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ForumsJedi Outcast and Jedi Academy Editing Forum → Bot Characteristics
Bot Characteristics
2002-04-07, 4:09 PM #1
I'm just about to finish up my first JO Skin/Bot. Is there any tuts that explain the bot characteristics? Basically what I want in a bot that has a tendency to use force lightning.
2002-04-07, 4:11 PM #2
use the Desann bot's files... it uses force lightning a lot

I was kicked out of Smurfland for being purple.
1 of 14 | 6-16 Never Forget. | Click.
2002-04-07, 4:12 PM #3
Dont know how to write the files but the Shadowtroopers use lightning more than most bots, amybe you could borrow the script and mod it a bit (or leave it as is)
"For all these years i have only known Dark Jedi, never one from the Light-Side...
...Somehow I expected more!"
2002-04-07, 7:38 PM #4
Okay I'm looking at the forceinfo in those files. I know what most of the numbers mean, but what do the first two with the dashes?

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