Pi could be used, and reveal what it does (something epic presumably). or maybe just off-screen. or maybe it's just very good tea [3/1/2017 11:18:52 PM] Al Ciao: rofl the monty python rip off [3/1/2017 11:18:55 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: London - clearly still a mess [3/1/2017 11:19:13 PM] Al Ciao: well, Pi used the Mongolian Sakura brew to fend off angels and dryads in Burundi, so it clearly does have some powers [3/1/2017 11:19:26 PM] Al Ciao: also, I think britt just forgot Cris B was said to have storywielding :P [3/1/2017 11:19:39 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: if there's looking up at the night sky for stars bleeding ink or Highemp's battle (or just the space fighting in general), the pink moon could get mentioned here [3/1/2017 11:20:06 PM] Al Ciao: he gained it during the montages where they were trying to teach Losien storywielding...accidentally taught everyone BUT Losien at first, including himself. He was acting as a mentor figure at the time...can't remember if that was before or after he declared himself an enemy of the heroes :P mighta been after [3/1/2017 11:20:12 PM] Al Ciao: ah, right [3/1/2017 11:20:15 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: right, I remember the montages :) [3/1/2017 11:20:56 PM] Al Ciao: always the great friend to lazy writers ;) [3/1/2017 11:20:58 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: if Mecha Lou gets involved with Polly, the techno-witch connection could come into play [3/1/2017 11:21:03 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: lol [3/1/2017 11:21:41 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: the Eiffel Tower being a golden couch might be nice to mention again if we mention Midas doing stuff? [3/1/2017 11:24:37 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Justin Beiber thing -- not directly related, but I do like to think Thand's original plot (to have everyone "zombies" to social media and thus not a target of the EeP) was technically a more effective plan than putting everyone to sleep, but that the former was too slow, and the latter puts people at risk in the Dreamstate. regardless, it's a detail I'd probably mention in an opening post myself (something like "In most of the world, its inhabitants are under an induced sleep, though those not among the few fighting are walking around glued to their phones" or some such, just to repaint that picture) [3/1/2017 11:25:27 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Mr Nine in trade request -- something that could come into play with Hell's involvement for sure [3/1/2017 11:26:06 PM] Al Ciao: i think it was mentined that America was largely already 'zombified', and it was the rest fo the world that was too slow [3/1/2017 11:26:25 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Schwarzenegger now the president? if only that were real life. sadly, one of the few things the president has to be is natively born in real life. [3/1/2017 11:26:28 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: ah, makes sense [3/1/2017 11:27:09 PM] Al Ciao: rofl [3/1/2017 11:27:22 PM] Al Ciao: well, Schwarzenegger was mentioned as VP in a long ago post, to Thand [3/1/2017 11:27:28 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: maybe Schwarzenegger, glued to his phone, does something on behalf of America.... tweets with Ben to follow an order or sends nukes or something [3/1/2017 11:27:37 PM] Al Ciao: and then it was mentioned on page page 50 after Thand's death that the VP was getting sworn in xD [3/1/2017 11:27:41 PM] Al Ciao: rofl XD yeah [3/1/2017 11:27:43 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: nice [3/1/2017 11:27:58 PM] Al Ciao: you're an Ahnuld fan, I take it? i don't know much about his tenure as governator, honestly [3/1/2017 11:28:25 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: nor do I.... I mostly just meant he'd be better than Trump.... but most people would be :P [3/1/2017 11:28:32 PM] Al Ciao: HAHAHAHA yes [3/1/2017 11:28:47 PM] Al Ciao: even highemp would be better than trump, and that is saying a lot ;) [3/1/2017 11:29:01 PM] Al Ciao: or do i have my metaphors backward,a ndt hat'd be saying a little.... [3/1/2017 11:29:05 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: the mention of Britt having one last time travel trip left. I actually had a very specific idea for this [3/1/2017 11:29:07 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: ahahaha [3/1/2017 11:29:25 PM] Al Ciao: oh did you? :O i was thinking it could be addressed in HFO, but wnated to include it as a possiblity [3/1/2017 11:29:38 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: ah, well I suppose that's always a possibility too [3/1/2017 11:29:53 PM] Al Ciao: what's yer idea thhough? :D [3/1/2017 11:33:21 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: but see, Britt's established as the Legend, the character across time. he knows about making mistakes and remembers terrible things and, at least at first (perhaps inspired by Geb), Britt tries convincing TLTE to end his evil ways, describing how he knows of TLTE as a young man (thanks to the flashback) and gleans that TLTE had been heroic with Geb and co and presume TLTE to be a victim of circumstance, so he offers TLTE the time travel card "to undo the mistakes, go back and change things".... Britt might also admit that it could help him not die at Ante's hand. It appears to give TLTE pause.... and then TLTE shoots the card with his gun [3/1/2017 11:33:40 PM] Al Ciao: :O [3/1/2017 11:34:07 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: and TLTE emphasizes that he's true evil, not a victim of circumstance. then the two would probably duke it out [3/1/2017 11:34:33 PM] Al Ciao: that's evil! not as evil as stealing the GameCube, but still! [3/1/2017 11:34:37 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: hahaha [3/1/2017 11:34:51 PM] Al Ciao: oh btw...Al would want to help TLTE somehow. He sees him as a friend to be loyal to, same as Geb and Krig [3/1/2017 11:35:53 PM] Al Ciao: not that he'd be able to [3/1/2017 11:36:16 PM] Al Ciao: but he'd be very unwilling to just kill TLTE without trying to reason or at least imprison him....not that the other heroes would feel any differently, but just thought i'd note that :P [3/1/2017 11:37:05 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: well, if you feel Al would tag along with Los and Evil G, that could happen, though truth be told, I don't see Al living very long if that's the case. I suppose Al and co could briefly bump into TLTE before he slips into NeShattered, allowing for such a moment while allowing Al to still have more antics throughout the end of NeSquared. I mean, he (like everyone else) will fall one way or another, I just figured it might make more sense for Al to bumble around until he's one of the few remaining survivors, and then "fall" somehow protecting Iriana or something [3/1/2017 11:37:33 PM] Al Ciao: right, i don't mean he should go into Shattered [3/1/2017 11:37:40 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I'd probably go with the "tag until the entrance to NeShattered" then [3/1/2017 11:37:58 PM] Al Ciao: do you envision anyone still being around in NeS2 after TLTE returns from Shattered? [3/1/2017 11:38:03 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: maybe Al can pick up stuff at the palace after then before joining back in the fray [3/1/2017 11:40:53 PM] Al Ciao: righto [3/1/2017 11:41:13 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: do you envision anyone still being around in NeS2 after TLTE returns from Shattered?no. I figure NeShattered would end with Los plunging Fred and Malorkus into the pedestal while TLTE is fighting and delivers the felling blow to Geb and/or Britt, which brings down the EeP, and he "escapes" back into NeS2 with Losien on his heels. the world would basically be falling apart (not unlike the end of NeS1) with TLTE either giving his last dying words and/or living only for Losien to finally kill him. then cue existence/NeS dying and Los placed in the monologue situation [3/1/2017 11:41:49 PM] Al Ciao: gawtcha :) [3/1/2017 11:42:07 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: if anyone IS still alive, I imagine it'd be like the end of Return of the Jedi with Luke and Vader -- nameless extras about to die sort of deal [3/1/2017 11:43:00 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I think having any named characters around at that point would make it feel too "dragged out" and draw away from that climax so to speak [3/1/2017 11:43:51 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: but as with pretty much everything, that's just my thoughts. the only thing I really want to do for certain is that Losien is the last remaining survivor and that she has a monologue moment like Geb did [3/1/2017 11:44:00 PM] Al Ciao: okey dokey :) [3/1/2017 11:44:22 PM] Al Ciao: should there be an epilogue to transitiion to NeS3D? Like with a time skip and characters like Geb and Rachel retiring to have their kid? [3/1/2017 11:46:24 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: mmmm not in NeS2. I would be up for a distinct "epilogue thread" though. I've actually thought about doing a similar thing for a "prologue" to NeS3 (I don't think the thread itself should have one, but I also really would enjoy writing one I think). either thing though might be best as Pan posts too though [3/1/2017 11:46:47 PM] Al Ciao: okey doke :) [3/1/2017 11:47:13 PM] Al Ciao: i only say that cuz i felt the transition from NeSo to NeS2 was jarring, theere was no context for what happened or how things went from everyone ddead to everyone in a van [3/1/2017 11:47:22 PM] Al Ciao: granted, part of that was the delayed writing of the ending, but still [3/1/2017 11:47:46 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: if for whatever reason it feels we need to address something like Geb and Rachel retiring, I'd only go so far as to do something like Losien saying "Yeah, I'm taking up my brother's job after he settled down with his wife and kid" or the like. [3/1/2017 11:51:07 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: right. so I can /try/ to allieviate that both at the end of NeS2 by giving /some/ result to Losien using her main character power to "restore NeS" and not just end it at "I'm rebooting NeS!" and to open NeS3 with something like "Years have passed since that fateful day Losien saved everyone but the one she loved" or something along those lines [3/1/2017 11:51:34 PM] Al Ciao: that's fine, i just wanted to point that out, is all :) [3/1/2017 11:51:36 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I'll be working with you and Britt to "review" both my last post for NeS2 and my first post for NeS3 regardless [3/1/2017 11:55:30 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: biological uncle to Ohqeanos -- the dude, or his offspring, could show up in HFO/Pan/CatH [3/1/2017 11:55:53 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: ah, the Helmets [3/1/2017 11:56:02 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: funny stuff [3/1/2017 11:56:19 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: SSTTA - may be worth mentioning with Chronos? [3/1/2017 11:56:52 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Britt being the avatar of the memory titan - again, I think this