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ForumsDiscussion Forum → My anti-anti-smoking rant.
My anti-anti-smoking rant.
2004-02-05, 5:41 AM #1
Well, I'm not anti anti-smoking really. I'm just sick and tired of everyone blaming all cancer on smoking while they stand there getting cancer from so many other things.

There a alot of us that spend 30 to 45 minutes per day standing in a bus terminal waiting for a connecting bus to get us to work or school. While we stand there people around us smoke because they can't smoke on the bus. That's really bad for our health. Really bad for the 10's of millions of us that have to stand there breathing that in every day. Breathing in all that diesel exhaust would be ok if it weren't for all that second hand smoke.
I die at 71 from lung cancer and they'll attribute it to smoking.

Then there's all that good produce we eat. Some of it contains anti-oxidents to help combat the onset of cancer. We take it from the basket or out of the fridge, wash all that yucky dirt off of it under the tap(because dirt is bad. bad dirt bad), and then eat it. Mmmmm... it's so good for you. It might be if you used some steel wool to remove the pestricides that were still on it. Not only might those pesticides give you cancer but they may harm your nervous system.
You die at 49 from a heart attack and you go down in history as a smoking death statistic because you smoked for 8 years in your 20's.

After the yummy fruit there's all that yummy canned food. Billions of us eat from a can every day. Usually many times every day. The warnings are there and they say you'd have to eat alot of canned food to start feeling the symptoms of this toxin, but remember things like Scotchguard (tm)?
Don't worry though, one of us will die from the associated effects and they'll blame it on smoking.

Yes. Scotchguard. Most likely something in your house has been treated with it. Probably more than once. If it's not something that's been Scotchguarded, don't worry, you can get your fill of PFOA from many other products. What did that say? Ninety-two percent of Americans have trace amounts in them?
And second hand smoke will kill us all.

There's that anti-smoking commercial I really like. The one with the 55 year old waitress who never smoked a day in her life and now she has lung cancer. Truely a sad story. But did anyone go to her house and see how much radon is accumulating there? Studies show that it kills up to 30,000 people every year by lung cancer. You know if she has a molecule of nicoteine in her lungs they blamed it on smoking.

My point? There are thousands of things we do everyday that will eventually kill us. Do you think they will put warning signs on bus stops showing pictures of cancerous lungs? Do you think they'll tell parents about how children on the back of a school bus are more prone to getting disease than the ones sitting at the front of a school bus due to the increased amounts of deisel they breathe in back there? No. Of course they won't. Smoking is bad.
Also, that waitress didn't get cancer from second hand smoke. She got cancer from deiesel exhaust, radon, Scotchguard, fryer vat oil fumes from the restaurant she worked in, a mix of household cleaner chemical fumes, the thin film of perfume oils that have coated her lungs, vulcanized rubber dust from the constant wearing of tires left on the road and kicked up every time a vehicle drives by, sulpher oxides and nirtous oxides poured into our atmosphere from the constant manufactuing of raw constuction materials, and second hand cigarette smoke.


To artificial life, all reality is virtual.
2004-02-05, 6:09 AM #2
I tried smoking one nght.

Had 10 cigs.
COuldnt breathe the next morning.

It was bad.

But yeh, its a choice
Smoking !always= OMGCANCER!

"It was a slap in the face, how quickly I was replaced".
"Do you remember telling me you'd hold me until you died (until you died)... well you're still alive"

"I just love it when you stick your tongue in my brain, darling"
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2004-02-05, 6:10 AM #3
None the less, people CHOOSE to be in those situations or do those things that lead to cancer. However, many non-smokers have no choice to enhale second-hand smoke from inconsiderate smokers at bus terminals or other public areas. And as we all know, second-hand smoke is more damaging then first hand.

And all and all, there are somethings that are completely out of our control. Smoking isn't one of them. You can STOP smoking and thereby lower your risk of getting lung cancer. As Forrest Gump would say, "One less thing."

"At last, we have come to find the truth to our souls. Though, the truth is not what we expected. I now fear my own soul."

