I don't feel like ramming my way through a large group of fat sweaty geeks to get a copy of a freaking MOVIE. It's a movie and all those EEDIOTS that go to the Star Wars conventions all dressed up, or camp out to see the next SW film need to go outside or something. I am not a huge SW fan. I enjoy the movies just like I enjoy any other film. I don't have a huge collection of action figures sealed air tight, with limited edition rare only 100 made in the world SW coffee mug, and trading cards, and SW RPG, and OMG OMG OMG STAR WARS LOLOLZ!....People that get so obsessed with any film that they need to buy all this extra crap and argue about minor plot holes or how 'LUCAS CANT EDIT THAT OMG RAPE MY CHILDHOOD!' need hobbies. I have a friend who has all the comics and books, and they can list all the races and all their names and tell you everything they do....It's a movie! I don't care what race lived on whatever the crap planet and ate cheese at half past midnight with jabba but later died in book 987 on page 45 paragrah 3 sentence 2!!!!!
/end rant
Think while it's still legal.