is helpful to know for NeShattered thematically [3/1/2017 11:57:17 PM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: "***Aamira Fatimah Khatoon, head bishop of the Mosque of Blackstar" I have no idea what this was from [12:03:25 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: ***page 18, #700: Thand's weird device on the opposite end of the globe from Siberian site; explodes after Thand's death on page 50 glad you noted it, and I'll note that it's done its thing in my mind. if you feel it should do something explicit in the end of NeSquared, it should tie to the Siberian paradox made from Young and be known that it was a "final act" by Thand [12:04:00 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Joey - setup for NeS3/HFO [12:05:28 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Polly probably now looks like a Playboy bunny again, and any oldies who read Playboy back then would be all :o at seeing her. not sure if we have any characters that are in their 50s or older that fit that bill [12:05:45 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: already talked about my thoughts for the Patriot [12:06:04 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: character stuff! [12:08:52 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: TLTE: knowing he's technically a clone is a detail I enjoy. TLTE's loss of Potential and connection with Los, seeing Los's hair as black - signs of his particular perception of Losien, arguably insane. as for the tear-soaked bullets, I see TLTE using them to shoot random villains in his way to NeShattered with two left. I have a very specific idea for this too if you don't mind another spoiler [12:09:59 AM] Al Ciao: okay, i thought Thand's device might be done, but i wanted to note it in case there's more to be done [12:10:24 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: fair enough. like I said, I feel it's done. if you or Britt want to do more with it, go for it [12:10:38 AM] Al Ciao: As for the tear-soaked bullets...i wonder if your idea is similar to mine. Like someone challenging TLTE to shoot himself with it to prove he's evil or something. And maybe he does, or maybe he says, "Evil is a choice, not a state of being, and I have chosen to accept my fate" [12:10:43 AM] Al Ciao: what's your idea? [12:11:02 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: that's half my idea, lol [12:11:04 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: so yes [12:11:09 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: you're right on that [12:12:38 AM] Al Ciao: hehe [12:13:12 AM] *** Al Ciao mumbles to self, MUST not use beaten-to-death joke, MUST not use beaten-to-death joke, MUST not.... *** [12:13:21 AM] Al Ciao: also, remind me what the purpose of Thand's weird device was? [12:15:58 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: the other half is at the end of the Geb/Evil G magic duel, it's clear Geb will be the victor, but Evil G does something underhanded and looks ready to kill Geb, but TLTE shoots him with said bullet. cue "Yeah, I'm as bad as they come" or something with Evil G falling over. then what you said, with TLTE saying something along those lines, and either preparing to shoot Evil G again for good measure when it's knocked out of his hand. Los gets possession of it, which she holds onto until the very end. she shoots TLTE with it as he's on death's door (though making it explicit he's still alive and could live). She shoots him. She watches him for a lengthy time -- the reader isn't given knowledge of what TLTE is or isn't doing (maybe he died. maybe he didn't, then died from something else) and Los sheds tears. CUE DRAMA [12:16:21 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: lol, beat to death joke [12:16:49 AM] Al Ciao: :O so is that in NeShattered then? [12:16:59 AM] Al Ciao: trying to remember the order of your project climax plans [12:17:08 AM] Al Ciao: i like the Evil G angle [12:17:19 AM] Al Ciao: but does that mean he won't get a happy ending with Young and Chance? :'( [12:22:24 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: also, remind me what the purpose of Thand's weird device was?at first, I made it early in Thand's "oh man he's a cool character" as out-of-story insurance that, if Thand got killed off or something, there'd be an out for Thand to still do something impactful in death. Later on, and I assert that this is the unwritten possibility, I suggested that it could be used as a pool to alter an irrefutable fact -- tested on with Angela. The fact, in this case, would be that the man known as Thand would live on, just as he had from Adam to Adai and from Adai to whatever to Arkng. now, with that said, I have zero desire to bring Thand back as A___ T___ in NeS3 or Pan or HFO or ever -- Thand is dead, and The First Man character shouldn't make a reappearance. He's lived a hermit life, and I believe in NeS2 as events have unfolded, he came out to take part in a slice of experience to personally get involved with NeS, to know it as only experience can know it, to help those like Geb out while passing on some sage advice, and move on back to his plans far above our understanding on a timescale beyond lifetimes. arguably, that would even fit into a return to Pan, but I think his character is just best lived out in filling out his history, not his future [12:22:56 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: granted, since it's left to be open-ended, it may very well just enacted some random thing that saved the NeS that we'll never know about either [12:23:14 AM] Al Ciao: okey doke :) didn't realize you felt so strongly about Thand [12:23:34 AM] Al Ciao: guess it makes sense, you do like