I don't believe that, and have seen no real evidence that points to this conclusion. There are a million different types of people who download music, and many of those include people who in some way reimburse the artist.
For instance, when I download a song (illegally or legally, it's all the same to me), if the artist is worthy, I'll spread the word to my friends. I can account for dozens of CD's by some of my favorite artists being sold to my friends because of file-sharing (I don't share files with the public), in this year alone. I can account for many CD's in my own collection that would have never been purchased if it weren't for file-sharing. Most of the music I listen to is from overseas, is sometimes difficult to get ahold of here in the states, and I would never waste what little money I make on buying random albums without downloading the mp3's to see if I enjoy them first. I bought the entire collection (minus a few singles) of Juno Reactor's albums even before they started getting big in America, and it was all due to file-sharing. I won't bore you folks with more examples, I'm sure you get the point, whether you pretend to or not.
I don't recall stating that "downloading music illegally is okay." My point is that you folks are all over file-sharing like white on rice and half of you can't see beyond your own hypocracy. You folks are always so quick to pass judgement and create goofy analogies like your crap doesn't stink, but if you're like most humans, half of you probably break the law on a daily basis. So are we all going to hell? 99% of you break the law, and it's just strange to see people on their high-horses passing judgement on people who download music and then turn around and go out to run a stop sign. You folks must be so much better than we are.
And btw, shoplifting is a goofy analogy.
Do you believe everything that you learn in school? I don't recall stating that music was a necessity, but one could easily make the argument that it could possibly be. Are you the official source on what is necessity? Are you one of those people that thinks that anything that doesn't send us back to the caveman days isn't a necessity? Personally, I'll leave it up to the individual to decide what is necessary for them.
Irrelevant to Cazor's post, which is what I was responding to.
Contrary to what the other side would like you to think, you're one of the many.
Agreed. People are greedy and they'll sell anything as long as there is a profit to be made. There's nothing illegal about it, but one could easily question the morality of such things.
Grashopper4232: There are millions of people that are right there with you bud. If the other side of this debate had their way, you'd be paying for music without ever getting a chance to sample it first (like we've been doing for years). I want to sample an entire album when I purchase a CD...anything less would be a waste of my time.
I can name hundreds of artists that I listen to, that I would never have heard about if it weren't for file-sharing (most of my music falls in this category). I totally agree with your entire post.
Don't laugh, there is truth to his statement. First of all, you can't put all artists in the same category. There are many artists that are making a killing because of file-sharing. After you take them out of your equation, you can rethink your strategy. If you'll care to think/dig a little deeper you'll come to a different conclusion. One that shows file-sharing as a friendly carebear.
Interesting post Farix.