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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What is everyones' long term plans for life?
What is everyones' long term plans for life?
2004-03-21, 4:08 PM #41
First I'd like to get a ridiculous amount of fame and money. Then I want to hit rock bottom in a scandalous way- sex, drugs, and alcohol. Then I want to make a recovery and then I can have some sort of comeback tour.
2004-03-21, 5:20 PM #42
I want what Jedi is planning....except just the sex and alcohol.

If you ever want to be hated by your peers, make them look bad. That's what America did.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-03-21, 5:25 PM #43
I've reflected on this for quite some time now. My ultimate goal was to become a game developer and start my own company, just a small group of folks who are shooting for the same goal. I've even been planning this out for a while with a couple of friends. But instead of focusing on just one thing, we've decided to aim for multiple goals.

So in addition to making awesome games with incredible never before seen features (use your imagination!), we also want to work on a number of anime series as well as create our own music. So basically... games, music, and anime. It's really all about sharing our minds with the world, which may or may not be a good thing.

(Edit: I also want to build a robot that I can transfer my brain into in order to achieve immortality.)

"And I listen for the whisper of your sweet insanity, while I formulate denials of your affect on me. You're a stranger, so what do I care. Vanish today, not the first time I hear, all the lies..."

[This message has been edited by Mr. Alias (edited March 21, 2004).]
"I'm praying for mayhem, I'm praying for tidal waves, I wanna see the ground give way, I wanna watch it all go down..."
2004-03-21, 5:32 PM #44
I'm going to graduate high school, and most likely go to the university of minnesota for a year or so, then go to a technical college like RIT perhaps. (ive been told that going to a in-state college first is a good idea). I will probably major in something to do with computer technology/graphic design or possibly something along the lines of architecture since i plan on being a video game environment designer. (big name for mapper, i wanna sound professional, or something. [] )

But, if in upcoming years i find that doesnt work out, i might take up acting.

There are two asses in Massassi... and I'm one of them.
The Matrix Unplugged|The Valley of the Jedi Tower|Smaug's Lair

[This message has been edited by Cazor (edited March 21, 2004).]
2004-03-21, 6:10 PM #45
I plan on taking over the world. First, I will move to a remote island in the Pacific and make drugs. My two main products are going to be methemphatamines and LSD. I will ship my product globally. With my revenues from such a business I will then invest heavily in the major corporations of the world. With my economic power I will manipulate countries into passing legislation which I want to pass. Slowly but surely every country in the world will support me. Then I will rise to power as Hegemon of the World.

Seriously, most likely I will end up as a CIO of some startup company and have two children with my wife.

Cower before my blades as I manipulate time to slaughter your pitiful, mortal body.

sHRiKE or Mith
Cower before my blades as I manipulate time to slaughter your pitiful, mortal body.

sHRiKE or Mith
2004-03-21, 6:13 PM #46
I plan on living a long life, and build myself a new computer with the new technology that's coming out by 2005...

I am a nobody, and nobody is perfect; therefore, I am perfect.

Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've stayed alive.

Yahoo! Name : jedibruintone77
I am a nobody, and nobody is perfect; therefore, I am perfect.

Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've stayed alive.

My Canada includes Beavers.
2004-03-21, 6:32 PM #47
Me? After I get my bachelor's in Music Education I'm heading to grad school for my masters in trumpet performance. So I hope to teach and perform. Yay!

And I want to get married, too. Though that may come sooner than I'd anticipated. . .

Oh yeah, I'm not dead! Yay again!

I think everyone should have to take a test to determine their eligibility to have children. If they failed, they'd be fixed. We'd have fewer stupid people that way.
2004-03-21, 6:43 PM #48
I'd like to make films in Hollywood that try offering answers to life's problems instead of just relating to them and providing escape from them. I'd like to make stuff that is helpful to society, not detrimental to it. For instance, I watched a video last semester about how Muslims in Jordan hate what "Friends" is doing to the morals of their teens/young adults, but yet at the same time, they can't get enough of it. Sure, I would like to share the gospel through my work however possible and however powerfully, but another secondary objective would be to entertain responsibly through my art.

I saw something tonight on Fox that really bothered me. Looks like there's going to be a reality show where women go through plastic surgery and are then put into a beauty pageant to see who got the best makeover? HOLY CRAP! This is a nightmare unless the producers are making a social commentary through shallow, flimsy shows like this. I would hope they are trying to point out flaws in hopes that people will try to fix them, rather than just catering to the audience's whims. To me, the shows treat their audiences like idiots for not giving them anything to think about or challenging them to be good people in everyday life.

I also hope to become fairly successful at what I do, getting rich only so I could give most of it away. I'd like to retire someday and live in a normal-sized house on a big green piece of land with rolling hills. I'd like to live there with a wonderful gal and have a grandkid or two. A bit of peace to counter the turmoil I'm bound to face on the job.
2004-03-21, 7:08 PM #49
Find a career that makes me happy.