finality when it comes to grand character arcs :P [12:23:42 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: trying to remember the order of your project climax plansexcept for the two specifics with Evil G and Britt, most of my climax ideas in order are in my one workshop post [12:24:00 AM] Al Ciao: yes i know...and i'm too lazy to loook that up right now :P [12:25:29 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: but does that mean he won't get a happy ending with Young and Chance? :'(while Evil G won't be mentioned in NeS, same as Geb, he's going to be a Hand of NeS, like Geb, so no worries, he'll still get a happy ending. he, like Geb, might be forever crippled in some fashion (Geb probably his leg, Evil G trouble breathing or something.... if I bother to have such noted) [12:28:09 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: okey doke :) didn't realize you felt so strongly about Thand guess it makes sense, you do like finality when it comes to grand character arcs :PI do, though it should be noted that I originally felt Thand should have lived at least until the climax of NeS2, if not continue playing some part into NeS3 originally. my feelings on the matter largely stem from what I felt were too many difficulties portraying him at all, much less in NeS, and of course that Britt wanted to bump him off way earlier nilly-willy. what ended up happening worked out fine, but yeah [12:28:23 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: yes i know...and i'm too lazy to loook that up right now :Pfair enough [12:30:14 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Ante with "the knowledge of NeS" will be noted in the next NeShattered post, when he enacts his grand plan to use Britt to free the NeS from the writers (and have it backfire causing the EeP to finally invade NeS proper). his weapons may be useful if he ends up fighting anyone like Britt [12:32:37 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Losien: both has no soul and has a partially detatched soul, lol. still not sure what to do, if anything, with that whole thing. I mentioned some time ago about maybe Gwen fusing with her soul or something -- the idea being that Los neither loses her Potential nor becomes one herself, but something unique to her. I haven't adequately thought of how that would be described in my mind though. the rest of the details are good things to remember to inform her character :) [12:33:40 AM] Al Ciao: yea i remember your Gwen/shadow fusion idea. could work [12:33:45 AM] Al Ciao: an dlol yeah crazy, right? [12:33:52 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Amal: has a voice in his head? weird. in any case, especially in Losien's absence, I foresee Amal taking the lead as the hero-type and doing a lot to put up a good fight [12:35:53 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Geb as Shirley and as Supershoes -- might need to reference these things in NeShattered. I'm trying to keep moments of comedy I can still pull from in NeShattered. I don't want to turn it into a laugh riot, but I do want to interject comedic moments still as contrast to the dramatic pasts, like I feel has been done in page 3 of NeShattered thusfar (thanks in large part to Britt) [12:38:03 AM] Al Ciao: i'd have to look up that voice might make sense to you in context, but at the time, i don't recall knowing who the voice was supposed to be [12:38:08 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Rachel: she's a wacky one for sure. part of me feels she should have more of a role for the end of NeS2, and maybe she can be shown doing heroic stuff, though I also don't have much for her in mind and despite other stories that do the whole "don't stop me from kicking ass just because I have a baby" I find that concept both hard to believe and not very heroic personally, as it'd be like swordfighting while holding a baby in your hand at best. so.... /shrug/ [12:38:12 AM] Al Ciao: right [12:39:50 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: the whole Maybe-Otter thing probably should play a factor in Otter's climax, if just character informing if nothing else. the notes for Otter will help inform him too of course. [12:40:07 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: don't got anything for maeve [12:42:47 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: Al: as noted before, it'd be nice to have him tag along to give a plea to TLTE before they go into NeShattered, and maybe Al does something with the palace. other notes as mentioned about Arnie, Mia, and whatnot too. Oppo could be a funny note to make. in general, I think it'll be good to have Al around to keep options for goofiness even in the epic craziness of NeS2, and as I noted, might "fall" protecting Iriana (or maybe she does for him :o ! or both for each other - a family hug as something bad happens) [12:43:24 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: the Polly notes will be helpful for her confrontation with Losien. beyond that, I don't have anything in particular [12:44:58 AM] Al Ciao: family hug :O [12:46:46 AM] Scott "Gebohq" Gajewski: I suppose if Young puts up a fight, she might go stabbing things that get too close with the iceicle? if we want to make a writer's post, we could mention "Lib leaving on a very strange taxi" or the like, to leave his fate up in the air. Subaru the healer, yay! and Tracer being Los's rock -- ties in with the idea of being there to help her chase down TLTE and protect her as a human shield. as for Darkside and They, I guess Darkside 3000 is still around and They would be among any TTT's, so that could be noted I suppose, particularly if They does something with Lib the Writer?