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ForumsDiscussion Forum → wow, I actually have a heart
wow, I actually have a heart
2004-03-08, 6:48 AM #1
I'm a ruthless son of a *****. When I'm with my friends I love to mess around and stuff, but they know that if they are being ***es, I'll tell them and I'll beat them if they start something. Well, I wasn't feeling too good today so I decided to go home. I go to my truck in a small parking lot and pass two cars parked in one of the two entry ways to the parking lot. They left space between them for a car to get through, but someone would have to make an impossible sharp left turn and they would crash either in the left car that parked in the entrance or in an innocent car a little in front of the entrance.

I was seriously pissed because the school doesn't do anything about these retards, and while there were more people that parked their cars in stupid ways through the other parking lots, this was the stupidest I'd seen so far.

I went to my truck and pulled out two pieces of paper and a pen and wrote "Nice parking ***holes" in big letters. I then went down and put them under the wind shield wipers. As I did that, I notices one of the cars had a girly purse in it, and I don't know if it was because of that or not, but that started me thinking. They probably weren't intentionally doing this. There is a huge shortage of parking at my school. They were probably late for class and their day already sucks.

So, feeling some compassion I got two different papers from my truck and wrote just "Nice parking" on them and replaced those with the others, then I come home. This all took place about half an hour ago.

Now I feel really bad. Not because of my first signs, but because I think I'm losing my touch.

Just so this thread isn't a complete "only I get to *****" thread, let's hear about your parking and driving woes.

Checksum: I thought about it, I guess I'm striving for my own personal ideals. I'll just project those ideals onto Jesus and say "I'm trying to be like Jesus" so that I won't have to listen to you banter endlessly about me worshipping a false god or some such.

The Last True Evil: Ironically, that's very Christian of you.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-03-08, 6:59 AM #2
Just because it was a girl you let it go by?

Is there some kind of feeling of superiority swinging along? Like "girls simply can't park better, so it's not her fault and I feel pity"?

"Music is the universal language and the
dialect we speak in is Hip Hop!" - King Solomon
2004-03-08, 7:03 AM #3
When I got off work last night, everyone was leaving together, as usual, and as there was a truck parked to the left of me, so I couldn't really see. So as I was backing out all of a sudden a car starts to go behind me to get out the parking lot, but instead of hitting the brakes like I meant to, I hit the gas instead, really pretty hard, and screeched my tires, also almost hitting him in the process. Scared the hell outta me.

The Matrix is not Linux compatible.
<Lyme> I got Fight Club for 6.98 at walmart.
<Black_Bishop> I am Jack's low price guarantee
2004-03-08, 7:04 AM #4
I think you might have the right idea Molgrew, but I think it's less of "I'm superior and their inferior" and more of "I don't like making girls cry". Although I may not have done it specifically because she was a girl(it makes me ill that i still have some small special treatment programming for women in my heart), it did get me thinking. And I'm pretty sure the other car was owned by a dude.

Now that I think back, if I had wrote "Dumb***" instead of "***hole", I probably wouldn't have taken them off. Why? I don't know.

Checksum: I thought about it, I guess I'm striving for my own personal ideals. I'll just project those ideals onto Jesus and say "I'm trying to be like Jesus" so that I won't have to listen to you banter endlessly about me worshipping a false god or some such.

The Last True Evil: Ironically, that's very Christian of you.

[This message has been edited by Kieran Horn (edited March 08, 2004).]
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-03-08, 7:21 AM #5
You should have broken in and taken the purse!

All the prism in the world couldn't make hue.
2004-03-08, 7:22 AM #6
There may also be a realization upon seeing the purse. Maybe seeing something personal made you stop and think.

To artificial life, all reality is virtual.
2004-03-08, 7:44 AM #7
I would have went with the original.

Wouldn't have helped though.

I think leaving the sign AND bashing the windows in might have made it sink in a little more....or at least make them afraid to park like a jerk because of monetary consequences.

*evil grin*

Just look at it as equality - they get to be equally punished as a guy for parking like a moron...

Fear is here, where's the beer?
Fear is here, where's the beer?
2004-03-08, 8:39 AM #8
Being as ***hole all the time is a pretty crappy way to live your life.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-03-08, 9:01 AM #9
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
You should have broken in and taken the purse!


