When I "bash" Windows it is usually based on my personel experiences. Why don't we break this down here, relegious forum style.
WindowsXP themes: You have to replace a system dll file to enable custom themes just because MS didn't feel like letting people fool around with things.
My Windows XP machine used to randomly reboot and build up bad sectors on the hard drive. I recevied a few blue screens as well, and it was when my system was IDLE. Wtf? Linux had no such problem.
ReiserFS is a better file system than NTFS and especially FAT32. For example, Morrowind saves load much faster on Linux. And this is through WineX.
Windows forces you to use Internet Explorer, Outlook, and Windows Messanger. Getting rid of some things is VERY frusterating and many times impossible
I have gotten my share of viruses, including e-mail worms. Back then, I used my administer acount for everything in Windows. Why? Because it was the default and I didn't know any better. Now I know that logging on to the GUI as superuser is mentally retarded. Anyway, just by opening an e-mail, Windows allows the virus to exectute itself. I got a worm. Fun fun. In linux, by contrast, I was told during installation that I should never log on to the X server as root. Now when I access e-mails, I don't have to worry about attatchments execting themselves. I have to explicitly execute it with root privilates.
Do you have the source code for the .NET framework? I didn't think so. Do you need it? Maybe you don't need it, but someone may see a flaw and feel the need to fix it and redistribute it under the GPL. But they can't.
How many programs are licenced under GPL or similar licences for Windows? Now compare that to the number of linux GPL programs.
Will Linux adopt TC? No way in hell.
How often does linux tell you to reboot after you install a package? Yes, you may have to restart X after installing a graphics driver, but that is about it. Windows tells you that rebooting is like brushing your teeth. The more you do it, the freasher you are.
Does Windows allow you to build an OS from scratch with your own custom kernal and packages tailored to your needs? No.
You know what linux lacks? Commercial backbone. The most successful applications on Windows are backed by huge companies like Macromedia and Alias Wavefront. Because Windows is their target audience. That's the only reason. Linux is perfectly capable, they are just afraid to take a risk.
I like the philosify behind linux. I like the fact that it is not Microsoft and that I'm not being controlled. I like the freedom it gives me. It dosn't bother me that people use Windows. In fact, I don't blame them for disliking linux. The fact of the matter is that not everybody has the time and commitment to learn every aspect of an OS just to compile some programs. But I my dislike for Windows is based on my personel experiences.
I check my e-mail.