I never drink milk. (I only eat trace ammounts on my cereal every morning) No other mammal drinks milk after reaching maturity, and certaintly not that of another species, either.
Are we humans that different than the rest of the animals?
Besides, milk has beef hormones, fat, and even a little bit of cows blood in it.
Here's some info to support my claim:
Most people regard me as the dark and immoral side of Massassi. At least I'm getting what I want out of life.
[This message has been edited by Pagewizard_YKS (edited March 06, 2004).]
Are we humans that different than the rest of the animals?
Besides, milk has beef hormones, fat, and even a little bit of cows blood in it.
Here's some info to support my claim:
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Another reason many people suffer various symptoms of disease from drinking milk is that, according to Dr. Oski, the majority of the world's adult population is "lactose intolerant," meaning they cannot digest lactose, the sugar in milk (cow's milk and human milk). An enzyme known as lactase is required to digest lactose, and Dr. Oski states that "between the age of one and a half and four years most individuals gradually lose the lactase activity in their small intestine. This appears to be a normal process that accompanies maturation.... Most people do it. All animals do it. It reflects the fact that nature never intended lactose-containing foods, such as milk, to be consumed after the normal weaning period."
Another reason many people suffer various symptoms of disease from drinking milk is that, according to Dr. Oski, the majority of the world's adult population is "lactose intolerant," meaning they cannot digest lactose, the sugar in milk (cow's milk and human milk). An enzyme known as lactase is required to digest lactose, and Dr. Oski states that "between the age of one and a half and four years most individuals gradually lose the lactase activity in their small intestine. This appears to be a normal process that accompanies maturation.... Most people do it. All animals do it. It reflects the fact that nature never intended lactose-containing foods, such as milk, to be consumed after the normal weaning period."
Most people regard me as the dark and immoral side of Massassi. At least I'm getting what I want out of life.
[This message has been edited by Pagewizard_YKS (edited March 06, 2004).]