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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Star Wars Sequels?!
Star Wars Sequels?!
2004-01-23, 11:53 AM #41
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Rod-Nog:
Accept Lord of the Rings had a new fresh nice soundtrack, with actors that can act, GOOD special effects, and an awesome plot, with magnificent camera work and an extremley deticated director, and the budget for all three films was cheaper then three crappy SW films...other then that yea Episode II is the exact same as LotR.

Bottom line: How can you compare Jackson's masterpiece to Lucas's table scraps?


Maybe because it was boring and slow most of the time. What was the plot dang it?! Destroy the bloody ring! Plot twists? Anything? No. It was a linear freaking story. Orc bad guy. Ring need destroy. Big eye guy mean man. That is it. Please, educate me on what was so fresh and revolutionary about that plot? What suprises were in there? The Sixth Sense has an outstanding plot for example. What couldn't you predict in lord of the rings, hmm?

And name some bad camera work in Star Wars. Or bad effects, other than bloody jar jar.

I don't like the prequels, but god almighty, what does everyone see in lord of the rings?

KDY-The Friendly Star Destroyer People
KDY-The Friendly Star Destroyer People
2004-01-23, 12:05 PM #42
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Spork:
The Thrawn Trilogy on film would really rock. The way Zahn wrote it was really cinematic, Lucas wouldnt have to mess with much at all.


The Thrawn Trilogy lacks lightsaber battles though. There was really only that one at the end... SW movies without lightsaber battles just woulndt fly with the general public who doesnt pay attention to the EU.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)

DSettahr's Homepage
2004-01-23, 12:09 PM #43
That's all I watch Star Wars for - the incredibly realistic force useage and lightsaber battles.

Duel Zero : Released the beta. Probably the end of it. Not to worry though, I'm working on Randsaber, which is a lot better.
2004-01-23, 12:17 PM #44
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Lord_Kuat:
Maybe because it was boring and slow most of the time. What was the plot dang it?! Destroy the bloody ring! Plot twists? Anything? No. It was a linear freaking story. Orc bad guy. Ring need destroy. Big eye guy mean man. That is it. Please, educate me on what was so fresh and revolutionary about that plot? What suprises were in there? The Sixth Sense has an outstanding plot for example. What couldn't you predict in lord of the rings, hmm?

And name some bad camera work in Star Wars. Or bad effects, other than bloody jar jar.

I don't like the prequels, but god almighty, what does everyone see in lord of the rings?


First off, you don't need a plot twist for a movie to be good. Second, the plot is based off, perhaps, the best fantasy novel ever written. Peter Jacson did an excellent job speeding up the story for the movies. The movies plod along at times because that's how the story went

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-01-23, 12:36 PM #45
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Checksum:
...the incredibly realistic force useage...</font>

Oxymoron detected!

"They came to sieze and take whatever they please,
Then all they gave back was death and disease."
~Darkness, Rage Against the Machine
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2004-01-23, 1:01 PM #46
Oh yes... Tolkien isn't fresh at all. Ever heard of D&D? Lodoss wars? just about anything with orcs, people, elves, and dwarfs in a big story is the doing of tolkien! He has inspired so many stories/movies/ripoffs it's crazy. Tolkien IS FANTASY!

Gondor has no pants.
Gondor needs no pants.
Someone wrote this over one of the urinals: "The joke isn't on the wall; it's in your hand." - BV
2004-01-23, 1:38 PM #47
Ok fine, believable force useage.

[This message has been edited by Checksum (edited January 23, 2004).]
2004-01-23, 2:26 PM #48
Star Wars Sequels . . . hmmmm.....

Being a major fan I would love to see it happen. In contrast, the prequels have been a far cry from the quality of the original trilogy (JAR JAR HAS LED TO THE DOOM OF GEORGE LUCAS).

Steven Speilsburg . . . Doing Star Wars? Sounds good, but he hasn't produced anything worthwhile lately. He might not be the guy for the job. Leave it to Lucas (I shudder saying that).

Indy IV. I hated Temple of Doom but Raiders and the Last Crusade were classics. I have a bad feeling that Indy IV is going to be a botched project.

If their are sequels, I want to see the Thrawn Trilogy. I never heard of them until last Christmas; upon hearing good reviews I went to the library and checked out Heir to the Empire. That book kicks amazing amounts of @ss. I MUST READ THE REST.

I just hope Episode III will turn around the whole prequel mishap. Episode 1 was s#it. Episode 2 was better but a gimmick for cinema. Episode 3 should be good.

Oh . . . I think the most quality ever put into a series of movies is found in LotR.

Multiplayer Game Alias: II88BlackOps
JA is awesome!
Corrupted Paths, my WIP for JA. Screens here:

My quote: "People choose to side with the left, and the others choose to side with the right. I go forward."
2004-01-23, 2:41 PM #49
Catch Me If You Can
Taken (10 episode miniseries))
Minority Report
Band of Brothers

Are just a few of the great projects that Speilberg has worked on in the past few years

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-01-23, 3:01 PM #50
Lords of the Ring did have plot twists.....

*Frodo getting stabbed by that troll, yet he didn't die.

*Gandalf coming back to life. I thought it was brillant how they made the audience believe it was Saruman instead of Gandalf at first.

*Frodo deciding to take the ring for his own cynical uses instead of destroying it.

