development and
maintainance of Kazaa Lite was shut down. This means they are no longer maintaining (monitoring for bugs, patching, etc) nor developing new versions of the program -- nor can they distribute it anymore.
However, the 2.x.x versions from oldversion (at least) DO IN FACT work - I, like many other people who have posted on this thread, installed it ~2 weeks ago -- and it worked perfectly for me since the moment I installed it.
You claim that if you uninstall it and reinstall it or install a fresh copy, it won't work -- honestly, think about what you're saying. If you have a version that works, and you uninstall it and then reinstall it, will the very same program miraculously not work anymore?
This is what my Klite looked like on the very first day -- and, what it looks like now:
And yeah, I'd write more but really, what the hell is the point to arguing this?
Sigs are for n00bs.
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