[This message has been edited by CaptBewil (edited February 05, 2004).]
"At last, we have come to find the truth to our souls. Though, the truth is not what we expected. I now fear my own soul."
2004-02-05, 6:11 AM #4
That's just it though. Rather than finding all the real issues, a scape goat is found.

ie. Video games make people kill rather than ignorant, no, flat out stupid parents.

"She turned me into a newt!"
"Well I got better..."
"She turned me into a newt!"
"Well I got better..."
2004-02-05, 6:11 AM #5
stop cancer

stop breeding

Drugs & Stupidity, Tons of it.
2004-02-05, 6:14 AM #6
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by R_ivi_N:
That's just it though. Rather than finding all the real issues, a scape goat is found.

ie. Video games make people kill rather than ignorant, no, flat out stupid parents.


Exactly, I've played violent video games my entire life and I wouldn't hurt a fly (okay, well maybe a fly, but you know what I meat). Video games have even been shown to increase reflex time and make those who play video games better deffensive drivers.

"At last, we have come to find the truth to our souls. Though, the truth is not what we expected. I now fear my own soul."
"At last, we have come to find the truth to our souls. Though, the truth is not what we expected. I now fear my own soul."
2004-02-05, 6:19 AM #7
not to take the subject too far from topic, but in all honesty, computer games have done the opposite to me that what the media claims it to be doing to my innocent little mind... it reminds me how dangerous crap like guns and stuff can be.

Drugs & Stupidity, Tons of it.
2004-02-05, 7:15 AM #8
You say that people choose to put themselves in those other situations, but have no choice about second-hand smoke? That's bull. If you don't have a car or it's inconvenient, you pretty much have to take the bus. If you don't have a lot of money, you probably can't afford organic food. Most people don't choose to live in a home infested with radon, it just kind of accumulates. If you don't like people smoking at the bus terminal, walk five feet away. It's not like a few people smoking cigarettes are producing a massive wall of smoke. The fact is, the computer you're staring at right now is probably giving you cancer. EVERYTHING can give you cancer. Deal with it and move on.

2004-02-05, 8:21 AM #9
My only issue is this:

Research smoking - everything 'may' cause cancer, but smoking actually does cause cancer, and there is enough research to back that up that I feel it would be silly to go through 1200 links to prove it - we are all educated here, and we know smoking does cause cancer.

Smoking is something that is almost a cancer catalyst - fewer things that are as common as cigarretes or the like cause as much havok on the lungs as they do. Therefore, yes, other things CAN cause cancer, but because they are usually in trace amounts, they usually DON'T. Where as smoking is almost always concentrated, and can be found in great quantity.

Therefore, yes - most cases of cancer, at least of the lungs, can be attributed to smoking (and lung cancer one of the most common, if not the most). So its really silly to say that, at least for lung cancer, that it's things other than cigarrettes causing it. If people quit smoking, you would see a rapid decline in that type of cancer, to minimal numbers...

*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 2-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*
*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 3-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*
2004-02-05, 9:01 AM #10
Well, hte soltion is quite simple. Stop eating and brething all together

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-02-05, 9:03 AM #11
*turns blue*

*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 2-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*
*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 3-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*
2004-02-05, 9:24 AM #12
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Avenger:
Well, hte soltion is quite simple. Stop eating and brething all together</font>

This just in: smoking conducive toward bad spelling.

"LC Tusken: the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot"
NMGOH || Jack Chick preaches it || The Link of the Dead
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-02-05, 9:35 AM #13
I'm against smoking myself but like people have already said, most of the time you can avoid secound hand smoking by moving away. I do have to concur with Darth Evad though, it's not just smoking that kills.

"Life is like a network of roads, you keep on running till you hit a dead end."
2004-02-05, 9:46 AM #14
The problem is when people smoke in a public place though - for as much as restaurants have a "smokers" and a "smoke free" section, the smoke from the smokers section always ends up wafting to the non-smoking section. Thus, moving away solves nothing. Anyway, I don't think people should be allowed to smoke other than outside, in their cars, and in their homes. Hey, its not my dirty habit - I don't want it forced on me, nor its harmful side affects.

