Well, I'm not anti anti-smoking really. I'm just sick and tired of everyone blaming all cancer on smoking while they stand there getting cancer from so many other things.
There a alot of us that spend 30 to 45 minutes per day standing in a bus terminal waiting for a connecting bus to get us to work or school. While we stand there people around us smoke because they can't smoke on the bus. That's really bad for our health. Really bad for the 10's of millions of us that have to stand there breathing that in every day. Breathing in all that diesel exhaust would be ok if it weren't for all that second hand smoke.
I die at 71 from lung cancer and they'll attribute it to smoking.
Then there's all that good produce we eat. Some of it contains anti-oxidents to help combat the onset of cancer. We take it from the basket or out of the fridge, wash all that yucky dirt off of it under the tap(because dirt is bad. bad dirt bad), and then eat it. Mmmmm... it's so good for you. It might be if you used some steel wool to remove the pestricides that were still on it. Not only might those pesticides give you cancer but they may harm your nervous system.
You die at 49 from a heart attack and you go down in history as a smoking death statistic because you smoked for 8 years in your 20's.
After the yummy fruit there's all that yummy canned food. Billions of us eat from a can every day. Usually many times every day. The warnings are there and they say you'd have to eat alot of canned food to start feeling the symptoms of this toxin, but remember things like Scotchguard (tm)?
Don't worry though, one of us will die from the associated effects and they'll blame it on smoking.
Yes. Scotchguard. Most likely something in your house has been treated with it. Probably more than once. If it's not something that's been Scotchguarded, don't worry, you can get your fill of PFOA from many other products. What did that say? Ninety-two percent of Americans have trace amounts in them?
And second hand smoke will kill us all.
There's that anti-smoking commercial I really like. The one with the 55 year old waitress who never smoked a day in her life and now she has lung cancer. Truely a sad story. But did anyone go to her house and see how much radon is accumulating there? Studies show that it kills up to 30,000 people every year by lung cancer. You know if she has a molecule of nicoteine in her lungs they blamed it on smoking.
My point? There are thousands of things we do everyday that will eventually kill us. Do you think they will put warning signs on bus stops showing pictures of cancerous lungs? Do you think they'll tell parents about how children on the back of a school bus are more prone to getting disease than the ones sitting at the front of a school bus due to the increased amounts of deisel they breathe in back there? No. Of course they won't. Smoking is bad.
Also, that waitress didn't get cancer from second hand smoke. She got cancer from deiesel exhaust, radon, Scotchguard, fryer vat oil fumes from the restaurant she worked in, a mix of household cleaner chemical fumes, the thin film of perfume oils that have coated her lungs, vulcanized rubber dust from the constant wearing of tires left on the road and kicked up every time a vehicle drives by, sulpher oxides and nirtous oxides poured into our atmosphere from the constant manufactuing of raw constuction materials, and second hand cigarette smoke.
To artificial life, all reality is virtual.
There a alot of us that spend 30 to 45 minutes per day standing in a bus terminal waiting for a connecting bus to get us to work or school. While we stand there people around us smoke because they can't smoke on the bus. That's really bad for our health. Really bad for the 10's of millions of us that have to stand there breathing that in every day. Breathing in all that diesel exhaust would be ok if it weren't for all that second hand smoke.
I die at 71 from lung cancer and they'll attribute it to smoking.
Then there's all that good produce we eat. Some of it contains anti-oxidents to help combat the onset of cancer. We take it from the basket or out of the fridge, wash all that yucky dirt off of it under the tap(because dirt is bad. bad dirt bad), and then eat it. Mmmmm... it's so good for you. It might be if you used some steel wool to remove the pestricides that were still on it. Not only might those pesticides give you cancer but they may harm your nervous system.
You die at 49 from a heart attack and you go down in history as a smoking death statistic because you smoked for 8 years in your 20's.
After the yummy fruit there's all that yummy canned food. Billions of us eat from a can every day. Usually many times every day. The warnings are there and they say you'd have to eat alot of canned food to start feeling the symptoms of this toxin, but remember things like Scotchguard (tm)?
Don't worry though, one of us will die from the associated effects and they'll blame it on smoking.
Yes. Scotchguard. Most likely something in your house has been treated with it. Probably more than once. If it's not something that's been Scotchguarded, don't worry, you can get your fill of PFOA from many other products. What did that say? Ninety-two percent of Americans have trace amounts in them?
And second hand smoke will kill us all.
There's that anti-smoking commercial I really like. The one with the 55 year old waitress who never smoked a day in her life and now she has lung cancer. Truely a sad story. But did anyone go to her house and see how much radon is accumulating there? Studies show that it kills up to 30,000 people every year by lung cancer. You know if she has a molecule of nicoteine in her lungs they blamed it on smoking.
My point? There are thousands of things we do everyday that will eventually kill us. Do you think they will put warning signs on bus stops showing pictures of cancerous lungs? Do you think they'll tell parents about how children on the back of a school bus are more prone to getting disease than the ones sitting at the front of a school bus due to the increased amounts of deisel they breathe in back there? No. Of course they won't. Smoking is bad.
Also, that waitress didn't get cancer from second hand smoke. She got cancer from deiesel exhaust, radon, Scotchguard, fryer vat oil fumes from the restaurant she worked in, a mix of household cleaner chemical fumes, the thin film of perfume oils that have coated her lungs, vulcanized rubber dust from the constant wearing of tires left on the road and kicked up every time a vehicle drives by, sulpher oxides and nirtous oxides poured into our atmosphere from the constant manufactuing of raw constuction materials, and second hand cigarette smoke.
To artificial life, all reality is virtual.