You know, it's very rare when a movie like this comes along. I etremely enjoyed this movie. I thought it was a very unique look at old movies, and did it's job very well.. it was entertaining, and it was like going back in time and watching an old a** movie. I remember one scene that I was very partial to. At the beginning, it sows people holding down a blimp with ropes, and it switches to a wider view of it and the people look like carboard cut outs that arn't moving. I thought this looked awesone, cause it really captured the feel of the time era. (not cause people didn't move int he 30's, but cause it looked like an effect they would use from back then)
The only down side tot his moive, is the wide variety of ignorant people that will enevitably watch it, and make it bomb at the box office.
I could tell after watching it, it isn't a movie that the hayseed common folk would enjoy for several reasons.
1. This movie was done to look like a really old movie, so it was near black and white.
- the "in crowd" won't enjoy this aspect
2. the movie was done using almost all CG... even things that didn't need to be CG... for instance cars driving down the road, and people running around in the background.
I thought this was awesome looking, cause it gave it that old cartoonish feel...
-again, people are already bad mouthing it on [url][/url] cause of this... some people are just downright stupid and have no vision... anyone with a brain knows that it's not cause they "couldn't afford an old car, or extras" it for the art... which is what movies are supposta be about.
3. There were things that happened in this movie that couldn't happen in real life
That's ok, cause it's not taking place in "real life"
-people are having a hard time understanding this also.
4. I think one of the best parts is when the giant robots start shooting lazers from their eyes, and it sounds like the exact sounds from war of the worlds.
I really enjoyed it.. not much I can really say bad about this movie at all...
The only down side tot his moive, is the wide variety of ignorant people that will enevitably watch it, and make it bomb at the box office.
I could tell after watching it, it isn't a movie that the hayseed common folk would enjoy for several reasons.
1. This movie was done to look like a really old movie, so it was near black and white.
- the "in crowd" won't enjoy this aspect
2. the movie was done using almost all CG... even things that didn't need to be CG... for instance cars driving down the road, and people running around in the background.
I thought this was awesome looking, cause it gave it that old cartoonish feel...
-again, people are already bad mouthing it on [url][/url] cause of this... some people are just downright stupid and have no vision... anyone with a brain knows that it's not cause they "couldn't afford an old car, or extras" it for the art... which is what movies are supposta be about.
3. There were things that happened in this movie that couldn't happen in real life
That's ok, cause it's not taking place in "real life"
-people are having a hard time understanding this also.
4. I think one of the best parts is when the giant robots start shooting lazers from their eyes, and it sounds like the exact sounds from war of the worlds.
I really enjoyed it.. not much I can really say bad about this movie at all...