What also made LotR great (along with what Rod-Nog said) was good dialoge and engaging characters. Something that the old Star Wars Trilogy had.
2004-01-23, 3:28 PM #51
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Rod-Nog:
Oh yes... Tolkien isn't fresh at all. Ever heard of D&D? Lodoss wars? just about anything with orcs, people, elves, and dwarfs in a big story is the doing of tolkien! He has inspired so many stories/movies/ripoffs it's crazy. Tolkien IS FANTASY!


Personally, I never liked them =P.

But you are saying he invented elves, trolls, and other various fantasy crap? Well, if you say so. I doubt it, but considering I always liked a blaster by my side istead of say, a club, I never kept up with fantasy. This type of extrapolation was is used all the time. Penny arcade had a good comic on this, where group A said "Hey, we invented vampires and warewolves!". Groups B, C, D and ect were behind them. Ideas are hardly ever truly original anymore.

At this rate however, you will be telling me he invented the internet. But we all know Al Gore did...

------------------ -No porn. We promise*
2004-01-23, 3:33 PM #52
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cloud:
Lords of the Ring did have plot twists.....

*Frodo getting stabbed by that troll, yet he didn't die.

*Gandalf coming back to life. I thought it was brillant how they made the audience believe it was Saruman instead of Gandalf at first.

*Frodo deciding to take the ring for his own cynical uses instead of destroying it.

What also made LotR great (along with what Rod-Nog said) was good dialoge and engaging characters. Something that the old Star Wars Trilogy had.

True. Those all work for the people who didn't read the books []

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-01-23, 3:38 PM #53
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Lord Kuat:
But you are saying he invented elves, trolls, and other various fantasy crap? Well, if you say so. I doubt it, but considering I always liked a blaster by my side istead of say, a club, I never kept up with fantasy.</font>

'Orc' is originally Latin for evil underworld dweller or something like that, and was revived by Tolkien for Middle Earth.

Elves go back waaaaaaay before Tolkien into Germanic and English folklore.

Dwarfes are from Norsk mythology, Tolkien basically borowed them directly from that.

Trolls were originally from Scandinavian folklore, but again popularised for our time by Tolkien.

Ents, Balrogs, Nazgul, etc, yeah I think it's fair enough to credit Tolkien with inventing those []

The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.

[This message has been edited by Spork (edited January 23, 2004).]
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2004-01-23, 3:41 PM #54
Tolkien took all the old fantasy stories from varoius parts of Europe and popularized them.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-01-23, 7:29 PM #55
Tolkien didn't invent elves or dwarves or dragons or trolls or any of it. And his books sucked. Yes, sorry, they did. People may have copied him, but they nearly always did it better!

If you want to read some *real* fantasy read George RR Martin's "Song of Ice and Fire" books. Or Ian Irvine's "View from the Mirror" (despite its idiosyncracies).

Everyone seems to worship the LotR films and books for no reason I can determine. The books were plodding and dull, with barely any plot, whereas the movies were hampered by the fact that they were a filmic adaption of a set of books that were plodding and dull. They did *better*, but they are nowhere near the best films of all time.

Oh! And someone praised RotK's ending. It just kept going! Crying hobbit after crying hobbit! Christ! They had two fake fade-to-blacks, and even a fake fade-to-white! Couldn't they have just ended it with Frodo and Sam lying on that outcropping of rock in the lava (which, btw, would have killed them...)?

I just don't get why Star Wars is flamed and LotR is praised when they both have about the same level of effects (naturally it's easier to convince someone that you're really in a forest than if you're really in a giant termite base), same level of dialogue (some of the stuff in LotR was excruciating. Much of it was approaching Hobbit slash...) At least Star Wars has a somewhat complicated plot. Confederacies, trade blockades, scheming, planning. No one really has any clue what's actually happening, who's betraying whom, blah blah blah. OK, the acting is pretty much unrelentingly awful, as is the dialogue, and there are a few silly moments ("You just massacred women and children? Let's have sex!"), but at least they're exciting and unpredictable (a nice feat considering we already know what happens...).

Arrgh, more later, gotta work. I'm glad to see at least someone is on my side, though! []

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">
*Gandalf coming back to life. I thought it was brillant how they made the audience believe it was Saruman instead of Gandalf at first.

Except for, of course, the trailers that were played every five seconds, and the fact that Ian McKellan was promoting the film despite being "dead"...
2004-01-23, 7:36 PM #56
I don't disagree that the books are slow. No one will argue that point, but with out Tolkien, none of these other fantasy stories would have made to the publisher. Also, it's more than just LotR with Tolkien. In created an entire world with thousands of years of history that, if some one found a million years from now, would wonder if it actually happened. I've have read more exciting books and better constructed books and books that are written better than any of Tolkien's writing, but none have had the impact on hte literay world that LotR had.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-01-23, 7:50 PM #57
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Matthew Pate:
At least Star Wars has a somewhat complicated plot. Confederacies, trade blockades, scheming, planning. No one really has any clue what's actually happening, who's betraying whom, blah blah blah. OK, the acting is pretty much unrelentingly awful, as is the dialogue, and there are a few silly moments ("You just massacred women and children? Let's have sex!"), but at least they're exciting and unpredictable (a nice feat considering we already know what happens...).</font>

Personaly I found the prequel storylines pretty predictable and what I couldn't predict didn't really make sense anyway. *shrug*

The only real surprise was the revelation that angst, not hate, truly leads to the dark side.

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1 & 2 | Gonkmeg
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-01-24, 2:20 AM #58
pre tolkien elves = little 2ft child robbing migets

tolkien elves= well, yea

stop talking in brail

300 years as jedi master i was, now i bloody night-lite

(:-) Monobrow

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