Nice, Sajn. Damn funny, especially when reading it outloud, with your best inpersonation of their voice.
I hate that word, as well as most new slang. "Bangin'" came out of nowhere. I'd never heard it in grade school, but my first year in high school, everyone was saying it (they must have heard it on MTV or something)! When the ditzy rich girl, who just spent $700 on a new PURSE (which looks just like her friend's, only it's ****ty and expensive, which makes it better, and her more popular!!!), says "bangin'" atleast once every class, I know it's a trendy slang word to avoid (and I'm not making up some general person based on stereotypes. This girl really exists)!
Hahahahahahahaha! I'm using that.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."