*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 2-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*
*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 3-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*
2004-02-05, 9:54 AM #15
People that smoke generally don't notice the stench. My mom smoked for 17 years of my life, and my friends would comment that the smell of ash was quite prevalent through my house, though I never smelled it.

However, once my mom stopped smoking (and I thank her for that), about a few months ago, I was standing next to someone, and they reeked of ash. I literally had to move simply to get away from the horrible smell. I can't stand to ride in my sister's car, because the smell of her cigarettes is horrible.

"LC Tusken: the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot"
NMGOH || Jack Chick preaches it || The Link of the Dead
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-02-05, 10:14 AM #16
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by fingarez:
You say that people choose to put themselves in those other situations, but have no choice about second-hand smoke? That's bull. If you don't have a car or it's inconvenient, you pretty much have to take the bus. If you don't have a lot of money, you probably can't afford organic food. Most people don't choose to live in a home infested with radon, it just kind of accumulates. If you don't like people smoking at the bus terminal, walk five feet away. It's not like a few people smoking cigarettes are producing a massive wall of smoke. The fact is, the computer you're staring at right now is probably giving you cancer. EVERYTHING can give you cancer. Deal with it and move on.


Why do I have to walk 5 feet away?! Why doesn't the smoker? The point is, smoking in public is being inconsiderate of others AND IS DOING MORE DAMAGE TO THEM THEN THE PERSON SMOKING!

Stop trying to rationalize your addiction.

"At last, we have come to find the truth to our souls. Though, the truth is not what we expected. I now fear my own soul."
"At last, we have come to find the truth to our souls. Though, the truth is not what we expected. I now fear my own soul."
2004-02-05, 10:23 AM #17
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Wolfy:
People that smoke generally don't notice the stench. My mom smoked for 17 years of my life, and my friends would comment that the smell of ash was quite prevalent through my house, though I never smelled it.

However, once my mom stopped smoking (and I thank her for that), about a few months ago, I was standing next to someone, and they reeked of ash. I literally had to move simply to get away from the horrible smell. I can't stand to ride in my sister's car, because the smell of her cigarettes is horrible.


This is because you get used to the smell. Ever notice that everyone else's house seems to have some type of smell or odor other then yours? Or, after weeks of using the same aftershave or cologne, you start to notice your using a lot more then when you started? Your adding more because you've gotten use to the weaker scent and don't notice it any more.

This is also similier to if you live in a house with a clock that ticks loudly and rings loudly on the hour. After awhile you get use to the ambient sound and don't even notice it any more unless you make a conscious effort to listen for it.

"At last, we have come to find the truth to our souls. Though, the truth is not what we expected. I now fear my own soul."

[This message has been edited by CaptBewil (edited February 05, 2004).]
"At last, we have come to find the truth to our souls. Though, the truth is not what we expected. I now fear my own soul."
2004-02-05, 10:31 AM #18
My point was that smokers don't realize that their smell is extremely offensive because they don't know how bad it really smells.

"LC Tusken: the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot"
NMGOH || Jack Chick preaches it || The Link of the Dead
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-02-05, 10:32 AM #19
I don't get mad at people who smoke. I just think everyone who smokes is a stupid moron.

"The pressure! My friends smoked, I was forced too!"

"My parent's smoked, so I have to."

"Smoking is so cool, it relaxes you, and it doesn't harm you!"

"I just wanted to try it once, but after one cig I was hooked!"

SHUT UP! People that talk like that are stupid! Nobody forced you! If you just HAD to try it you have no free will. Shut up! Try to quit, if it doesn't work, try harder!!! Don't give me that bull that you have to smoke! Unless you are strapped to a chair, and there is a gun to your head, a bomb in your pants and the only way you get out of it is to smoke a pack of ciggs, shut up! I am sick of the people at my school who think it's so cool to smoke..because it ISN'T! Your parents smoke? So!? I worked at a bar for a year, a bunch of my friends parents smoke, I am around smoke all the time, shut up, you are all liars, you don't have to smoke. Smoking should be illegal.