<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-03-08, 9:03 AM #10
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Avenger:
Being as ***hole all the time is a pretty crappy way to live your life.


It's worked for me so far.

The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot stay in the cradle forever.
-- Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, The Father of Rocketry
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2004-03-08, 9:50 AM #11
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
You should have broken in and taken the purse!


Kids must be shot by Monday.

Honesty tests for workers can't be trusted, report says.

Psychopaths are unpredictable.

Jay Leno's Headlines > Everything
||Arena of Fire || Grand Temple of Fire ||

The man who believes he can and the man who believes he can't are both right. Which are you?
2004-03-08, 10:11 AM #12
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
You should have broken in and taken the purse! </font>

America, home of the free gift with purchase.
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2004-03-08, 10:15 AM #13
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Avenger:
Being as ***hole all the time is a pretty crappy way to live your life.</font>
Maybe, but nice guys finish last. So either way sucks.

"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." - Proverbs 27:17

Catalog of Electronic Components - Complete IC data sheets
National Electrical Code (NEC) Online - Don't do wiring without consulting it. OR ELSE!

[This message has been edited by DogSRoOL (edited March 08, 2004).]
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2004-03-08, 10:33 AM #14
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
You should have broken in and taken the purse!


Drugs & Stupidity, Tons of it.
2004-03-08, 10:38 AM #15
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
You should have broken in and taken the purse!


wth @ self. I'll quote him too...

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)

An exile of the Soviet Massassi Regime
2004-03-08, 11:00 AM #16
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Avenger:
Being as ***hole all the time is a pretty crappy way to live your life.


I'm only an *** when someone else is an ***.

Checksum: I thought about it, I guess I'm striving for my own personal ideals. I'll just project those ideals onto Jesus and say "I'm trying to be like Jesus" so that I won't have to listen to you banter endlessly about me worshipping a false god or some such.

The Last True Evil: Ironically, that's very Christian of you.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-03-08, 11:02 AM #17
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Quote</font>

I’m not going to die, I’m going to see if I was ever alive. - Spike
It's not your right to decide whether they live or die. They deserve a chance! - Vash
Think while it's still legal.
2004-03-08, 11:03 AM #18
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by DogSRoOL:
Maybe, but nice guys finish last. So either way sucks.


I am a nice guy, and I finish first a lot. Of course, I am patient and also have a back bone, which is what a lot of the nice guys who do finish last are missing.

Fear is here, where's the beer?
Fear is here, where's the beer?
2004-03-08, 11:08 AM #19
I don't know, if it was dumbass, I think I would have left it too. *******; maybe a little too harsh. Then again, probably not. I mean, I don't care how inadequate the parking is. If you park in the frickin' entrance to the parking lot, your car deserves to be keyed many, many times.

Have a good one,
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-03-08, 11:10 AM #20

Now to just get Scarecrow a brain and the Lion some courage.

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1 & 2 | Gonkmeg
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-03-08, 11:15 AM #21
I have no parking woes. I have the perfect spot, even if it is a little far. My school is in the middle of downtown Red Bank, so parking is a huge problem.

Superstition brings bad luck.
-Raymond Smullyan, 5000B.C.
2004-03-08, 11:31 AM #22
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Kieran Horn:
I'm only an *** when someone else is an ***.


That's cool by me. I am very much the same way []

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-03-08, 1:38 PM #23
lion some courage? wouldn't we need to get half of us here to ask out a girl?

<Kroko> Massassi is like Nazi Germany online, only it's not in Germany.
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2004-03-08, 3:55 PM #24
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Genki:
lion some courage? wouldn't we need to get half of us here to ask out a girl?


And some brains for us to know that it's a futile idea!

"Your entire base belongs to us."
"It would be highly appreciated if someone would set the bomb up for us"
"Launch all of our ships, christened 'Zigs', to insure that justice will be achieved swiftly and powerfully."
"Your entire base belongs to us."
"It would be highly appreciated if someone would set the bomb up for us"
"Launch all of our ships, christened 'Zigs', to insure that justice will be achieved swiftly and powerfully."
2004-03-08, 4:23 PM #25
People who own cars have this massive aversion to walking.

