I'm not a smoker. Besides the somewhat unpleasant smell, I simply do not have the cash to make it a a habit.
![http://forums.massassi.net/html/wink.gif [http://forums.massassi.net/html/wink.gif]](http://forums.massassi.net/html/wink.gif)
But, because of the type of people that are apparently quite prevelant at this message board, I am a pretty devoted anti-anti-smoker.
As has been said here before, sure, smoking may cause cancer, and it may kill you. But, as has also been mentioned, many other things can cause cancer. Hell, getting up out of bed in the morning can be potentially fatal. Whatbugs me the most about so many anti-smokers is their nauseating self-righteouss. They could be driving down a city street in an SUV suckin down a greasy McDonalds cheeseburger and talking on a cell phone, and then glare haughtily in disgust at a smoker they see on the street.
Now hold on, I know, I know, this is certainly not true of all anti-smokers, and is probably a very wide exageration. But the point remains--Just about anything you do could either kill you or kill someone else.
There's also the single-mindedness of many other anti-smokers. You know, they type who apparently lurk at websites that they feel support their own ideas, spout off unchecked statistics, and then flood message boards with shameless propoganda photos.
And, you have to admit, had Al Pacino pulled out a stick of gum while trying to protect Vito Corleone's hospital room and chewed on that instead of pullin out a cigarette, he would have looked FAR less cool and intimidating. In that case, cigarettes saved a life.
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.