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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Music Activism - RIAA RIP
Music Activism - RIAA RIP
2004-02-04, 8:45 PM #81
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Septic Yogurt:
dumb bands and manufactured artists are part of the major label deal... do all of the work yourself and you'll see a nicer return, i mean, people signing to majors are either stupid, gullable or arrogant, i couldn't see any other reasons, so i don't buy major label cds, because i'd prefer my cash to go somewhere better.


Not necesarily

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-02-04, 11:28 PM #82
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by CaptBewil:
Please point out these so called Communists. The world has never seen a true Communist Government. I realize you were being sarcastic or whatever, but it just pains me to know that some 12yr old might actually take that statement seriously. They would then fall back on their ignorant knowledge of what Communisim truly is, and mistake it for the false image that the US Propaganda depicted during the Cold War.


I won't have to look far, you filthy pinko scum!

Better dead than red!
Those bees all have paws!
2004-02-04, 11:53 PM #83
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">'s nice of you to get all upset on behalf of all those artists out there.

Umm... you're welcome?
2004-02-05, 7:04 AM #84
Well, many of the communes of the 1800s would count as pretty much proper communist governemnts, and none of them ever succeeded.

The music argument bores me.

I must say though, it seems a bit odd to me to see some of the people who dl music using the fact that the artists don't get a big cut from album sales as justification, since logically they would get even less money if their music was only downloaded and never purchased.

I'm not a big fan of the RIAA, myself, but most people seem to have a pretty distorted version of what is actually done with profits (in most industries at least). I don't know the specifics of the RIAA, but in most industries, the largest portion of the profit is invested, which in this case, if accurate, would be investing in new artists (in addition to the lawsuits they face/cause, advertising, lobbying, etc.)

I'm sure the RIAA faces rather high legal costs even without suing various ips.

I can't think of any business that is just sitting on stacks of cash.

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