Someone wrote this over one of the urinals: "The joke isn't on the wall; it's in your hand." - BV
2004-02-05, 10:35 AM #20
But you see Joren, that's why I used examples like deisel fumes, radon and Scotchguard. These are things that some of us (millions and maybe billions of us) can not avoid.
All 3 well researched and known to cause lung cancer even to those that don't smoke or come into contact with second hand smoke.

If a person who Scotchguarded thier house every 5 years, took the bus to work everyday for 30 years in a metropolitan area downtown and lived in a house with a cinderblock foundation, died of lung cancer and only tried smoking when they were a teenager for a few months to try and be cool, they would attribute that person's death to smoking.
It must be smoking because what else could it be?

To artificial life, all reality is virtual.
2004-02-05, 10:40 AM #21
Evad, you make a good point, but I mean if a person smoked ages and ages ago, I don't think anyone would say "I remember him smoking for a week about 40 years ago"

Lung cancer isn't only from smoking, but a damn large portion of it is.

Someone wrote this over one of the urinals: "The joke isn't on the wall; it's in your hand." - BV
2004-02-05, 10:46 AM #22
here here

################### Life is like a network of roads you keep
###OOO#######OOO### on running till you hit a dead end!
###OOO##OOO##OOO### Why live to suffer when to live doesn't
########OOO######## mean to suffer?
###OOO#######OOO### We live, we die, live with it!
#####OOOOOOOOO##### Snail racing: (500 posts per line)
################### @%
2004-02-05, 10:46 AM #23
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Wolfy:
My point was that smokers don't realize that their smell is extremely offensive because they don't know how bad it really smells.

I know, I was agreeing with you and threw some more examples to reinforce the point. []

"At last, we have come to find the truth to our souls. Though, the truth is not what we expected. I now fear my own soul."
"At last, we have come to find the truth to our souls. Though, the truth is not what we expected. I now fear my own soul."
2004-02-05, 10:47 AM #24
2 main causes of cancer are smoking and long signatures.

Someone wrote this over one of the urinals: "The joke isn't on the wall; it's in your hand." - BV
2004-02-05, 10:48 AM #25
For me it's not really about cancer, I just don't want to ****ing breath in smoke. Everyday walking into the building at work we get a nice big dose of secondhand smoke because all the smokers congregate outside the entrance. I ****ing hate it, makes me feel sick.

I'm all for people's right to smoke, I don't care, it's your life. However I just don't want to breath that **** in so don't do it where I have to walk.

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1 & 2 | Gonkmeg
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-02-05, 10:49 AM #26
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Wolfy:
This just in: smoking conducive toward bad spelling.


Or really, really bad typing []

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-02-05, 10:52 AM #27

Someone wrote this over one of the urinals: "The joke isn't on the wall; it's in your hand." - BV
2004-02-05, 11:02 AM #28
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Darth Evad:
But you see Joren, that's why I used examples like deisel fumes, radon and Scotchguard. These are things that some of us (millions and maybe billions of us) can not avoid.
All 3 well researched and known to cause lung cancer even to those that don't smoke or come into contact with second hand smoke.

If a person who Scotchguarded thier house every 5 years, took the bus to work everyday for 30 years in a metropolitan area downtown and lived in a house with a cinderblock foundation, died of lung cancer and only tried smoking when they were a teenager for a few months to try and be cool, they would attribute that person's death to smoking.
It must be smoking because what else could it be?


Now here is the thing though - some cancer is genetic (thank God I am adopted), so we don't know that angle, and also, we aren't talking about people who "tried it once for a week in H.S." - we are talking about the habitual smokers. I am not saying people wouldn't die from lung cancer if there was no smoking - just that it would be severely lessened. Aside from asbestos, which is not in much construction material any more, you cannot truthfully name anything common that causes lung cancer faster than smoking.

And not just for the smokers, but also the non who live with the smokers. I have to REALLY calm myself down every time I see a smoking parent lit up around their young kid - I want to do horrible things to them, because I have been down that hell, and wish it on no child. I had severe asthma, and wouldn't you know it, it went away when my parents quit smoking.

