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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Scary (Oil Crisis)
Scary (Oil Crisis)
2004-02-10, 11:43 PM #41

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">For the first time, the globally supply situation is looking perilous. On current trends, global oil production will peak at around 80m-90m bpd in around 2015. This estimate, from the Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas, is pretty much in line with projections from OPEC and the International Energy Agency. With current demand at 80m bpd, and set to grow by at least 1.0m bpd a year, (Perhaps more if Chinese economic growth continues at current high rates) this will produce an energy crunch sometime in the next decade.</font>

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">The second figure, Proved Reserves, is very important. If we take the amount of oil left and divide it by the amount used each year, we should end up with a number which roughly tells us when the oil wells will dry up (known as the Reserves/Production or R/P ratio.) If you don't know already, have a guess. It's less than you'd expect. According to BP, Proved Reserves currently (2002) stand at 1047.7 Gb and an R/P of 40.6 years. Yes, that means, if everything stays the same (of which more later), we will have run out of oil in 40 years! One generation. Anybody under the age of 35 or so will have to face a future with no oil.</font>

Conservative estimates are closer to 200 years, but I don't beleive it.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-02-11, 12:25 AM #42
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Avenger:

Conservative estimates are closer to 200 years, but I don't beleive it.


Thats exactly the problem, conservitive people and scientists are making this number way to big, and therefore arent putting the funding into the alternative energy services. While Bush has stated he wants hydrogen fueled cars in 2015, the scientists making those cars have stated that under current funding, it won't be until 2040. By then, it may be to late.

Happy "Diseased" dud: You said I'd be like this guy. Boycotting everything..
Happy "Diseased" dud: ted kazcnisky. That's who it was.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wait, That's the unibomer.
Happy "Diseased" dud: Wrong guy.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-02-11, 7:15 AM #43
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by fishstickz:
Thats exactly the problem, conservitive people and scientists are making this number way to big, and therefore arent putting the funding into the alternative energy services. While Bush has stated he wants hydrogen fueled cars in 2015, the scientists making those cars have stated that under current funding, it won't be until 2040. By then, it may be to late.


At the same time, Bush said he wanted Congress to increase the research money put into hydrogen fueled cars, so it is in the hands of Congress now.

*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 2-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*
*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 3-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*
2004-02-11, 8:10 AM #44
humanity has spent most of its existance without oil.... it aint a big deal, unless you're THAT dependent on technology.

Drugs & Stupidity, Tons of it.
2004-02-11, 8:35 AM #45
This isn't the first time I've heard of the potential results of the Oil Crisis... I've known about it for about 8 years now...

YES, some of the problems ARE exaggerated... but merely to get people to pay attention. If a problem is present, where the only viable solution means a serious change, just about EVERYBODY will downplay how serious the consequences are.

Currently, Oil is by far the greatest source of energy in the US, and is required for the production of the ubiquitous material plastic. As for the other fuel sources, coal, natural gas, and nuclear fission are somewhat major sources. However, each has its own problem:

Although an affordable supply of coal, were the world to repalce oil with it, would last for at least several hundred years longer. However, it's black smoke dramatically decreases the air quality, and is likely to be the current number one source of acid rain.

Natural gas's supply may last longer than oil's, but the stuff is already more expensive than oil, and will also likely run out...

Nuclear power is perhaps the most wasteful. Currently, the average full-production plant uses up about one full reactor within two years. As a result, another reactor becomes waste every few days, and requires extreme isolation, as direct, close exposure to one would quickly kill any known life. Integral Fast Reactors promised to fix that problem, but that project seems to have been shelved.

As for everything else, the energy amount produced is VERY little. Fuel cells may work, but they've still got a longway to go, especially when many people incorrectly fear Hydrogen for its explosiveness (yet they have no qualms about driving a car powered by highly explosive gasoline).

Solar power isn't quite strong enough, especially with such weak collecters.

Wind power is pretty much the same; it's too weak for how much land it needs.

Hydro power MIGHT have been an option, but not for the whole population. Even the Three Gorges Dam, currently under construction (and scheduled to be completed in 2008), will not be sufficient to provide for even the majority of the current energy needs of those it will provide for.

Personally, I think that the Oil problem isn't just something that can be waved off with a satement such as "well find other sources". I don't think they'll come quick enough...

Also, I DO see a potential for a die-off caused by oil shortages... It makes sense. Russia's economy collapsed at the beggining of the 90's, and now their population shrinks by around 2/3 a million a year. An oil shortage would easily cause most economies to collapse, as they can't figure out what to do, which will also hurt development of other sources of energy. And when ALL of the countries have a lack of resources, people are going to fight over them.

However, I believe that 500 million is what the LOWEST posibility of what the total population might reach... I think the ammount of people dead from such a crisis might be less like 6.5 billion (at around 2017, the world population will reach 7 billion), and more like 200 million to 2 billion.

I think the proposed figure of roughly 90% of all humans dying come from the assumption that nuclear war might break out... This could be especially possible for nations like India and Pakistan, which together have over 20% of the world population...

[edit]Oh, and in case anybody wonders where MY information is coming from, It's from the World Bank (

Nes digs around in the trash can.
Nes finds a hamburger!
Nes puts the hamburger in his backpack.

[This message has been edited by nottheking (edited February 11, 2004).]
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2004-02-11, 9:23 AM #46
invent fusion power?

Drugs & Stupidity, Tons of it.
2004-02-11, 9:31 AM #47
Solar and wind power are viable options. There have been great steps forward with the technology. Like I said before, one of the biggest hang-ups with solar and wind power plants is that they are eye-sores in the eyes on many people.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?

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