Ubuu, what is wrong with you. I know you don't like me (Feeling mutual), but don't act like a jerk all the time. Just don't post.
I go to a school with about 85% black/hispanic people out of that 85% about 80% or so listen to rap. Out of that 80% atleast 75-70% use slang. I hear it everyday. It's like "Yo, dat sh**s mad bangin yo!" or "Dawg, gimme a stoge, I'll give you a dolla kid!". It's amazing how many uses 'bangin' has.
1.) I wanna bang her yo! (I want to have sex with her)
2.) Dat's mad bangin'! (That's really awesome)
3.) I'm gonna bang that kid in the face! (I'm going to punch that kid in the face)
4.) Everyone bangs mad lot up in herr. (Everyone smells like crap)
I'm not ignorant, I know what I am talking about. I'm also not a ' little kid'. It seems you act like the little kid by always bashing on me, so just stop the crap and stop posting on all my threads trying to make your ego bigger by bashing me.
(Please, the rest of you, continue to post about the actual topic. I apologize for this 'side show' post)
Think while it's still legal.