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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Public computers are the most annoying things ever!!
Public computers are the most annoying things ever!!
2004-10-04, 6:48 PM #41
There's a difference. Being a cop is a many-faceted job. They're there to serve a purpose--to protect and serve the people. Unless you do government work, my comment still applies. Even then, in some cases.

And nice try at baiting me, Darth, but I'm not rising to the bait this time.
2004-10-04, 6:51 PM #42
It was maybe a bad comparison, but still, just because there are people who are there to repair the computers doesn't give you the right to do what you want to them. People at my old college would get expelled for the semester from the labs if they were caught breaking the rules? Why? Because the techs have other things to do, like helping the computer illiterate people log on to their accounts and **** like that. :p

Your school has a set of rules concerning the computer labs, and you should be obeying them especially considering that they provide you with computers to help you with your work.
2004-10-04, 6:54 PM #43
Exactly. There are more important things to be done than removing spyware-bloated apps off of PCs. Priority #1 is helping people, not cleaning up after other people's messes.

I still love your "I can do anything I want with it because it's public." attitude though...
2004-10-04, 6:55 PM #44
MaD CoW, the perfect analogy is a fireman. They exist for the express purpose of putting out fires, as well as responding first to some medical emergencies and other emergencies. There is no way in hell anyone would want a situation to arise where a fireman would be needed.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-10-04, 6:57 PM #45
Thanks, I knew I was on the right track. I'm ****ing high on caffeine, I can't think straight anymore. I'm trying to study for my fifth test since last Tuesday (the 29th).

Advanced Calculus 2 sucks :(
2004-10-04, 6:58 PM #46
Or how about a brain surgeon? I'm sure they wake up everyday saying "Thank god so-and-so got brain cancer, or I'd be out of a job!"

I think not.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-10-04, 6:59 PM #47
I don't think you should be able to do WHATEVER you want--whatever in a reasonable fashion, however, is different. As long as you respect a computer, it will show equal respect for you. I respect even my computer at school, and thus I never have problems with it. If everyone showed this kind of disposition, we'd have no problems (don't get me wrong, I have no delusions that this would or should be so). But the thing is--lots of people who use computers to their own ends know what they're doing. They know how to keep it nice and neat and not destroy the computer in question in the process. You shouldn't be persecuting them for taking certain liberties with their privileges, if they leave a clean trail.

But you see, my school's idiotic. They won't let you use alternative browsers, and at the same time, won't let you disable IE activex, effectively forcing you to pollute their computers with crap. Try showing them this, and what do they do? They deny it.

I'm not going to deny my school's lab has rules and I should follow them--but they're really subjective. The teachers are the ones who TRULY make the rules and enforce them. For instance--I'm organizing a quake LAN party to be played every Friday when we get time to play games--and my teacher's perfectly fine with that. What do you think the administrators would think? "OMG HACKERZ"

Yeah, sometimes the rules shouldn't be followed. Sometimes.
2004-10-04, 7:01 PM #48
Originally posted by Darth
Exactly. There are more important things to be done than removing spyware-bloated apps off of PCs. Priority #1 is helping people, not cleaning up after other people's messes.

I still love your "I can do anything I want with it because it's public." attitude though...

I love your attitude that every 'kid' is inferior.

And for the record, I don't have that attitude. Fact be known, most of the time when I've left a computer, it's better off than when I found it. If I find out it has spyware, I download and run spybot/adaware. If I see it has a virus, I take it upon myself to run housecall. Little things like that.
2004-10-04, 7:08 PM #49
Originally posted by Freelancer
MaD CoW, the perfect analogy is a fireman. They exist for the express purpose of putting out fires, as well as responding first to some medical emergencies and other emergencies. There is no way in hell anyone would want a situation to arise where a fireman would be needed.

And you didn't read my subsequent rebuttal, did you? If you're not a government employee, this applies. Firemen are government (in a sense)
2004-10-05, 5:46 AM #50
I'm a fireman!

Ill say this: We massassians can make an issue outa ANYTHING. Damned good at it too.

Bummer if Darth and Yoshi attended the same place....
Founder of the Massassi Brute Squad (MBS)
Morituri Nolumus Mori
2004-10-05, 6:06 AM #51
Yes, yes we can. And I doubt that--the techs here don't know what AGP means, much less anything about the rest of the computer (except how to make a Norton Ghost backup and use it for every computer in the school :rolleyes: )
2004-10-05, 6:09 AM #52
Heh..the computer I'm on in the lab at school ([url][/url]) hasn't told me I can't do anything yet -- I found TweakUI in the Control Panel too..heh

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