The thing is, it really is stupid to toss one's hands up and say "we really don't know!" when we do know better.

It would be like finding someone who died of heart failure and saying "we really don't know what caused it" when there is a syringe with traces of drugs sticking out of his arm. Yes, there is a chance that the heart failure was caused by something else, but realistically - not likely.

*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 2-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*
*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 3-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*
2004-02-05, 11:04 AM #29

Someone wrote this over one of the urinals: "The joke isn't on the wall; it's in your hand." - BV
2004-02-05, 2:33 PM #30
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by CaptBewil:
Exactly, I've played violent video games my entire life and I wouldn't hurt a fly (okay, well maybe a fly, but you know what I meat). Video games have even been shown to increase reflex time and make those who play video games better deffensive drivers.


Yeah, just you wait though! All those flies you killed will one day become genetically enhanced super-beings, and then they will have their revenge!



Er, and uh... about smoking, ummm.... stop smoking, and munch on pills instead and watch out for those... ghosts...


/me gebs it

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2004-02-05, 2:37 PM #31
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Joren DarkStar:
The problem is when people smoke in a public place though - for as much as restaurants have a "smokers" and a "smoke free" section, the smoke from the smokers section always ends up wafting to the non-smoking section. Thus, moving away solves nothing. Anyway, I don't think people should be allowed to smoke other than outside, in their cars, and in their homes. Hey, its not my dirty habit - I don't want it forced on me, nor its harmful side affects.


In australia, you are only allowed to smoke outside the resteraunt. much better.

your curiosity will get the better of YOU one day.
Jon`C:Irony is spelling 'quality' poorly.
Spork:Well I think 'Irony is spelling grammar poorly'
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)-@%
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2004-02-05, 2:54 PM #32
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by alpha1:
In australia, you are only allowed to smoke outside the resteraunt. much better.</font>

Yeap, the only indoor venues you're aloud to smoke at in Australia are pubs and nightclubs, and even then only after a certain time at night.

The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2004-02-05, 3:17 PM #33
I don't have a problem with informed individuals who make the decision to smoke. My problem lies with the fact that informed individuals rarely make that decision, and cigarette companies make their profits by literally preying on the ignorance of teenagers everywhere. Many teenagers are simply not mature enough to make life-long deicison aobut marriage and child-birth, not to mention smoking, and I say this even though I am a teenager myself. If people were more knowledgeable about the consequences of smoking (specifically, the addiction) and not as easily manipulated by peer-pressure, the amount of smokers in the country would be 1/10th of what it is today.

The cigarette companies might claim that they do not advertise their products to teenagers, but what good is such a statement with tens of thousands of cigarette machines standing around everywhere and considering that 85% of smokers start in their teenage years?
2004-02-05, 3:23 PM #34
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Darth Evad:
Well, I'm not anti anti-smoking really. I'm just sick and tired of everyone blaming all cancer on smoking while they stand there getting cancer from so many other things.

People don't complain that all cancer comes from smoking, they just complain that smoking can cause cancer (which is a fact).

Only To Keep The Public Happy
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2004-02-05, 3:25 PM #35

This is now the smoking section of this thread. Deal with it.
2004-02-05, 3:27 PM #36
Despite what they say, smoking does make you look cooler and you become more popular.
Those bees all have paws!
2004-02-05, 3:30 PM #37
Lets all look cool... we can't run 20 feet and people like me are 10 times healthier and break you in every sport known to man... but your right you do look cool.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Burrie|WatchingFromTheShadows holds up a skeleton's head. "= or !=. That is the statement."</font>
2004-02-05, 3:36 PM #38
Smoking makes you look so damn cool. I WISH I COULD BE THIS COOL!


Someone wrote this over one of the urinals: "The joke isn't on the wall; it's in your hand." - BV
2004-02-05, 3:38 PM #39

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Burrie|WatchingFromTheShadows holds up a skeleton's head. "= or !=. That is the statement."</font>
2004-02-05, 3:39 PM #40

W00! I look so cool! Smoking rocks!

Someone wrote this over one of the urinals: "The joke isn't on the wall; it's in your hand." - BV

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