If you're dumb enough not to realise that a bunch of hamburgers, and some french fries dipped in fat, dripping with salt, and drank with something full of sugar, then your ignorance (not you, but whoever doesnt know this by now) should be enough to make a lawyer and judge laugh at you in court for suing the company for putting out something that causes you a heart attack, or another health issue..
It's the same for cigarette's. If you don't realise that cigarette's are bad for your lungs....Then you deserve to get lung cancer, just for your ignorance.
It's practically common sense now that these things are bad for you and your body. Yet people, don't really care. They ignore what the doctors recommend, and then decide to get some money out of big corporations because something wasn't clearly labelled right.... Come on, coffee is hot. We should all know that. If you didn't get a hot coffee from mcdonalds, people would be probably suing for false advertisement or serving too cold of coffee, or something stupid like they are now.