This is what sane looks like.
Posts: 4,794
When I discovered that my true calling in Halo PC differed from that of my calling on the Xbox version.l
On Xbox, I usually charge into battle and fair pretty damned well. I suck very badly at sniping. I can't precision aim with thumbsticks at all.
It's the reverse on Halo PC, however. Oh, I can charge into battle guns blazing, only to usually get mowed down by a passing Worthog, a pistol spammer, or a damned well placed grenade. But sniping? Get me behind Red Base on Blood Gulch in those cliffs with enough ammo, and I dominate the level.
On night, I played 8v8 CTF on Blood Gulch. The game started. I loaded up and went into battle as usual. This quickly got me killed. The Blue Team in it's entirety was waiting on the other side of the teleporter for us. Don't ask how or why, I don't know. They retreat. We head out in a Worthog to try and snatch the flag. I was the gunner. One well placed grenade and a rocket to our backside from a active cammo clad blue dude later, and we were all dead again. This went on for about 10 minutes. My score remained zero. The Blue Team seemed to be able to do alot of quick kills, but in a longer battle, they always lost. That became the strategy. Draw out the battle, get the flag, go back. It worked a few times.
Cut to about 10 minutes later. The score is tied 2 - 2. One capture wins. My score is still zip, and I'm frustrated. So, I spawn again near the sniper rifle. "What the hell," I say, "it can't hurt to try." I grab it, drop down, swap the pistol for a shot gun, get some frag grenades, and head up behind Red base.
In the 5 minutes that followed, I managed to get kill, after kill, after kill, after kill. It was very literally, insane. I had NOTHING the entire game, and suddenly, here I am, racking up frags like no ones business. No one on the Blue team could step far away from the base without getting a round in the head. Kill/consume ammo, drop down, get ammo, go up, kill/consume ammo, repeat. While I'm doing this, the rest of my team is trying to mount the offensive needed to get that flag. While I was doing a fine job of whooping *** from where I was, there was always at least one blue guy who managed to stay out of my view, and thus, manage to flip the 'hog and kill the team.
After getting about 20 kills this way, I get a message broadcast to everyone in game from a blue guy, asking me to stop. Why should I? I'm doing my part. The game is suddenly very hard. He didn't like my answer. A minute later, he's screaming for anyone on his team who can to take me out.
They finally succeeded 2 minutes later. One man, in a worthog, managed to stay completely out of my field of view, and even off my radar, until it was far too late. He drove right up there, ran me over, and sped off. But not before I re-spawned and killed him as he ran.
I gather my guns and head back, only to find, there's another one of my guys up there now, using a damned pistol to snipe in my place, and guarding my partially used rifle and whatever ammo is left. He isn't doing much damage from that far back, but the hits he does make cause confusion. So I pick up right where I left off.
It was never the same as that brief moment when I had total dominance of the level, but I still massed a fair number of kills. And 3 minutes later, we possessed their flag, at our base, and scored.
The end game tally showed me in last place with 33 kills. Everyone else was way up above me. But, for a sniper, whose job is to take careful shots and stay hidden, that's a damned respectable score. Especially for something that was gained in the last 30 minutes of the game. I got a massed round of cheers and such after the game, even from the guy who asked me to stop and sent his team after me.
That right there, is not only one of the best game moments I've ever had, but one of the best HaloPC Multiplayer games I've ever played. You know why? It was at a Lan party and not online.
I've never come close to exceling like that again, but man, give me the right conditions, and I can be positively DEADLY with that gun.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand