*quirks eyebrow*
Amazing, all the disparate replies you get.
I'd say listen to the older, more mature guys, Delphian.
Take me, for instance. I'm nearly 22, and well out of high school. You always think things mean SO MUCH in high school, until you get out of high school.
Trust me, you won't even remember this event in a couple of years.
Anywhos, to address several points.
Kirbs, that's rather insulting and shallow of you, to say that plump people are that way due to their own laziness or whatnot. Most people who are obese or even merely plump have a genetic predisposition to that.
Delphian, if you're not interested, you're not interested. Period. But if it's because she's quote, unquote "fat", I'd reexamine your motives. Yes, go ahead and turn her down, nicely, and just say you've thought about it and would just like to get to know her as a friend.
THEN get to know her as a friend.
Don't lead her on. Don't do anything out of so-called "pity". Do the right thing, simply because it's right.
That is all.
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