At work there's a little laneway between the store and the carpark proper which serves no purpose other than to give trucks access to our recieving bay. If you drive in the laneway you have to drive about 100 meters up to the other end of the laneway and do a u-turn to get into the carpark. The carpark is huge, I have never seen it completely full ever. Every single day there's at least one asshat who turns into the laneway and parks directly outside the store despite the plethora of no standing signs, causing angry truck drivers to come into the store and yell at me because they cant turn all the way into the laneway, and hence are blocking traffic in the street outside. All the lazy drivers have to do is drive 100 meters to the end of the laneway, drive 90 meters back towards the store, and park literally 5 or 10 meters further away from the entrance in a legitimate parking spot. Annoys the hell out of me.

The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2004-03-08, 4:30 PM #26
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jaiph:

Now to just get Scarecrow a brain and the Lion some courage.


2004-03-08, 4:51 PM #27
i dont think this proves you have a heart, it proves youre a sexist ******* of a sort who thinks women are incompetant fools, and as citizens in this society are dumb blondes woh cant be expected to:
*gasp* park properly
have a bad day, like a fellow male and park properly
have a bad day thats in any way equal to a bad day a MAN would have coz we all know women always have the worst days!

[teletubbie voice] BIG HUG!!!! [/teletubbie voice]
[teletubbie voice] BIG HUG!!!! [/teletubbie voice]
2004-03-08, 4:56 PM #28
Blonde isn't a hair color, it's a life style


I dunno what to say. Good for you...or something.

I’m not going to die, I’m going to see if I was ever alive. - Spike
It's not your right to decide whether they live or die. They deserve a chance! - Vash
Think while it's still legal.
2004-03-08, 6:40 PM #29
*drags his personal issues with Wolvie off the forums and e-mails her* Let's see how this turns out.

Checksum: I thought about it, I guess I'm striving for my own personal ideals. I'll just project those ideals onto Jesus and say "I'm trying to be like Jesus" so that I won't have to listen to you banter endlessly about me worshipping a false god or some such.

The Last True Evil: Ironically, that's very Christian of you.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-03-08, 7:15 PM #30
So.. you're like.. getting mad at him because he was nicer to a girl than he would have been to a male? I'll have to remember that the next time I'm prompted to open the door for a woman. Why should I? After all, she'll probably outlive me by ten years. She should be the one opening the door for me. []

Have a good one,
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-03-08, 9:16 PM #31
Exactly, Freelancer, they outlive us, therefore we're the weaker sex and should be placed on the pedestal.

Roach - Steal acceptance, lend denial.

0 of 14.
omnia mea mecum porto
2004-03-09, 8:57 AM #32
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Wolvie17:
i dont think this proves you have a heart, it proves youre a sexist ******* of a sort who thinks women are incompetant fools, and as citizens in this society are dumb blondes woh cant be expected to:
*gasp* park properly
have a bad day, like a fellow male and park properly
have a bad day thats in any way equal to a bad day a MAN would have coz we all know women always have the worst days!


You're not one of those nasty man-hating dykes, are you?

(You sure sound like it here)

Most people regard me as the dark and immoral side of Massassi. At least I'm getting what I want out of life.

[This message has been edited by Pagewizard_YKS (edited March 09, 2004).]
2004-03-09, 9:32 AM #33
how am i a dyke, if im telling him hes wrong for thinking he could hurt a girls feelings more than his.

1) he just emailed me and got my name horribly off. apparently im elana.
2) he wrote in the email that girls are more sensitive and he figured if that same insult was to be done to a man, he'd take it better, yet he ends the emailsaying i need to watch what i say coz i hurt people (him). men get hurt too.

i just a horrid digust in the fact that you think women deserve to be given the benifit of the doubt of 'parking badly by mistake' yet if it were a male, it would be assumed that the '*******' parked it like that on purpose. that is all.

its gender discrimination against men

and the point of my post was to prove that that incident doesnt at all prove that you havea heart, it proves you have a heart for women, maybe, but its too one sided. i dont get why you'd need an event like that to take place to realize you have a heart. and if youre generally a jerk to all guys and are under the impression that guys take insults better, you gotta look at some highschool suicide rates in guys and girls and the reasons for the suicide. guys do take it pretty personal.
[teletubbie voice] BIG HUG!!!! [/teletubbie voice]

[This message has been edited by Wolvie17 (edited March 09, 2004).]
[teletubbie voice] BIG HUG!!!! [/teletubbie voice]
2004-03-09, 10:24 AM #34
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">i dont think this proves you have a heart, it proves youre a sexist ******* </font>

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">You're not one of those nasty man-hating dykes, are you?</font>

Okey dokey, insult family fun time ends here.

