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ForumsDiscussion Forum → CD + linux + ??? = ogg vorbis
CD + linux + ??? = ogg vorbis
2004-02-16, 12:57 PM #41
Your ears may be alright, but I fear for your eyes and reading ability.
I posted how it can be proven.

You do a blind ABX listening test, A=original, B=encoded, X=either one of the two and you name what it is

Of war, we don't speak anymore
2004-02-16, 1:22 PM #42
Conclusion: Linux is fun.

Mystic0 Editing Resources (no longer Updated)
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2004-02-16, 1:25 PM #43
? wtf you troll?

You made the claim that vorbis sounds significantly worse than mp3, thus implying you could pick it out anytime without even knowing exactly that vorbis is playing, I then told you to prove it by performing a double blind listening test

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">ABX is a method for determining by listening whether two wav files are audibly different from each other. The method is most useful for listening to potential differences near the threshold of audibility. A key feature of this method is that the tests are performed "blind," or without the listener's knowledge of what the file-under-test is. Another key feature is that the influence of chance on the results can be reduced by performing multiple tests (trials).

The tester assigns one file to the "a" button, the other file to the "b" button, and then the abx program randomly assigns either the first or the second file to the "x" button. The listener can listen to a, b, or x, in any order, as many times as he wishes, then decides whether x is the same as a or the same as b. That's one trial.

An ABX session consists of multiple trials to reduce the probability that a particular result is the result of chance rather than the listener actually hearing a difference. For example, if a listener correctly identifies x after only one trial, the probability of that occurring by chance is 50%. However, if the listener were to correctly identify x five times out of five trials, the probability of that occurring by chance is 0.5^5 = 0.03 (3%).</font>

(in short: A=original, B=encoded, X= A or B, you don't know which, you write down what you think X was, you do it so often that the statistical doubt is very low)


If you don't do that you are full of bull**** and not to be taken seriously anymore


[This message has been edited by Molgrew (edited February 16, 2004).]
2004-02-16, 1:31 PM #44
...oookey dokey, let's all take a deep breath and respond a bit more calmly.

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1 & 2 | Gonkmeg
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-02-16, 1:34 PM #45
Guys...they're just file formats!

<scribbly handwriting barely resembling name>
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2004-02-16, 1:35 PM #46
Uhm, did you delete drkjedi's reply, Jaiph?

Or wait... did he remove it himself to cover something

Of war, we don't speak anymore

[This message has been edited by Molgrew (edited February 16, 2004).]
2004-02-16, 1:36 PM #47
I like flowers...

Mystic0 Editing Resources (no longer Updated)
Mystic0 Forum (fast again!)
The Massassi Post Count Summary
2004-02-16, 1:38 PM #48
no i edited my first post and deleted or edited all my posts... don't you EVER call me a troll and leave me alone

[This message has been edited by DrkJedi82 (edited February 16, 2004).]
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-02-16, 1:38 PM #49
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Molgrew:
Uhm, did you delete drkjedi's reply, Jaiph?

Or wait... did he remove it himself to cover something


Haha, when I looked to find his post, I saw yours and thought he edited his post so he could flame himself... :sigh:

Mystic0 Editing Resources (no longer Updated)
Mystic0 Forum (fast again!)
The Massassi Post Count Summary
2004-02-16, 1:44 PM #50
Dude, it's so easy really, you said you could guess vorbis easily, I ask you to do it, you refuse?

Of war, we don't speak anymore

[This message has been edited by Jaiph (edited February 16, 2004).]
2004-02-16, 1:46 PM #51
Flowers! Flowers! FLOWERS!!!

Mystic0 Editing Resources (no longer Updated)
Mystic0 Forum (fast again!)
The Massassi Post Count Summary
2004-02-16, 1:47 PM #52
ok... new and very freakish development... apparently it was a weird issue with the encoder i used the last time i tried it (and it DID have the problems i mentioned)... the quality is better but not by a whole hell of alot...

wang is within all
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-02-16, 1:48 PM #53
hey molgrew try looking at your images before you post them

oh and ok i'll do your little test then lie about the results since the internet gives the convenience of being anonymous and far away from you

wang is within all

[This message has been edited by DrkJedi82 (edited February 16, 2004).]
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-02-16, 1:54 PM #54
Sometimes you have to tell people things bluntly, that's a harsh worldly wisdom

(doing an ABX test is not necessary anymore, your comments and behaviour just disqualified yourself from participating in serious discussions in the future and being taken serious by others)

Of war, we don't speak anymore

[This message has been edited by Molgrew (edited February 16, 2004).]
2004-02-16, 1:59 PM #55
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Mystic0:
Flowers! Flowers! FLOWERS!!!


... []

Mystic0 Editing Resources (no longer Updated)
Mystic0 Forum (fast again!)
The Massassi Post Count Summary

[This message has been edited by Mystic0 (edited February 16, 2004).]
2004-02-16, 2:21 PM #56
This reminds me of one time this guy told me compression worked by removing the wavelengths that you don't hear. Then he said he could easily pick a 320 Kbps MP3 from an uncompressed WAV, and that's why he keeps all his audio in uncompressed WAV, heh.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-02-16, 4:29 PM #57
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Molgrew:
Sometimes you have to tell people things bluntly, that's a harsh worldly wisdom

(doing an ABX test is not necessary anymore, your comments and behaviour just disqualified yourself from participating in serious discussions in the future and being taken serious by others)


no you behaving like a troll (yes YOU are the troll in this because even when i asked you to back off you kept going) would disqualify YOU from being taken seriously... that and your attitude and disregard for the rules

i sure hope you are different in person... if not i'm sure you get your *** kicked alot

wang is within all
eat right, exercise, die anyway

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