Find a person that makes me happy.

Live with both for the rest of my life... I think I might've gotten the person part down already actually...

please *
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2004-03-21, 7:13 PM #50
I want to overthrow Microsoft. Then crush it. With my shoe.

Our very existence is at stake
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2004-03-21, 7:16 PM #51
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cosmic Castaway:
Like, I'll travel to an island where a cereal murderer is on the loose...</font>

You'd kill a man for murdering a bowl of Corn Flakes?

"When all else fails, eat pie."
thoughts from beyond observance
2004-03-21, 9:59 PM #52
To be the first Massarian on Mars! It's my belief that Kyle Katarn's secret base is located there. []
2004-03-21, 10:55 PM #53
Ugh. there's so many things I'd want to do with my life, but I'll be forced to leave out some (if not most) of them.

I wanna do some psychology, some medicine, I'd also like to be a paramedic for awhile, then a level editor for a game company, write some music for videogames, write some non-videogame music, start and manage my own nightclub (DEFINATELY doing this one!).. and then on top of that I have all my other non-career related hobbies; playing games, listening to music, editing, working out, track running, airsoft...

When bread becomes toast, it can never go back to being bread again.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-03-22, 9:38 AM #54

Gandalv the Gray, recieving bans for Christmas since December 2001
No signature for you.
2004-03-22, 9:50 AM #55
1) Pass GCSEs.
2) Go into Engineering.
3) Get married.
4) Get leg over.

Although not necessarily in that order.

The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot stay in the cradle forever.
-- Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, The Father of Rocketry
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2004-03-22, 10:30 AM #56
Achieve the, "Things i want to do before i'm 50 list" which include things which i've always wanted to do but never dared []

Also i wouldn't mind buying an island and caling it fluffle island [] and then inviting all of my friends to come. Whee []

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by GBK:
2) You statement is lacking any clear structure or grammer. Please add these things.</font>

Sweet irony...
2004-03-22, 1:32 PM #57
And then nuking the crap out of said island?

MadQuack on Military school: Pro's: I get to shoot a gun. Con's: Everything else.
"I'm going to beat you until the laws of physics are violated!!" ! Maeve's Warcry

RIP -MaDaVentor-. You will be missed.
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2004-03-22, 2:04 PM #58
I plan on double majoring in cello performance and linguistics for undergrad, and playing it by ear afterwards. Ideally I'll go for a DMA in music and land a job in a symphony somewhere, but if that doesn't pan out, I'm happy enough dealing with generative grammar and such.

From my point of view, it doesn't make sense to make too detailed plans when you never know what kind of opportunities or setbacks there'll be.
2004-03-22, 2:55 PM #59
Well, im planning to go through university in Aerospace engineering (just got my acceptence from the University of Michigan!). After that, I hope to get a job either at Nasa or an aerospace company like Lockheed or Boeing or whatever. Then, I don't know, build up my credentials, maybe go back to school to get a degree in something else, join the astronaut corps, become the first person on Mars... eventually move to Mars, and live there forever, staying alive well past the average life span by injecting myself with telomerase and other stuff.

When I get tired of my body, I'll download my brain into a space probe and go explore the galaxy. In this state, I have the advantage of being able to shut off my brain for the long trips between stars (50 years or so with the fusion drives that will hopefully be invented by then).

Oh yah, somewhere in there I might get married too. I'll download my wife's brain into the space probe too, so we can live happily together forever*.

*"forever" meaning until the eventual end of the universe

Death to all who oppose me!
2004-03-22, 5:59 PM #60
I plan to becom a rock star over night . party tour and have sex until I'm *insert # here * then shoot myself in the head like wats his arse on nirvana .
then I'll come back to life and eat human flesh .

lifes easy when you set realistic goals
2004-03-22, 6:03 PM #61
C++ / Python Programmer.

I check my e-mail.
2004-03-23, 12:00 AM #62
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cosmic Castaway:
cereal murderer</font>


PWoT, NG, EW: The best sites on the net.


[This message has been edited by Terra111 (edited March 23, 2004).]
2004-03-23, 2:58 PM #63
Well I'm currently a senior in High School, I got into Villanova and Stevens Institute of Technology; I'm leaning toward Villanova. I intend to major in Mechanical Engineering, as I've been planning to for several years. After that I'd like to get into something in research & development.

I never plan too far ahead as kind of risk management to avoid becoming to set on something that eventually may not work out. I'll probably go where life takes me after that. That's not the kind of planning I do in every case, I plan to take care of my future responsibly and all, just not in an overly specific way until I can know the specifics.

Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2004-03-23, 3:25 PM #64
I'm born, sh** happens, I die.

MadQuack on Military school: Pro's: I get to shoot a gun. Con's: Everything else.
"I'm going to beat you until the laws of physics are violated!!" ! Maeve's Warcry

RIP -MaDaVentor-. You will be missed.
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!

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