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1 & 2 | Gonkmeg
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-03-09, 12:25 PM #35
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">I think you might have the right idea Molgrew, but I think it's less of "I'm superior and their inferior" and more of "I don't like making girls cry".</font>

So if I cried you wouldn't bash in my windshield? At last, there *is* a light at the end of the tunnel!
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2004-03-09, 2:01 PM #36
There's no such thing as "gender discrimination" against men, for the same reason there's no such thing as racism against whites. Plus the issue never comes up because we aren't overly sensitive about being discriminated against. []

Have a good one,
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-03-09, 2:37 PM #37
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">wow, I actually have a heart</font>

I've found they're more trouble than they're worth.

"Why aren't I'm using at these pictures?" - Cloud, 4/14/02
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2004-03-09, 3:49 PM #38
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jaiph:
Okey dokey, insult family fun time ends here.</font>

Clown. []

The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2004-03-09, 5:02 PM #39
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">1) he just emailed me and got my name horribly off. apparently im elana.

Yes, I'm terribly sorry for that
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">2) he wrote in the email that girls are more sensitive and he figured if that same insult was to be done to a man, he'd take it better, yet he ends the emailsaying i need to watch what i say coz i hurt people (him). men get hurt too.
A guy would take it better because he would care less. Guys don't care what's said about them as much as girls, but by the same token they are quicker to take a fight to a physical level. What you said didn't hurt me because I'm thinking you didn't undersand what I said. Yes, men get hurt too. I never said anything to the contrary. You're trying to read things between the lines that aren't even there.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">i just a horrid digust in the fact that you think women deserve to be given the benifit of the doubt of 'parking badly by mistake' yet if it were a male, it would be assumed that the '*******' parked it like that on purpose. that is all.
I even said in my first post that when I started thinking if it was me in their position, my day would be pretty ****y already. Yes, the purse probably started that off, but that's it.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">its gender discrimination against men
And I've already said that angers me. But now you're confusing me because your original post had the opposite undertone.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">and if youre generally a jerk to all guys and are under the impression that guys take insults better, you gotta look at some highschool suicide rates in guys and girls and the reasons for the suicide. guys do take it pretty personal.
I've said in this thread before you even posted that I'm not an *** to someone unless their an *** to me first. That's why I felt bad about the signs. They hadn't done anything to me since there was another entrance to the parking lot. And I'm sorry, but guys do not take verbal criticism or insults as personally as girls because guys don't care as much. Girls are more self-conscious than guys. You can even see this when comparing how they get ready in the morning, among other things. The average guy will take a shower and then throw on a shirt and pants and go. But the average girl will take a lot longer doing other things like make-up and hair etc. I'm not saying it's a bad or good thing, I'm just saying it is there. Also, about the suicide thing, besides my being skeptical about that, there are more things to commit suicide over than someone taking an insult personal.

It seems to me that you didn't read my entire post, let alone the rest of the thread. what is going on wolvie?

I also take it you didn't pick up on the half-joking tone of the thread title. *shrug*
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">So if I cried you wouldn't bash in my windshield? At last, there *is* a light at the end of the tunnel!
no, I probably wouldn't, besides I'd never bash your windshield period. I could go to jail for that.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">I've found they're more trouble than they're worth.
no ****. You get one and your called a sexist pig.

[Edit: bad typos]
Checksum: I thought about it, I guess I'm striving for my own personal ideals. I'll just project those ideals onto Jesus and say "I'm trying to be like Jesus" so that I won't have to listen to you banter endlessly about me worshipping a false god or some such.

The Last True Evil: Ironically, that's very Christian of you.

[This message has been edited by Kieran Horn (edited March 09, 2004).]
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-03-09, 5:04 PM #40
/me hugs any1 who wants a hug

When you expect the pain - nothing left to ascertain
When you respect the lie - Deadly chasm open wide
---Circle of Dust "Chasm"
He's Watching you
…( `\(o),,_/` ¯ : o : : : o`-, ….

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